BART-Bay Area Rapid Transit (Police Shooting w/ Video)

Your son is not an animal and would not put himself in a postion like this scumbag did. Again, not defending that what the cop did by shooting him was right. But once again, we all know that was not his intention.

Nevertheless, he was a smartazz punk talken sh!t and if he did that out on the street yes he would have got his azz kicked by the police. If he had a father his father would have done that. But sometimes little sh!theads like that need to get their teeth knocked out and show some respect so they can go thru life knowing that if you disrespect people they will sh!t on you.

As a kid I would have never in a million years even have looked at a cop cross eyed and if my father found I had he would have been kicken my teeth out.

He was just another street punk. Thats it. As I said, society wont miss him and his future kids that I and the rest of us would have ended up having to work overtime to support. Fuk him!

and your a LEO?

only thing missing is the shot in the back, Some of you have no respect for the dead. But I guess why should you ? " ANIMAL " seems to be more of a general statement than anything.

Some of you old racist White men never seem to amaze me :biggrin: I love this board it lets me know you still exist...
I have read some ignorant and retarted posts before, mostly from Red but yours take the cake? What is that you do for a living? You probably hide behind some desk and answer phones in your protected little environment. I doubt it has anything to do with putting yourself in harms way day in and day out. Have you ever even been in a confrontation you little coward?

Do you think the Police are called out to the scene because someone wants to tell them what a great day they are having? They are called out 90% of the time because there is a problem that usually resorts in some sort of physical confrontation. You think they are called out to the scene so some azzhole like you can tell them what a great day they are having? Get a clue!

You think most cops choose this career because they have predator instincts? Are you a complete retard? If not, you certainly appear to be.

Cops dont have any more authority then any other civilian does. The constistution applies to everyone equally. The only difference between a Cop and a civilian is if a criminal committs a crime a Police officer is mandated by law to act. Unlike cowards like you who would quiver and run away and hide inside your car and call the police from your cell phone vs. intervening and putting yourself in harms way...:rolleyes:

What makes you think cops hate their job? What, because one cop in CA did a stupid thing all cops now hate their job? You sound like a complete idiot! You sound like one of those cowards who got his azz kicked every day in High school and are still pissed off about it.

Search warrants for garbage bags are designed to catch Identity thiefs, Drug dealers, Pedofiles, Rapists, etc... Maybe your have a guilty conscience about something?

Maybe you should stop driving like an azzhole and then you wouldn't get pulled over in the first place. Did that ever cross your mind?

Why dont you try running your mouth to a cop in a club and see how many of your teeth get knocked out vs. him "Reaching for his badge" to hide behind it....:rolleyes: You have been watching too much TV.

In case you don't keep up with current events a Cop is more likely to be prosecuted for a crime then a civilian because prosecutors like to make examples out of them. Prosecutors have descretion but they rarely use it when it involves a Police officer. So your impression that cops are impervious to prosecution is about as far off as the rest of your cowardly comments.

Stop being a jerk!!!

When I busted you in a couple of lies earlier this month it got you so mad I am sure you would have found an excuse to tase me if we were together, and when I read your comments about cops and knocking out teeth in bar fights...WOW I again ask what do you think your supervisors and public would say about the comments you post here?

When you act like a child it makes all the good cops look like you - bad.

The way you talk about your job reminds me of this guy:
YouTube - Freestlye Rap Battle: Translated
Me, I respect the law, but I don't always respect the man enforcing it. (Example) I took my wife, daughter and granddaughter to the market, so I pull up to the market and drop them off. Well the minute I pull out I see a cop car behind me, and after a minute or two he pulls me over which I knew he would do. He comes up to my window and without missing a beat, says "You think the rules don't phucking apply to you?!" I was like what?! But I said nothing and got my paper work and license, he says the reason that I pulled you over is you were parked in a no parking zone, I said I was dropping off my family, it was raining, I wasn't there more than a few seconds, and he says, "I don't give a phuck why you were there!" I kept my mouth shut, and waited for him to run me and let me go. Which after what seemed like an hour, he did. Now you tell me, did I deserve to have this SGT, talk to me like that... NO!!! But that doesn't matter because he's a cop and if you don't shut your mouth and do as your told, well you see what the outcome can be! I have raised my children to respect the law, and told them just to obey because your not going to win. But if a cop like that SGT pulled me over and I was with my son, and my son says, did we do something wrong officer? A simple question, and that cop tells my son to get out the car smartass and proceeds to abuse my son, only god will have mercy on him, because I sure as hell won't!!! The animals sometime wear badges!!!
Stop being a jerk!!!

When I busted you in a couple of lies earlier this month it got you so mad I am sure you would have found an excuse to tase me if we were together, and when I read your comments about cops and knocking out teeth in bar fights...WOW I again ask what do you think your supervisors and public would say about the comments you post here?

When you act like a child it makes all the good cops look like you - bad.

