Wow E-tards
Are you guys out east poppin too many pills or something? you all seem retard as hell...
like this guy above me check this retard
BBB Review of in Casselberry, FL
Itd be that nonexistent page you could pullout your *** can't spell correctly? didn't pass middle school?
and second this mike guy is 100% in the right dumb***! if basic laws tell you 1amp is 16watts do you think you may have need to have some common sense that your throwing 3,800 watts of power under your hood. Thats like trying to upgrade a power plant but saying the old lines will be fine whys it mikes bad you didn't pull your head out of your *** and now your upset cause you feel stupid. Grow a pair like a couple guys have said and learn about **** before you make a stupid decsion.
ALSO I have a POWERBASTARDS Running a rockford 800.2 and 1000.1 power amps and charging two batteries and mines fine as sun shine
your were screwed by your own intelligence from the beginning from the very first post i read when you said you went to a site called and let me underline the key word
POWER BASTARDS for a highoutput alt you should have read the page that said "you should only need these alt for special purpose like amps that make you def and inverters to power things." You didn't think when it said limos and other high power drawing vechiles didn't even stop for one second to think maybe i shouldn't be doing this, then wow you are king of dom
Seriously ask a forum prolly multiple and wait cause the first answer aint always right sometimes its answer #34 or #27 the argue of the dumb and dumber will insue till someone knowledgable explains it to them... to which they will still get defensive and dumber...