BART-Bay Area Rapid Transit (Police Shooting w/ Video)

In my eyes, there was no reason to draw a weapon, not even a taser if the suspect was on the ground and cuffed.(

4 cops, 1 man not cooperating and he had to pull out a gun? :confused: why not give him a beat down with the knight stick?
The Taser is (5) seconds of discomfort with zero aftermath. A beating with a nightstick usually requires a trip to the ER and a zipper across ones head requiring multible staples. If I was struggling with someone as long as they were I would have tasered him 5-10 seconds earlier.

Why should I have to struggle with someone for any amout of time and risk blowing out a disc in my neck or back as I and thousands of other cops have done?

I give one warning to comply. That's it, then they get Tasered. It's not a debate and im not going to argue with someone when they are under arrest. The arrest isn't going to change. How one gets to lock-up is entiriey up to them. It can be thru compliance or Taser assisted.
Most of them are yellow actually. Our tactical unit has the all black unit.

It also comes down to which unit you carry. If you carry the one with a camera and audio recorder it is slightly heavier and larger then the one without the video/audio cabability. The unit without video/audio is very small and lightweight and would be difficult to confuse with a gun. The cartridge(Taser deployment unit) is also yellow.

I was offered to carry the all black one but I actually want people to distinguish between the Taser and a gun because like I said the Taser is much more intimidating then the gun in 99% of our confrontational situations.

We carry black Tasers and have had accusations of officers pointing guns at people in situations that did not warrant the use of a firearm. So distinguishing the two is pretty important. Most people around here are very afraid of the taser!

Did u have to be shot with the Taser to be certified to carry it?....we did:D
We carry black Tasers and have had accusations of officers pointing guns at people in situations that did not warrant the use of a firearm. So distinguishing the two is pretty important. Most people around here are very afraid of the taser!

Did u have to be shot with the Taser to be certified to carry it?....we did:D

And.... What does it feel like???

I have a very close friend on the force, but he's not a Sergeant or I'd have all ready tried it.

Quite interesting to see a 300lb man drop like a sack of Potatos, it must pack quite a punch ;)

I find my self laughing at the Drunks getting tasered, takes them a second to
notice they are on the ground (5 seconds later)
We carry our tazer on a different side than our weapon. So this will not happen. No matter what happens that city or dept will have to pay a big lawsuit.
Did u have to be shot with the Taser to be certified to carry it?....we did:D

Yea, it is mandatory to get electrocuted or you don't carry it. There were a few cowards who were afraid to get zapped. Those are the same cowards that wait for (5) cars to arrive on scene before entering into a domestic situation if he/she is the first on scene.....:rolleyes:

I will admit that it is something I could go the rest of my life without experiencing again.

I have had career criminals from the projects say that they would rather get their azz kicked by the police then being Tasered again...;)

I just find it hard to believe that there are still some departments that don't afford their officers this tool. Less then 1/2% of 1% of all officers in this country fire their weapon at a suspect throughout their career.

When I first got my Taser I used to (3) times in two weeks. Of course I work in the pits of Bridgeport, CT but that is probably (3) more times then I will ever have to shoot someone with my firearm, atleast I hope. There are many other states that have areas just as jungle like and even worse then mine that aren't afforded this tool.
I saw that on another forum, and i.m.o. it was murder.
Three cops surrounding a guy who is on his stomach face down and the cop cannot feel the differance between a taser and a glock......yah ok.

Looked like he also had his knee jammed in his back when he assassinated the kid.

In Connecticut when there is a Police involved shooting the State Police takes over the investigation. IMO that's the way is should be. An unbiased agency should investigate an incident of this magnitude.

Maybe their Highway Patrol should investigate the matter. That's the problem with the term "Highway Patrol" vs. "State Police" it just dosen't sound as authoritive IMO. Even know the "Highway Patrol" has the same state wide authority as "State Police" do in other states. Either way an outside agency other then the one it occurred in should handle a police shooting so there is no claim of preference given to the local PD and what relation one of the investigators might have with the involved officer.

