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Buyer Beware of Mike Savino of POWER BASTARDS


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I agree with the post that one should educate themselves on the product that they seek to purchase... However, if you're speaking to the "owner" of the company I think that a consumer should be able to reasonably rely on what the owner/vendor tells him..

If he says it's ABC, then it should be ABC- and not AB and maybe C if you do XYZ... As for the restocking fee, that's a bunch of BS... The vendor should eat the expense of the return shipping and not be able to assess any restocking fee as the item was sold under false pretense. Besides, to my understanding from the prior emails, the item is still new, unused and in the original packaging... What would be the issue?
I had a similiar situation with the 200 amp upgrade kit I purchased from him. I installed it and the alternator would not charge. $100 later after having an alternator shop look at it, turned out to be a bad regulator. Contacted him on several occasions to rectify the issue and he NEVER contacted me back. I will never deal with him again. I have had luck with Spring Hill Auto Electric for my alternator needs.
His add say"This is a direct bolt on alternator that will require no changes to the vehicle!"
This is called misrepresentation. His add later says "This means no returns" This means nothing when it is Unrendered Services as it is in this case and Im sure that this is one the things the credit card company took into consideration. ....

From a technical point of view, as I do NOT want to be involved in this pissin' contest, it IS a "direct bolt in alternator" and no changes are needed.

To take full advantage of the capacity of this alt, a larger charge wire would be needed. So if this was used on a stock GN, it would work with the stock feed wire as good as an original.

My opinion, having testified in court on matters similar to this, the vendor would prevail as the product as delivered WILL function as advertised.

In this case, a re-stocking fee and shipping should be borne by the customer as there is nothing the vendor did "wrong". :confused:
I said before and I'll say it again, Mike is an ------ and a weasel. He has no spine and will shake your hand and when you turn your back, he'll back stab you in the back.

Billy T.

You know Billy, I respect you, and your posts are informative, but I am really disappointed you would make a public statement like this, especially here.

The training you have received over the years should have kicked in to overcome this offensive judgement call? :confused:

We should be setting an example for our "younger" members, and act more like a gentlemen. :biggrin:
I think Billy does not like this guy

I said before and I'll say it again, Mike is an ----- and a weasel. He has no spine and will shake your hand and when you turn your back, he'll back stab you in the back.

Billy T.

Why in the world would anyone need a 240 amp alternator--unless you're setting up a welding shop in the back seat.
Why in the world would anyone need a 240 amp alternator--unless you're setting up a welding shop in the back seat.

Sounds like the OPer was sold more alt. than he needs. What I would call as "taken advantage of by not knowing."
You know Billy, I respect you, and your posts are informative, but I am really disappointed you would make a public statement like this, especially here.

The training you have received over the years should have kicked in to overcome this offensive judgement call? :confused:

We should be setting an example for our "younger" members, and act more like a gentlemen. :biggrin:


You are correct. I tried to edit it but couldn't. But I stand behind my statement.

Billy T.
It appears a return authorization was sent out by Mike Savino. It looks like the issue will be resolved. Unfortunately, the buyer is out a restock fee and some shipping.

We have all been down this road before with car stuff or other things. It doesn't make it any easier any time things like this happen.

A simple question on one of our forums could have answered your question on what alternator would have best suited your application. :cool:
The name of the company alone would have sent me looking somewhere else...
If anybody really read this post.Ikle did not want this misrepresented part from the second he got it. This Phony "Bastard" would not work with him. $70.00 for restock on a misrepresented part is a joke. He got what he deserves. Maybe he should change his add. Sounds like he is finally working with Ikle who sounds like a stand up guy,I believe he will get his part back now that he has a F__KIN address!!
This Mike guy posting up personal info about ikle is quite disturbing. Not only is it uncalled for, but not needed. I know one guy I won't buy GN parts from.

To play devil's advocate, ikle could've probably gotten a stock replacement generator from a dealership, auto parts store, or had the original unit rebuilt somewhere for a lot less than $300.
Mopar Kid,I guess that is Mike's great customer service,LOL.But I really learned a very valuable lesson here and that is every thing isn't always black and white,there's also shades of grey.Meaning some vendors tell you what you need to know and some vendors tell you what they want you to know.For now on I am going to be very apprehensive on who I do business with,I always thought that you can trust the verdors that advertise there products on these ever popular Buick sites and that they had us Buick owners best interest in mind,boy was I wrong and thats a damn shame.Thanks,ikle.
This Mike guy posting up personal info about ikle is quite disturbing. Not only is it uncalled for, but not needed. I know one guy I won't buy GN parts from.

