BART-Bay Area Rapid Transit (Police Shooting w/ Video)

[But again, what could he have possibly gained by committing such an act on purpose? Common sense says otherwise.

You sure Brett? Maybe for you it does but for him??

Murder doesn't require common sense...rather a lack of it seems to be necessary...
[But again, what could he have possibly gained by committing such an act on purpose? Common sense says otherwise.

You sure Brett? Maybe for you it does but for him??

Murder doesn't require common sense...rather a lack of it seems to be necessary...

If you really believe that that former cops intention was to murder that idiot then it's you that is lacking the common sense.
If you really believe that that former cops intention was to murder that idiot then it's you that is lacking the common sense.

And if you can honestly sit there and repeat that there is WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that this was purely and simply an accident...then you sir are lacking in many things..common sense amongst the least of them....

Get off your soapbox Brett, and stop going there...

No one is persecuting nor prosecuting the officer, but the video simply does not paint an "accidental" picture...the "accident" turned "intentional" once he removed his gun from his that point it stopped being an "accident" and became what it should not that split second did he stop and think no...did he realize what he had done afterwards which led to his response...yes but that does not make it an accident...

I am sorry that you cannot discuss this without resorting to insults. I know that this is a topic that is close to you, and I am not passing judgement but like the freedom that you risk your life to enforce........

Steve Chambers
hmmm...ok Brett will do...

Steve Chambers

I appologize for comming across like an azzhole. I'm having a sh!ty day. My Lyme disease is making me miserable today with terrible muscle pain.

I guess we will just agree to disagree.
I appologize for comming across like an azzhole. I'm having a sh!ty day. My Lyme disease is making me miserable today with terrible muscle pain.

I guess we will just agree to disagree.

Take a deep breath and count to ten.
No body hates you. Dude.
I appologize for comming across like an azzhole. I'm having a sh!ty day. My Lyme disease is making me miserable today with terrible muscle pain.

I guess we will just agree to disagree.

Thats terrible Brett...

I guess I can let you off the hook, you don't seem to enjoy being an azzhole...I on the other hand wake up to it...
Thats terrible Brett...

I guess I can let you off the hook, you don't seem to enjoy being an azzhole...I on the other hand wake up to it...

Yea I have good days and bad days. The medicine is worse then the disease.

Could always be worse tho I guess. People ask how im doing and I say "Better then some, worse then others". I guess im still alive which is more then I can say for the guy that cop shot.

I'll be curious to see if it goes to trial or not. The prosecutor may think he has such a solid case based on the video evidence that he/she may not buckle on the murder charge.

He will certainly have a lot of political pressure to do just that.

But I doubt the cop will plead to that. The Taser defense may not lessen the severity of what happened but I think his attorney will likely go for that. I don't see any other plausable defense.
All they have to do is move the case to NY and he would some how walk away.
Or put the Victim on trial which some have already done here.

He can take a case with out a jury, just a judge like the case in NY
He can have the case moved to Pleasantville like the other case in NY
my question is why was he even going for his taser when the guy was clearly not needing to be tased. with him touching the guy if he did indeed zap him he would have got himself and any other officer that was touching the guy.
with him touching the guy if he did indeed zap him he would have got himself and any other officer that was touching the guy.

The Taser dosen't function like that. Don't you think Taser International thought that out before they sold millions of units to Police and Military around the world......:rolleyes:

Yea, he was just some punk smart azz talken sh!t to the cop and that's why the cop stuck his fist in his face which was just where it belonged.

Society won't miss that POS. It just goes to show he was an azzhole long before he was ever taken to the ground and continued to give the cops sh!t.

Yea the cop fuked up but fuk him. I know his type and deal with them on a daily basis. Act like an animal and get treated like one. Did he deserve to die? No, but he did deserve a better azz kicken.
Yea, he was just some punk smart azz talken sh!t to the cop and that's why the cop stuck his fist in his face which was just where it belonged.

Society won't miss that POS. It just goes to show he was an azzhole long before he was ever taken to the ground and continued to give the cops sh!t.

Yea the cop fuked up but fuk him. I know his type and deal with them on a daily basis. Act like an animal and get treated like one. Did he deserve to die? No, but he did deserve a better azz kicken.

Hell, the dude could have been cussing the cop or calling his wife a whore, the cop is a professional and should be above that letting that kind of thing get to him. Leaving your prisoner to walk over and punch a guy is TOTAL Bull****. Then shooting him dead...who the **** do they thing they are now a days?

Now put this in perspective, when back in my days,i was that cop in that video, Knocking the teeth out your SON,and my partner shooting his ass in the back, think about it and get back at me!..

and don't give me that LIBERAL pussified america BS,because i damn sure will give my life and perpatrator a living hell of death,if they ever shot my boy!!!

I have a 20 yr. old son, never been in trouble in his think that my kid could make the mistake of smartmouthing a cop and getting killed for it make me sick. I'll gaurantee you one thing...I believe in an eye for an eye.. ..and intimadation won't get you NO WHERE.
I have a 20 yr. old son, never been in trouble in his life...

Its probably cause of your choices as a father. Good job. Some here are failing to see why it got to this situation. What did he and his boys do to get the cops there? Why didnt he just get on his knees and STFU? The cop was wrong. I think no one is agruing that. "Urban" kids think they have the right to be disrespectfull to the law. Its cause of up bringing. "The man is always out to get us" mentallity really gets old.
i agree with you 100 % on raising a kid right, but the real world is still a tough world to live by,doesn't matter how you see things(good or bad), People are still going to be disrespectfull. LEO have to hold the highest standard,and not let WORDS get to you.. this is how situations escalade when hell breaks LOSE!
Now put this in perspective, when back in my days,i was that cop in that video, Knocking the teeth out your SON,and my partner shooting his ass in the back, think about it and get back at me!..

I have a 20 yr. old son, never been in trouble in his think that my kid could make the mistake of smartmouthing a cop and getting killed for it make me sick. I'll gaurantee you one thing...I believe in an eye for an eye.. ..and intimadation won't get you NO WHERE.

Your son is not an animal and would not put himself in a postion like this scumbag did. Again, not defending that what the cop did by shooting him was right. But once again, we all know that was not his intention.

Nevertheless, he was a smartazz punk talken sh!t and if he did that out on the street yes he would have got his azz kicked by the police. If he had a father his father would have done that. But sometimes little sh!theads like that need to get their teeth knocked out and show some respect so they can go thru life knowing that if you disrespect people they will sh!t on you.

As a kid I would have never in a million years even have looked at a cop cross eyed and if my father found I had he would have been kicken my teeth out.

He was just another street punk. Thats it. As I said, society wont miss him and his future kids that I and the rest of us would have ended up having to work overtime to support. Fuk him!