Although, in NY City that is not the case. They do investigate their own officer involved shootings. But they also have obout 60,000 officers and NY City also has some of the finest detectives in the world.
I think ur out of line.

I saw that on another forum, and i.m.o. it was murder.
Looked like he also had his knee jammed in his back when he assassinated the kid.

So let me get this straight, U think that it was murder and an assasination. Let me ask U this .. Do u honestly believe that the Officer believed he would be able to shoot this guy in the back and everything would be fine? If U answer yes then ur also accusing all the other Officers on scene of being dirty. Its obvious that the Officer made a mistake and a life was taken, but the law does recognize the different types of death at the hands of another. An example would be negligent homicide. Or if ur a Law and Order fan U may have heard the "Murder One, or Murder Two" nonsense. The point is that although its your opinion and U are certainly entitled to it, it is my opinion U have no idea of what ur talking about. Sorry to be so confrontational but I had to write on this.

Although, in NY City that is not the case. They do investigate their own officer involved shootings. But they also have obout 60,000 officers and NY City also has some of the finest detectives in the world.
Chicago also does there own investigations, we had another one Yesterday morning combined with a good 4-6 minute car chase. (As the self proclaimed Pursuit Specialist I think its obvious how it ended;) ) No injuries, Offender caught, and the Officer gets a couple of days off to collect himself. Fortunately I have never had to fire my weapon yet and I stress yet because I personally feel that when I do, I know it will be the correct decision.
I see on CNN the animals are in rare form again by jumping on police cars and destroying public property. And they wonder why they are treated like animals. I could see if a verdict came back as not guilty in a case like this but atleast give the criminal justice system a chance to function before you resort to animalistic behavior....:rolleyes:
So let me get this straight, U think that it was murder and an assasination. Let me ask U this .. Do u honestly believe that the Officer believed he would be able to shoot this guy in the back and everything would be fine? If U answer yes then ur also accusing all the other Officers on scene of being dirty. Its obvious that the Officer made a mistake and a life was taken, but the law does recognize the different types of death at the hands of another. An example would be negligent homicide. Or if ur a Law and Order fan U may have heard the "Murder One, or Murder Two" nonsense. The point is that although its your opinion and U are certainly entitled to it, it is my opinion U have no idea of what ur talking about. Sorry to be so confrontational but I had to write on this.

I am not going to get into any debate on this but fact of the matter is there was no reason to shoot and or taser that reason at all!
In the video the shooting officer appears to have his knee on his back with the kid face down lying on his stomach with two other officers within 2 feet.

I.M.O. there was not need to pull a taser or gun in that situation.
I am not going to get into any debate on this but fact of the matter is there was no reason to shoot and or taser that reason at all!
In the video the shooting officer appears to have his knee on his back with the kid face down lying on his stomach with two other officers within 2 feet.

I.M.O. there was not need to pull a taser or gun in that situation.

I agree with you, the officer needs his nuts cut out. That is a hell of a mistake to make.........there is an old saying "you make your bed and you sleep in it". I'm all for justice, be it on the right or the left side of the law. While in the military I knew weather I was shooting an M16 or a SAW, you are trained and know what you are using and to keep your wits about you while under fire. The police must go through some pretty good training as well. It wasn't like the officer was getting bum rushed by several people and mistakenly drew his side arm instead of his taser. The officer had time to react. On one of the film clips they said that the officers were confiscating camera phones......over my dead body would they take mine. Guess my ass would have to get tased, but I would rather get tased than sprayed with OC Spray..........bad ju ju there! :eek:
I just watched the video. I believe this was an accidental discharge. The gun discharges, and you can actually see the officer's upper body flinch. That tells me he was not prepared for the loud sound. The officers arms go to his sides at that point in what I'm reading as an, "Oh, crap." He then stands there for quite a while. I don't believe for a minute he is a cold blooded murderer who choses to execute this person. That's silly talk.

I feel very sorry for everyone involved here. There are no winners, and two victims. A family has lost a loved one, and the ex-officer will have to live with this for the rest of his life.