You might not be able to run a lot of boost because of the extra fuel volume that will be needed. However,you will be in control of your situation with constant monitoring. 10.8 to 1 should be safe,but again you'll see for yourself what you can do. The thing that you will notice is how much faster the boost comes on. Once you reach the limits of your fuel supply capabilities,you might be able to advance the timing some for more power. The thing that will allow you to do this is your ability to monitor everything. A 50/50 mix should yield 100 octane,but it will probably allow you to do more than you could with 100 0ctane gasoline and again the quick spool will get you hooked on it. You'll need a chip with the ability to adjust WOT fuel. I like the adjust ability of the Extender Chip.thanks, what A/F to shoot for?
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