The way you talk about your job reminds me of this guy:
YouTube - Freestlye Rap Battle: Translated

Lol... Like I said. Act like an animal, get treated like one. Go to any major city and run ur mouth like that and see what happens. You'll get ur ass kicked just like they did in the old days when people actally respected cops. You think the police are there to make friends with everyone? Your living in a fantasy world if u think that.

What do you do for a living? I doubt it has anyting to do with putting urself in harms way every night and dealing with little sh!theads like that.

Fathers need to learn to raise their kids vs having society raise them.
Lol... Like I said. Act like an animal, get treated like one. Go to any major city and run ur mouth like that and see what happens. You'll get ur ass kicked just like they did in the old days when people actally respected cops. You think the police are there to make friends with everyone? Your living in a fantasy world if u think that.

What do you do for a living? I doubt it has anyting to do with putting urself in harms way every night and dealing with little sh!theads like that.

Fathers need to learn to raise their kids vs having society raise them.

Now a days, you'll get strip of your job and probably get sued as well.. Look what happen to that LEO in the video, He accidentally,and Unprofessionally took someone's life and NOW he's in the situation that he's in. It wont be Long when the other Cop in the video that "knock the teeth" out the victim because he disrespected him (most likely) he will be in HOT water.. Hey but what do i know? :wink: Don't let your peers or sergeant for that matter read what you have been posting!,trust me they wont take it in a positive manner.:rolleyes:
I'll be sure to hide my comments from them. Especially my Sergeant.....:rolleyes:

Now a days, the internet will BITE YOU.
like a thug in the street
same goes to a thug with a badge in the street.

but what do i know again?

i was only a local ex-cop in a town of approximately 2.2 million compared to yours.
Now a days, the internet will BITE YOU.
like a thug in the street
same goes to a thug with a badge in the street.

but what do i know again?

i was only a local ex-cop in a town of approximately 2.2 million compared to yours.

Ok, Captain America....
Enough with the insults people. I'm sure all of us here are good people. Point being NONE of us would purposefully engage in any of this kind of behavior being discussed. Could we please move on to other topics and let the courts sort out the trouble down in the bay area? Thanks. :redface:

WOW this is the first time i saw this video and its ugly.

Yea, he was just some punk smart azz talken sh!t to the cop and that's why the cop stuck his fist in his face which was just where it belonged.

Society won't miss that POS. It just goes to show he was an azzhole long before he was ever taken to the ground and continued to give the cops sh!t.

Yea the cop fuked up but fuk him. I know his type and deal with them on a daily basis. Act like an animal and get treated like one. Did he deserve to die? No, but he did deserve a better azz kicken.

what the cop did was a b-i-t-ch move. and we all know it.
he has a gun on his side plenty of back up and he sucker punches the guy what a b-i-t-ch, he acted just like a bunk gang member in front of his gang with plenty of protection.

put the gun away and leave the badge at home and put your hands up like a man dont do it while in uniform and with your gun on your side. you very well know that you will not get hit back because if you did the first thing you would do is reach for your gun. Speaking in general not speciaclly you Brett but to a cop that would do this because doing this is acting like a b-i-t-ch.
WOW this is the first time i saw this video and its ugly.

what the cop did was a b-i-t-ch move. and we all know it.
he has a gun on his side plenty of back up and he sucker punches the guy what a b-i-t-ch, he acted just like a bunk gang member in front of his gang with plenty of protection.

put the gun away and leave the badge at home and put your hands up like a man dont do it while in uniform and with your gun on your side. you very well know that you will not get hit back because if you did the first thing you would do is reach for your gun. Speaking in general not speciaclly you Brett but to a cop that would do this because doing this is acting like a b-i-t-ch.

Oh please, ur hurting the feeling of all Cops in America...:eek: You sound like one of those kids who got beat up in high school every day then tried his hand in law law enforcement and couldn't hack it cause he was scard, cowardly or just didn't think they could measure up. There is no shame in that. it's not for everyone. And it obvioulsy wasn't for you couse your an EX-cop now so you say.

You don't have to keep defending yourself. I know, you left the PD for personal or family reasons or you got hurt or whatever... bla,bla,bla. We in law enforcement have heard all the excuses of EX cops and see this type of behavior and animosity towards cops who just could not measure up.

It's evident from ur b-i-t-c-h comments how you feel about cops. That's ok, It's how EX cops vent who couldn't live up to their own expetations. Like I said, there is no shame in it so move on.

You are well aware that the cop didn't intend to kill anyone that day and made a mistake but if it makes you feel better to vent at him or other in law enforcement then that's up to you. You believe what you want it really makes no difference to me. I didn't kill him.
Oh please, ur hurting the feeling of all Cops in America...:eek: You sound like one of those kids who got beat up in high school every day then tried his hand in law law enforcement and couldn't hack it cause he was scard, cowardly or just didn't think they could measure up. There is no shame in that. it's not for everyone. And it obvioulsy wasn't for you couse your an EX-cop now so you say.

