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Buyer Beware of Mike Savino of POWER BASTARDS


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well it looks like "Kyle Vanek" doesn't want to return the alt or the $$$$ !! :confused:

Let me get this straight Dan, this Kyle guy ordered the part, did not like it, got a refund of his payment, trashed a Buick vendor for no good reason, and now will NOT return the part? :mad:

This is BS, I will send a note to Shane to ask that he be suspended from this board until he does the right thing and return the part.

With all the names Mike has been called in this thread, looks like the one that started it is the crook. I would NEVER want to deal with this guy, and his actions here should be a big beware flag to all other vendors. :(
Let me get this straight Dan, this Kyle guy ordered the part, did not like it, got a refund of his payment, trashed a Buick vendor for no good reason, and now will NOT return the part? :mad:

This is BS, I will send a note to Shane to ask that he be suspended from this board until he does the right thing and return the part.

With all the names Mike has been called in this thread, looks like the one that started it is the crook. I would NEVER want to deal with this guy, and his actions here should be a big beware flag to all other vendors. :(

Agreed! HE still has the Alt & the $$$ WTF is up with that?? Speak Up son!
I got $20 that says he vanishes in the night & is never heard from again!
IF TRUE?? That is BS!!!!!!!!!
Kyle, when i read what Mike posted on the other board i laughed out loud, literally. Its karma for him. I have know him since before his business and he still screwed me on a 200 amp earlier model. It caused me nothing but problems and he would do nothing. After all my complaining he finally gave me another to try and it did fix the problem. When my GN got totalled he asked for me to give it back since "i didnt need it anymore". I was floored since i paid for an alternator, i didnt lease it. I will never do business with him again, and i have never mentioned this to anyone in our club or on any board but i feel its relevant to your situation. As for not letting you on his board, thats funny since he claims no censorship. Dont feel bad, you did what you could. He is a bad business man. I will leave it at that.

So keeping $$$ & Parts is Cool??
Kyle, when i read what Mike posted on the other board i laughed out loud, literally. Its karma for him. I have know him since before his business and he still screwed me on a 200 amp earlier model. It caused me nothing but problems and he would do nothing. ...

IrvJr, this is more BS from you, this thread is NOT about you, or your dealings with Mike, and it is not the same situation, he could have installed the alt and it would have been fine. If it did NOT work, then he would have had a real beef, not a bogus one.

This is why this forum is here, so both sides can present their story. Easy for you, Mike is not here to give his side of what happened, but like I stated, this thread is NOT about you, sorry. :eek:
IrvJr, this is more BS from you, this thread is NOT about you, or your dealings with Mike, and it is not the same situation, he could have installed the alt and it would have been fine. If it did NOT work, then he would have had a real beef, not a bogus one.

This is why this forum is here, so both sides can present their story. Easy for you, Mike is not here to give his side of what happened, but like I stated, this thread is NOT about you, sorry. :eek:

This is a public forum and my experience has direct relevance to Mikes character. If you are allowed to voice your opinion, i am allowed to voice mine and give proper examples thru experience. So all of you can bash Kyle and stick up for Mike but anyone leaning Mikes way is full of BS. That sir is bull. Mike is not here by his choice and i have said the same things on his board. As far as i know Kyle was told by the CC company to wait til it was all settled before sending it back, which im sure he will since Mike stepped up like a good business man should and sent him a return authorization number. Plus if you read my last post on i said for Kyle to send it back since Mike agreed. Im not on Kyles side because of a bad business deal, im on the side of fair. I see Mikes side and would not want to see him screwed for $300. Could i have been more mature yes, but i dont regret what i said. You being a Senior member on the board should choose your words better too.
Bottom line is Kyle has both !! Thats BS!!! Like Nick said this is between him an Mike. Ok Kyle ya made the post here now step up to the plate an get this over with .. Easy as that. DONE :cool:
With all the names Mike has been called in this thread, looks like the one that started it is the crook. I would NEVER want to deal with this guy, and his actions here should be a big beware flag to all other vendors. :(

I am 100% with you here. Like I said on page 1 he has some accountability here and that doesn't mean he keeps the product.

If I'm not mistaking Mike will have his day with the CC company. If this guy doesn't return the alternator, Mike has enough information within these threads to win the battle.