To play devil's advocate, ikle could've probably gotten a stock replacement generator from a dealership, auto parts store, or had the original unit rebuilt somewhere for a lot less than $300.

that part also bothers me some. As i also bought a 240 amp Alt. from him and i am very happy with it (this thing kicks A-SS) and was (still might) going to buy a small LT1 starter from him and considering another high out put alt. for another car.
The sad part is that his own actions put me on the fence.

Then again what else can you do in his situation? no money, out a part and feeling wronged, He had to put some pressure on the guy at least thats the way i see it.
Mopar Kid,I guess that is Mike's great customer service,LOL.But I really learned a very valuable lesson here and that is every thing isn't always black and white,there's also shades of grey.Meaning some vendors tell you what you need to know and some vendors tell you what they want you to know.For now on I am going to be very apprehensive on who I do business with,I always thought that you can trust the verdors that advertise there products on these ever popular Buick sites and that they had us Buick owners best interest in mind,boy was I wrong and thats a damn shame.Thanks,ikle.

like i just said at the other place

By Turbopowered68 if i were you id make at least one more post with the shipping/tracking information when you ship out the Alt. that would go along way in clearing your name.
From a technical point of view, as I do NOT want to be involved in this pissin' contest, it IS a "direct bolt in alternator" and no changes are needed.

To take full advantage of the capacity of this alt, a larger charge wire would be needed. So if this was used on a stock GN, it would work with the stock feed wire as good as an original.

My opinion, having testified in court on matters similar to this, the vendor would prevail as the product as delivered WILL function as advertised.

In this case, a re-stocking fee and shipping should be borne by the customer as there is nothing the vendor did "wrong". :confused:

I agree with you 100% It is a Direct Bolt In unit! To take FULL advantage you up the charge wire. You do not have too! Its not a MUST!! The thing will work!
Altho, why do we all get Hotwire kits for our pumps??? Upgraded Battery wires??
The wiring is Old & Tired & doesn't hold up to todays needs.
The 240 is Overkill but people with large stereo's, guages, dual pumps etc need them in some cases. Not many tho!
He did not really know what he was buying & should have ASKED Here First to get everyones opinion. I know I have spent Lots on parts that arent needed like TPS TEC for one good example. You need to investigate what you Need before buying.
We all get taken in by the hype here & rarely ask to see whats really needed.

Maybe its just human nature to think you know whats best? I have been guilty in the past!
Also, why is adding a charge wire a big deal? Is this a 100% show car?
If so you really should of had yours rebuilt if thats the case. Otherwise, I dont get what the big issue about 1 wire is?
I cannot speak on what he said to you on the phone, because that is something only you two know what was said and we do not have his opinion on what was and was not said at that time.

With that said, the website is VERY specific on needed modifications and that there are NO returns. You failed to do proper research much like buying a TE62 turbo for a totally stock car, then bitching that your car did not run 10's like the website said the turbo was capable of. BTW, if this went on the car listed, it is NOT a "stock" GN and could benefit from a larger alt.

Here are your options: add a $20 wire and enjoy, send the alt. back to it's rightful owner or sell the alt. and send the seller a check for the full amount that you agreed to pay for it. PERIOD.
Mopar Kid,I guess that is Mike's great customer service,LOL.But I really learned a very valuable lesson here and that is every thing isn't always black and white,there's also shades of grey.Meaning some vendors tell you what you need to know and some vendors tell you what they want you to know.For now on I am going to be very apprehensive on who I do business with,I always thought that you can trust the verdors that advertise there products on these ever popular Buick sites and that they had us Buick owners best interest in mind,boy was I wrong and thats a damn shame.Thanks,ikle.


Mike Savino owns He loves stuff like because it brings traffic to his board.

Billy T.
As long as you send back the alt now that you have the $$ so live & learn.
Life is full of lessons! ;)