Art Carr's Tech Session Sept 10, 2005


Oct 3, 2001
:biggrin: Dear , Interested Buick Turbo People

Subject: Art Carr Tech Session

Dear Club Members & potential Club Members,

Please mark your calendars for a special tech session at Art Carr’s business, “California Performance Transmission” which will be held on Saturday, September 10th, 2005. We will be meeting at 11:30 a.m. and the session will start approximately about 12:00 p.m. Art will share updates about his business as well as any new products and features for our 2004R Transmissions. Also Art usually offers a Q & A time for your personal information. The BGNRA is also inviting the Southern California Chapter of the GSCA Buick Club!

A delicious lunch will be provided during a break in the Session. Then we will resume with practical hands on demonstration of one of our Buicks on a lift for all to evaluate.

So Come One and Come All as Art Carr is the original innovator of heavy duty internal transmission parts for our 2004R and has built some of the transmissions for turbo cars in the nation. Please confirm your RSVP with Art so he knows how many to plan the lunch, and please Feel free to visit our website at for more details and register.

Thank Again, Steve Hurst, President-BGNRA
Club Phone Number: 714-772-6201