I was just in the gun store yesterday and they had a new line of handguns that I fell in love with. Downside, they start at about $1800 and pretty much end at about $2800. Unbelievable quality and virtually unheard of smoothness. NighthawkFirearms. Started by some Ex-Wilson gunnies. Anybody tried them out? I currently own 3 top shelf/drawer .45's: A very early blue on blue Springfield Trophy Match, A Les Baer Premier II, and a very early 70's series Colt worked over by Jim Hoag, but they pretty much pale in comparasion to the Nighthawks .45's that I looked at yesterday. Any comments, good or bad? Only 2" accuracy at 25 yards guarantee, where Baer's standard accuracy claim for their 5" .45's is 3" at 50 yards, with a 1.5" group at 50 yards accuracy guarantee available on most of their 5" guns for an extra $300.