You don't have to keep defending yourself. I know, you left the PD for personal or family reasons or you got hurt or whatever... bla,bla,bla. We in law enforcement have heard all the excuses of EX cops and see this type of behavior and animosity towards cops who just could not measure up.

It's evident from ur b-i-t-c-h comments how you feel about cops. That's ok, It's how EX cops vent who couldn't live up to their own expetations. Like I said, there is no shame in it so move on.

You are well aware that the cop didn't intend to kill anyone that day and made a mistake but if it makes you feel better to vent at him or other in law enforcement then that's up to you. You believe what you want it really makes no difference to me. I didn't kill him.

ok captain america, :) .. i think this is reffering to TURBOTERRORV6 (which is ME)... honestly i left the force,because im done,and retired in 2000 =)... im relaxing in my ranch,browsing ignorant stupid people comments,and im not in KNEE high DEPT =) wow, i can hit the nails in coffins too!:cool:
ex-military as well,so no need for any other insults or in direct disgrace comments to the good cops out there!.. The fact of the matter is,its not about the cop that accidently killed the civilian,but the comments you spew..and your gun doesnt make you a MAN in this world. Im done with this thread,and im done hitting the nails in your head....

back to TURBO BUICKS..

Brett all BS a side you really respect a guy that does that?
I find it hard to believe you Do, especially because of how tuff you say you are.
Seriously That’s a coward’s move to have a gun on your side and to then hit some one that you very well know is not going to hit you back. I mean I have no problem going for mines win or loose no big deal but I wouldn’t hit back a cop because even if I won the fight the looser would press charges which would add up to a long unwanted vacation.
One thing is sticking up for you own but to back and applaud such a cowardly move like that is just plain low.
Brett all BS a side you really respect a guy that does that?
I find it hard to believe you Do, especially because of how tuff you say you are.
Seriously That’s a coward’s move to have a gun on your side and to then hit some one that you very well know is not going to hit you back. I mean I have no problem going for mines win or loose no big deal but I wouldn’t hit back a cop because even if I won the fight the looser would press charges which would add up to a long unwanted vacation.
One thing is sticking up for you own but to back and applaud such a cowardly move like that is just plain low.

OMG people! For the last time he confused his gun for his Taser. I have few friends in Cali who work as cops there and have discused this with them in detail. There is no offical word or statements but it is common knowledge that he mistakenly drew the wrong weapon. You keep saying he had no right to pull his gun, I agree 100%. He made a mistake a drew a weapon of similar size with a trigger and pulled it thinking he was going to Taser someone to end the struggle. You and many others have stated many times there were several officers on top of him. Why would there be a need for so many officers to be on top of him if he wasnt continuing to resist arrest.

The azzhole was resisting arrest. It dosent matter how many cops are around him or not. Cops dont want to get injured and blow out discs like I and thousands of other cops have done on more then one occasion.

Back (Disc) injuries are the number #1 reason cops and every other profession is the United states miss work each year. Look it up for urself if you dont believe me that back injuries contribute to more missed work then any other injury. If you work behind a desk or drive a truck or dont have a profession that requires physical confrontation on a regular basis then you would not understand the importance of preventing that from occuring because if you have a desk job the only time ur gonna get hurt is likely somewhere other then work.

Why do people have this misconception that we should have to struggle with someone for any given amout of time when we have a non lethal device to prevent that? Can we use it any time we choose? No. But he was a little azzhole punk and the device was designed to deal with people just like him who want to push the police as far as they can and make them get physical with them to restrain them.

Tasers were approved in my department alone for that specific reason. To reduce the amout of workers comp case claims due to injury sustained from struggling with suspects and ended up with more missed time from work for which the city now has to pay overtime to replace the missing officer as well as and surgeries or physical therapy to rehabilate the officer. Even reach down to pick something up and tweak ur back? Try doing that with a 200 lb man.

For Gods sake have a little common sense. Do you honestly belive the guy just drew his weapon and shot some guy in the back over a struggle for a disorderly conduct charge in a crowded train station? Cmon, open ur eyes and stop being so ignorant. He did it as calmy as I and thousands of others have done when tasering someone cause you know it is just to control the suspect so you don't have to continue fighting with him and its over in (5) seconds.

We are taught that if you can Taser someone in the back it is an excellent place to do so it cause they will have a harder time pulling out the prongs if its in their back then chest or legs.

Suspect Rips Off Taser Prongs, Grabs Cop's Gun -

Your entitled to think whatever you want but I can tell you your 100% wrong on what your thinking his intentions were.

Belive what you want, im thru debating on what happened to this azzhole.
Never mind
i was talking about the other video.
i already said a few posts back that i also felt it was an accident.
i'll steer clear of this thread for a while.