oh yes, name calling.... LOL that's shows how much older and more mature you are. I work at a CA. smog station so i'm well aware of the rules and regulations. You don't even live in this state so you really have nothing to bring here except your self serving opinion. Try to understand why the laws are in place and stop being so TX righteous. No one is attacking your state so lighten up. Your opinion of how the system 'should' work is null. I'd love it as much as the next guy to be a simpler system, and one that made sense to the commoner, but that's just not the reality.
I'm on your side, friend, regarding smog. Take a step back and realize that your last post was opinionated, self serving and biased. How serious should others take you when you live in California and work in a "smog" station? Do you work there for a check or do you actually care and want to help make a difference?
If my typed words give you the impression I am attacking you nothing could be further from the truth, I am just honest.
All the Best.