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Arm's co.'s refusing to sell to NYPD!


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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2004
The Blaze is reporting that arms manufactures and supporters are refusing to sell guns to any government or law enforcement agencies that will not allow the purchase of legal firearms to it's citizens.
1/Olympic arms, inc
2/La Rue Tactical
3/EFI, LLC-Extreme Firepower
4/York Arms
5/Templar custom
6/Cheaper than dirt
One group( has joined w/ in asking people to contact other manufacturers like sig saur, smith and wsson and glock to do the same in supporting the 2nd amend. and citizens rights.
Hooray for free speech!!!
good cause, but not sure if its placed at the right people
It's being placed at the right-arm of the politician/law-makers, that are undermining the very constitution they have sworn to uphold. It won't be a politician arresting you or taking your gun away, it will be one of law enforcement. It will be his job on the line if he refuses. The law-makers have barricaded themselves w/360,000 + fed. laws to protect themselves from the constitution and the public. Other wise how would people like harry reid and nancy poloci get away breaking the laws of "a yearly fed budget" or "insider trading" and get away with it? We've had no budget for 4yrs and harry's excuse is he cut a deal w/the repubs. Does that fulfill the law of the constitution requiring a budget? How does martha stewart feel about nancy and her husband not applying the "insider trading" law to themselves? I guess the 1.2 mill they made was above their comprehension? No, it is in the right place.
"The penalty for what happens to the person of law enforcement, should be paid for by the politician/law-maker weilding the law." Sorry, I'll get off my saop box now. But you get the point.
Damn right! Cut Mayor Bloomberg & Gov Cumo access to bodygaurds with guns and see how quick they retract this nonsense...

How men like those two and the Obummer sleep at night is beyond me....
Teh peop;e of new yourk need to have a vote of no confidence and remove those 2 clowns and as well as schumer and the other progressives.
You are facing a wall of uneducated people. That's how Obama got reelected.
I work in a LARGE gun dept and one morning a fellow associate parked next to a black guy with Obama/Biden stickers all over his SUV. Store wasn't open yet but people were there at 6:00 AM hoping to get an AR when we opened. Friend said HI to the guy and he said DAMN look at all those people waiting. I was hoping to get an AR before the idiots ban them. Our guy said I assume you voted for Obama from all the stickers on your car. The guy said Yes, why? Our guy said Well you know WHO is gonna try and ban them don't you? The guy said NO who? Our guy said OBAMA and the gun hateing democrats. The guy said NO WAY he wouldnt do that. He refused to believe Obama was anti gun.
And THESE are the people who voted for him.
The Blaze is reporting that arms manufactures and supporters are refusing to sell guns to any government or law enforcement agencies that will not allow the purchase of legal firearms to it's citizens.
1/Olympic arms, inc
2/La Rue Tactical
3/EFI, LLC-Extreme Firepower
4/York Arms
5/Templar custom
6/Cheaper than dirt
One group( has joined w/ in asking people to contact other manufacturers like sig saur, smith and wsson and glock to do the same in supporting the 2nd amend. and citizens rights.
Hooray for free speech!!!

How about not selling guns to the secret service:)
Ronnie Barrett has refused to sell to CA law enforcement ever since they banned 50's.
Spikes’ Tactical Joins List of Government, LEO Boycotters

Spike's Tactical

Updated Policy for State and Local Law Enforcement Agency Sales:

In light of the recent and numerous anti-gun and anti-2nd Amendment laws pending across the Nation, Spike’s Tactical will be joining other manufacturers and distributors and limiting the business we do in states that have limited the right to keep and bear arms for their citizens.

As of today, it will be our policy not to sell prohibited items to law enforcement agencies, government agencies and agents in states, counties, cities and municipalities that have enacted restrictive gun control laws against their citizens. We urge other companies to join in support.

List of companies that joined the Boycott

  • LaRue Tactical
  • Olympic Arms
  • Extreme Firepower Inc, LLC
  • Templar Custom
  • York Arms
  • NEW: Cheaper than Dirt
  • NEW: Midway USA
  • Spike's Tactical
  • Exile Machine LLC
The liberals keep telling the American people that they dont need an AR15 to go hunting over and over again... All you need is a shotgun says Biden.
Well, it's to protect us from our government. Protect us from tyranny foreign and DOMESTIC.... The left don't want anyone to be aware of why Americans really have guns sitting in safes collecting dust.

Kinda like them taking our insurance away. Nobody cares about insurance until you need to use it!
Has anyone found out why the feds bought up all the ammo? According to Chief Kessler the dept. of homeland security has been stock piling billions of rounds,and machine guns at a startling rate. Which is why the shelves at our gun stores are empty.
Has anyone found out why the feds bought up all the ammo? According to Chief Kessler the dept. of homeland security has been stock piling billions of rounds,and machine guns at a startling rate. Which is why the shelves at our gun stores are empty.
Because if the American people go into a frenzy like 2008, the military is stuck with a shortage. They are doing what we are doing...Stockpiling.

Im sure there is a conspericy theory to this too.
Home land security is the military?

More co.'s signing up!

Bullwater Enterprises
Westfork Armory
Smith Enterprise
Alex arms
Quality arms
Liberty Suppressors
Doublestar Corp
American Spirit Arms
Trident Armory
Head Down Products
J&G sales
The military is souppose to have it's own avenue for bullet aquisition, not the public shelves. Besides, if this sequestration Obamination pushed for goes thru, there won't be anybody to shoot those bullets. The army is to be cut funding of 78%. Maybe obamination will give the manufacturers an i.o.u.! lol
Here is an updated list of Gun manufactures that support 2nd Amendment....

More and more companies have announced they are restricting sales not only to civilians, but also law enforcement and government purchasers in states which have passed restrictions on civilians owning modern firearms and accessories.
The list is growing rapidly and is now up to nearly three dozen companies, with more coming on almost hourly.
Here’s the list of the good guys standing behind freedom:
The military is souppose to have it's own avenue for bullet aquisition, not the public shelves. Besides, if this sequestration Obamination pushed for goes thru, there won't be anybody to shoot those bullets. The army is to be cut funding of 78%. Maybe obamination will give the manufacturers an i.o.u.! lol

I know what your saying. Yes they are getting it from the manufactures. The same manufactures that supply us! So it does affect everyone.
Because if the American people go into a frenzy like 2008, the military is stuck with a shortage. They are doing what we are doing...Stockpiling.

Im sure there is a conspericy theory to this too.
INCORRECT! The military must use ball ammo (as per the Geneva convention) the DHS is buying close to 2 BILLION rounds of hollow point ammo. That is for domestic LE use and cannot be used for foreign conflicts.