Lets all thank this clown when our vendors do not accept CC's anymore. :rolleyes:
I've bought two alternators from him with no issues and I've recommended him to a couple of friends that each bought alternators from him as well with no issues.
Ikle, Make sure you listen to what the CC company said and wait to send the Bastard his part back because he has a few weeks to dispute it as IrvJr said. After the dispute time is over then sent it back. Dont make others happy and sent it back early.This could give him a chance to burn you twice!!
I'm new to the TR community and don't know anything about either of these guys. As an outsider looking in, and I think most would agree, Mike stooped to a whole new level posting Kyles personal info on a public forum. This speaks a lot of Mikes character IMO. I've read Mikes side of the story on his site also. Bottom line is Kyle you need to return the part regardless of what your CC company says. You have your money back. Mike DID misrepresent this part in saying the alt would work to its full potential with no mods because you need to change your feed wire to a 4ga and get a smaller serp belt. Regardless of why Kyle bought this, Mike took advantage of kyle not doing is homework, to sell him this unneeded alt to make a buck. This being said there is one more vendor scratched off the list. Nick I haven't done business with you yet and hope to soon but witout CC transactions I'm sure most Buick vendors won't be around too long. My .02
I'm new to the TR community and don't know anything about either of these guys. As an outsider looking in, and I think most would agree, Mike stooped to a whole new level posting Kyles personal info on a public forum. This speaks a lot of Mikes character IMO. I've read Mikes side of the story on his site also. Bottom line is Kyle you need to return the part regardless of what your CC company says. You have your money back. Mike DID misrepresent this part in saying the alt would work to its full potential with no mods because you need to change your feed wire to a 4ga and get a smaller serp belt. Regardless of why Kyle bought this, Mike took advantage of kyle not doing is homework, to sell him this unneeded alt to make a buck. This being said there is one more vendor scratched off the list. Nick I haven't done business with you yet and hope to soon but witout CC transactions I'm sure most Buick vendors won't be around too long. Everyone should reread this thread with no personal feelings attatched and I think you may see through the gray BS.
This is a public forum and my experience has direct relevance to Mikes character. If you are allowed to voice your opinion, i am allowed to voice mine and give proper examples thru experience. So all of you can bash Kyle and stick up for Mike but anyone leaning Kyles way is full of BS. That sir is bull. Mike is not here by his choice and i have said the same things on his board. As far as i know Kyle was told by the CC company to wait til it was all settled before sending it back, which im sure he will since Mike stepped up like a good business man should and sent him a return authorization number. Plus if you read my last post on i said for Kyle to send it back since Mike agreed. Im not on Kyles side because of a bad business deal, im on the side of fair. I see Mikes side and would not want to see him screwed for $300. Could i have been more mature yes, but i dont regret what i said. You being a Senior member on the board should choose your words better too.

I made a mistake saying Mike when i meant Kyle. I think he should step in and set things straight from his side. And im not picking sides, i want both to get there part/money back.
I will say this, I use that alternator on my car and it is indeed a direct bolt on. It's common sense to me if doubling amperage delivery of alternator your charging lead is 100% insufficient. I have a lot of 12v elec. background though.
Guy's when you have a cc dispute the cc company holds onto the monies until there investigation is done,so I don't have my money either. That's why my cc company told me to hold onto the product until the matter is resolved.Once I am refunded the monies I will promptly send back the alt.Like I said before I have no intentions of keeping Mike's product.Thanks,Kyle.
I will say this, I use that alternator on my car and it is indeed a direct bolt on. It's common sense to me if doubling amperage delivery of alternator your charging lead is 100% insufficient. I have a lot of 12v elec. background though.

Hmmm and I was gonna install 30 amp fuses with 14/2 wire in my house:eek:
according to Mike, your money has been refunded and you kept the part

Agreed! HE still has the Alt & the $$$ WTF is up with that?? Speak Up son!
I got $20 that says he vanishes in the night & is never heard from again!
IF TRUE?? That is BS!!!!!!!!!

Glad I didn't bet against you. You called that one dead on.
Guy's when you have a cc dispute the cc company holds onto the monies until there investigation is done,so I don't have my money either. That's why my cc company told me to hold onto the product until the matter is resolved.Once I am refunded the monies I will promptly send back the alt.Like I said before I have no intentions of keeping Mike's product.Thanks,Kyle.

Did this ever get resolved? just curious. :smile: