Beat by an STI


Ah crap...Im gonna bring my girl, you seem to be nice when she's around.
Good ! she can watch while I whip you for coming on here & I have to read about all this expert advise being rendered. For eveyones information Flaco here has got the wrong down pipe, Air cleaner, intercooler,too tight of a converter & doubt that it's even the right TR application & intended for a NA car. I gave him a car with in his budget to get around in till he can afford the right equipment.Stock turbo being the least of his problems. Meanwhile I'm giving the entire kill section a shut up stupid ! ! till I get a chance to fix Mr. Flacos problems. Good day Lou !
Good ! she can watch while I whip you for coming on here & I have to read about all this expert advise being rendered. For eveyones information Flaco here has got the wrong down pipe, Air cleaner, intercooler,too tight of a converter & doubt that it's even the right TR application & intended for a NA car. I gave him a car with in his budget to get around in till he can afford the right equipment.Stock turbo being the least of his problems. Meanwhile I'm giving the entire kill section a shut up stupid ! ! till I get a chance to fix Mr. Flacos problems. Good day Lou !

I'm sorry pappa Lou! I didn't know posting about me getting beat would throw so many panties in a twist! I am saving my meager earnings to get the right stuff. Down side is my girl is still gonna have to wear ripped jeans a lil longer;)
Al do you remember the whipping you got after showing up 10 min.late to work. Thats whats in store for Flaco & this embarrassment. Next visit to the shop the car is getting impounded till such time that it's up to standards. That punk with the STI will also be history. if you remember I just was released for the hospital & wanted to get his car finished & back to him till I recuperated. Well I'm back up to speed & I want that piece of a Buick back to finish the job. Meanwhile If I read about any more of this vile crap till such time there will be dire consequence's.

LOL.. uh isn't this exactly how the Chicken started out? So look how that turned out bwahahahahaha :tongue:

Why...whatever do you mean?:confused:
I don't have a habit or anything...

Crap...I'm a lousy liar...:rolleyes:

YES...OK...YES.....are you happy?
Yes...this is exactly how it all started with me....only difference being I beat the STi... speed part at a time...and eventually...a Lou Czarnota Frankenmotor backed by a good converter and trans and I became the complete anti social boost freak that I am today...and I still am getting my fix at a friendly 21 psi...

The good thing with Lou, is...once he's done abusing you in his indearing way...he always takes good care of your Turbo Buick. He's not like some builders who want to just take every last cent from you and get you charged up to your limit on 5 credit cards by selling you a bunch of 9 second parts for an 11 second goal.
He gets you to your goal at your pace and does it right and within your budget...and uses good reliable parts...

All praise Papa Lou!
Be careful some GNs including mine handle very well at speed and the little STI that did a fly by into a corner found that out when I went back around him in the corner... he-he Of course he wanted nothing to do with me in a straight line before said corner. having said that .. no snow for the GN, STI wins hands down :D

Oh and my White car has a stock turbo and I have no probs with any decently modded STI around here. Maybe because they think its just a regular Regal or they can't read...LOL

22psi @ 25 degrees timing MMM I bet Lou has seen this car before I took it back to Texas where it belongs .:tongue:

Some GNs, but not too many in my experience. Hard and straight is what I usually see for GN suspensions. The Subi folks need to run more E85 and alky -- I'm guessing none of these guys who are getting beat by GNs have discovered the benefits of either.
Some GNs, but not too many in my experience. Hard and straight is what I usually see for GN suspensions. The Subi folks need to run more E85 and alky -- I'm guessing none of these guys who are getting beat by GNs have discovered the benefits of either.

Agreed. But imagine the look on their face when Subi gets beat by a WHITE Regal. On the other hand my GN gets no action .. it looks bad, sounds bad and the 315 drag radials give it away...:D
Agreed. But imagine the look on their face when Subi gets beat by a WHITE Regal. On the other hand my GN gets no action .. it looks bad, sounds bad and the 315 drag radials give it away...:D

"Disbelief" probably doesn't do justice. The white looks frickin' great, btw.