breakin up! HELP PLEASE!!


1 of 463
Feb 10, 2002
just put new t63e and front mount on tonite. have brand new motor too with less than 1000 miles on it. went out for a test and tune and only have one problem. any boost over 10# and the car bucks and sneezes as if i let off of the gas. I mean falls on her face. also seems to stall alot if i get off the gas quickly. I have a 9in non-lock up art carr. I am running an open loop thumbwheel chip with 18 degrees of timing and 50# injectors. I had the feul pressure set at 50lbs with vac off for safety.any help with these problems would be appreciated.
My first inclination is that you are way too safe, way too rich. I had mine too rich once and it bucked so bad I thought I had torn it up. Probably woulda if I had kept stabbing it. Back off to 45lbs and roll into boost slowly. See if that cures it.
Originally posted by N2HIPSI
just put new t63e and front mount on tonite. have brand new motor too with less than 1000 miles on it. went out for a test and tune and only have one problem. any boost over 10# and the car bucks and sneezes as if i let off of the gas. I mean falls on her face. also seems to stall alot if i get off the gas quickly. I have a 9in non-lock up art carr. I am running an open loop thumbwheel chip with 18 degrees of timing and 50# injectors. I had the feul pressure set at 50lbs with vac off for safety.any help with these problems would be appreciated.
If you have a Max-Effort that sounds way high. What thumbwheel position? The Max-Effort seems to work better when going WOT than partial throttling it. I imagine you are going way rich with not enough boost!
It's way rich, I think. ME should work very well at any throttle position if set up right Set the fp at 42#.

If you are easing into the gas and it is acting like that, it could be compressor surge which is common with that turbo and larger ones...If you are wot, then it is acting like that, then there is another problem.

back up, set the fp correctly, and then give us a few more details.
Thanks guys. I'll try it first thing tomorrow and let you know. It is really cool to have you guys there for support. Thanks again