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Bully gets what he deserves


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More BS from this..

body slam "exhibition". [Maybe a new class at that school??]
Mother of Bully Body-Slammed in Video Demands Apology From Her Son's Victim -

I was not picked on, per se... had a couple BMOC's that thot I needed harassing for talking to their girl friends, etc.
Didn't work out well, for either of them.
One took a trip down the concrete steps, coming out of study hall.
One just plain got his a$$ whipped at gym class.
body slam "exhibition". [Maybe a new class at that school??]
Mother of Bully Body-Slammed in Video Demands Apology From Her Son's Victim -

I was not picked on, per se... had a couple BMOC's that thot I needed harassing for talking to their girl friends, etc.
Didn't work out well, for either of them.
One took a trip down the concrete steps, coming out of study hall.
One just plain got his a$$ whipped at gym class.

The bullys mom wants an apology, thats rich, it was his friends that posted the video,why should the victim apologize for this?
so of the online halarity that has spawned from it






Some just have to be taken down a notch or two and boy was he LOL !!!!!!!!
As someone who was not the biggest kid on the block, and got picked on/hazed/messed with up until I was a sophmore in high school, I think the big kid did the right thing. Video shows he was defending himself fair and square. I see the school's point for suspending both students, as they have to show the "victim" that he was in the wrong and should've just walked away... Problem is if he would've walked away, the hazing would've just continued. Its stuff like this that spawned the school shootings.

I too was taught to walk away from a fight. But having a father who served two tours in Vietnam, I was also taught how to defend myself when there was no walking away. And sometimes, walking away isn't an option.
That little punk got crushed!!!! just like he deserved.
my daughter takes tae kwon do she is not allowed to put her hands on anyone, however if they put their hands on her she is allowed to do whatever she thinks is neccesary to defend herself & she will not get in trouble by me or her mom.
Exactly what my dad taught me. If I were to start something, he would finish it. I was taught for defense only and to make sure they knew that I was not a pushover when it came down to business. :)

That little punk got crushed!!!! just like he deserved. my daughter takes tae kwon do she is not allowed to put her hands on anyone, however if they put their hands on her she is allowed to do whatever she thinks is neccesary to defend herself & she will not get in trouble by me or her mom.
The little rats mother (mrs Rat) should be apologizing to casey for her sons stupidity,(not the other way around) + thanking him for delicatly pointing out her sons, lets say, miscalculations in the art of bullying.
The next person he tried it on may have stabbed or shot him,or not just walked away after introducing him to the pavement,if casey was a violent person by nature he would have kept on going after the rodent,+ really did some damage.
In decades past i've had to pull friends off of idiots in bars, to protect them from going too far + ending up in jail It's not always easy to just switch it off when someone pushes you too far. Casey did just that,eliminated the threat + walked away,without any need to do further damage or trash talk or anything.
I think he should be commended for his restraint,I don't know if he knew exactly what he was doing there ,but he could have drove that kid straight down head first into the pavement instead of mostly legs first. He may of conciously or otherwise decided not to do that.
He also could have kicked him in the face afterwards etc. etc.
He also didn't go after the rats buddy who immedietly got in his face,while he was still wound up from the first punk.I know from experience that when your addrenaline is flowing + you are in that state of mind + someone else steps up in your face ,there is no hesitating,you've already been pushed past your limit + anyone else that pushes further is going to pay.He just walked away, I call that restraint. :cool:
Very well said!!

The little rats mother (mrs Rat) should be apologizing to casey for her sons stupidity,(not the other way around) + thanking him for delicatly pointing out her sons, lets say, miscalculations in the art of bullying.
The next person he tried it on may have stabbed or shot him,or not just walked away after introducing him to the pavement,if casey was a violent person by nature he would have kept on going after the rodent,+ really did some damage.
In decades past i've had to pull friends off of idiots in bars, to protect them from going too far + ending up in jail It's not always easy to just switch it off when someone pushes you too far. Casey did just that,eliminated the threat + walked away,without any need to do further damage or trash talk or anything.
I think he should be commended for his restraint,I don't know if he knew exactly what he was doing there ,but he could have drove that kid straight down head first into the pavement instead of mostly legs first. He may of conciously or otherwise decided not to do that.
He also could have kicked him in the face afterwards etc. etc.
He also didn't go after the rats buddy who immedietly got in his face,while he was still wound up from the first punk.I know from experience that when your addrenaline is flowing + you are in that state of mind + someone else steps up in your face ,there is no hesitating,you've already been pushed past your limit + anyone else that pushes further is going to pay.He just walked away, I call that restraint. :cool:
I ponder "WHY" no one went for help when this was going on. I can only assume that those who were standing around were only encouraging the bully to do his dirty deed. Or, they were in shock and aw and didn't know how to react to the situation. Either case, it's pretty obvious ground rules need to be laid out on the first day of school of what is expected of students which probably does not happen with most schools today. Bulling should never be tolerated period, it should always be emphasized along with alcohol and drug abuse etc. It pretty damn unsat, at least in my eyes that this type of behavior still exists in our school systems. As far as I'm concerned, it's leadership failure from the top, down to the bottom. Don't get me wrong, you can't prevent every bad thing from happening.. But through proper education, mentoring and always leading by example can prevent a lot of these things from the get go.

I always teach my boys that it takes a bigger man to walk away, than stay there and fight. However, if anyone ever put there hands on them while trying to walk away, you will protect yourselves. But, my boys also know they had better have had tried to de-escalate the situation before hand, and always report scumbag activities.... as such.
I ponder "WHY" no one went for help when this was going on.

Because in about the same amount of time it took to Ponder that question,Casey had handled the situation,+ moved on.No time to find a teacher. Lets say a teacher did get involved + stopped it,that would have been a temporary fix,+ Casey would still be getting bullied the next day.
This ended about as well as could be hoped for,not just for Casey but probably for alot of kids being bullied everywhere,I'll bet alot of kids seeing this will have this in the back of their mind the next time they are thinking about bullying someone.
Sometime law of the jungle comes into play,+ sets things right again.

And if someone ever tries to pick on me,I'm just going to tell em to back off before i go "Casey" on their ass. :eek:
He clearly defended himself. Not doubt about it. The little **** woudlnt have stopped. Thought he was invisible with his little ******* buddies standing by. Wrong. The instant he slammed him it was over. After he slammed him he easily could have delivered kicks to the head and done an extreme amount of damage that at minimum would have left the little bastard needing surgery to fix his face. Instead he walked away. That little bastard got what he deserved. I want to take that kid out for pizza and ice cream. He handled himself appropriately. That vid hsould be used as an example in every school as to what could happen if you are thinking about bullying someone. You might just get your ass handed to you. Fvck you mom for wanting an apology. I wish i could shart in your face bitch.