Caddilac/Zepplin ads


Aug 2, 2002
The first time Caddilac played the ad with "Rock and Roll" by Led Zepplin it was kind of cool (though not really crazy about the car IMO), but making it the Caddilac theme "jingle" has for me kind of ruined that song (was one of many favorites):( Almost feel embarassed now to have it playing in the car with the windows down, thanks Caddilac/GM for ruining something else:mad:
Cadillac is finally starting to put out some bad ass cars. The new CTS V series is going to kick some butt. Car and Driver claims that the CTS V is turning laps faster than the BMW M3 or M5 can run! With performance like that, Caddy could even use Britney Spears for their theme music and the car will sell! I also saw a picture of the new Seville STS and that car looks like it should rock!
Would you rather they put Zeppelin to something like the Aztec or some of the new offerings like the Honda Element?? Personally I'm a fan of the new Caddy's. Seems like they're really putting strides to get performance and strong quality! I still have to giggle when I see the the Caddy XLR with the little car in the back. I actually saw one of those little cars here. Puts a grin on my face!
I second that !!!
GM is finally putting a muscle car back on the road (a real one). It is badged as a caddy, but make no mistake, that is the heart and soal of the Z06 with a 6 speed. I am on this list to hopefully pick up one of these.. This should be a great car !!
Cannot wait....
Originally posted by gn85
Would you rather they put Zeppelin to something like the Aztec or some of the new offerings like the Honda Element??

Like I said, when the commercials first came out they were kind of cool, though Some of the new Caddys style is a bit too different for me, still cool. I agree that Cadillac is doing some cool things: CTS-V(Corvette chassis,motor, etc), the concepts Cien V12, V16, and recent Lemans cars:

just running the current ad campaign into the ground. The thread intention was not against Cadillacs or cars or commercials, but rather the effects of using popular or classic songs in commercials when played to death. I have alwyas liked "Rock and Roll" brings back memories of times and places past, well it did until the past years worth of constant bombardment of Cadillac commercials using it. Now instead of that song bringing back times and places, it brings back Cadlillac commercials, seeing couples cruising Escalades, in the fog, and being chased by bulls, I don't want those images in my head, liked it the way it was. For the past year those commercials are on TV/cable everynight, there everywhere. Of course this happens with other products and songs too, just kind of irritating until such commercials fad away.

I am sure that is the intention of the advertising people, but really like to keep those special times, places, and people music can remind us of without being replaced with visions of commercials. Just wonder if anyone else has this kind of experience?:confused:
Actually the Ad people are trying very hard to make all those connections inside your head. ;)

Perhaps they succeeded a bit too well in your case. :eek:

Overwelded a few synapses methinks. :(

I agree some bands shouldn't sell out for $$$ and royalties but it's old music anyway.....

Trust me in a few years you'll have all those cells killed off.

Beer is good.


Maybe if they could come up with more than one song and a few different ads it might help. Then again that costs more money than daily bombardment.
Most caddy owners around my parts don't fit the Zep mold :(

Yeah I can see those little old ladies at the church bingo hall talking about the days when the rocked to ZEP :)
Seems like GM should have just killed caddy off. I mean the brand name IMHO is ever tarnished by the 1970's pimp-mobile image people have of caddilac. And geting rid of that image is nearly imposible.

Also there cars have typicaly had very poor resell when compared to cars in a similar price range from japan europe and people think of this as well.
Hey - If Audi can come back from the 'sudden acceleration' of the late 70's.....Caddy can come back from the Cimerron.

You may not realize it, but many thought Buick was crazy for putting out a muscle car, as it's image in the 60's was also for old people. They pulled it off and have a pretty strong following 17+ years later..

I hope to pick up one of these Caddy's when they come out.
Most caddy owners around my parts don't fit the Zep mold

Thats their point. Caddy can't sell to dead people. People that were 18 years old in that era are now 48. Most are done with sports cars and want a more luxurious car. Sorry to all you guys that actually went to a Led Zep concert back in the 70's, but your now Caddilac old.;)
But even back then it was an old persons car?

How many teens or 20 somethings do you see talking caddy?
They speak HONDA Mr Scotty.. time to beam you up
How many teens or 20 somethings do you see talking caddy?

Teens and 20 somethings aren't listening to Led Zep anymore. Its the Brady Bunch era people they are looking to get. They are looking for the guy who was a teen or a 20 something during the 70's when Led Zep wrote that song. Those people are now Caddy old. To defend Caddy a little, their new cars are in no way old peoples cars. Their price tags still reflect the same market, but Caddy has realized that 40 somethings now have alot more money, and people are willing to pay more for a car today then they did back in the day. If I can sell my Vette next summer, I'll have that CTSV. New baby coming Jan 1st and the wife can't "legally" put 2 kids in the Vette.
When I was 18 I seriously liked the Caddy's.

Most all of them, even the Eldo FWD.

One of my top 5 favorite cars is the 1969 Coupe De Ville Convertible. :cool:

Anywho if it costs over $18K I ain't buying it, fortunately there are plenty of cars for cheap 40 somethings out there stuck in the 70's and 80's. ;)

Then there are the really old folk that know that a Caddy motor in the 50's was king in a street vehicle. ;)

Back to my rocking chair and Geritol. :p
Anywho if it costs over $18K I ain't buying it,
I think the 2004 Yugos are still under $18k;) You spent that in Modds on your cars last month alone. Those unemployment checks come in yet??;)
Nobody listens to ZEP anymore anyhow they are dead just like caddy...:eek:

Because I may have listened to Zep 8 tracks over & over & over Back then. I am now burnt out & don't want to hear them anymore :rolleyes:

Yeah I toyed with buying a 59 caddy as a winter beater
but Gramps died & his McGarret merc became my winter ride
New cars suck anyway. ;)

For $45K I could have a daily driver Stage motored car with good paint. :D

And a garage. ;)

Or even a house in some nice rural town in America. :)
Since on this subject.
My 40 something friends the ones that have $$
go for the Lexus's, accuras, jags, Audi's, Benz on & on.

These above mentioned cars beat GM & caddy to the punch.
Caddy saw the wakeup call too late. For every 1 caddy I see
trolling around I see 25 other brands.

Same at my son's private school. I am the only dude with a OLDS.
The High end iron is all SUV American & Foreign, Bimmers, Benz, a sea of $$$
I agree with th whole teens talking about caddies thing, but WHAT ARE YOU THINKING WHEN IT COMES TO ZEP? I see kids at my HIGH SCHOOL wearing zepplin shirts all the time; I'm 15 and the first Cd I ever bought was a Zep album (BBC Sessions... I highly reccomend it). Also, the school news paper held a poll, and 25% of the high school listen to Classic rock 94.9.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
I agree with th whole teens talking about caddies thing, but WHAT ARE YOU THINKING WHEN IT COMES TO ZEP? I see kids at my HIGH SCHOOL wearing zepplin shirts all the time; I'm 15 and the first Cd I ever bought was a Zep album (BBC Sessions... I highly reccomend it). Also, the school news paper held a poll, and 25% of the high school listen to Classic rock 94.9.

You may, most don't, but Caddy is not trying to appeal to teenagers. They are going after 40 and 50 somethings, and that is the music they listened to as kids.
For that private school look at me I have money contest you need to pull up in a 69 VW microbus. ;)
With a headband.

I don't buy cars for other people I buy them for me. :)

$45K buys me a lot of GN. :cool:

Stage motored ground pounder with kids dressed in camo. and black with some Zeppelin blasting from the JBL's would work fine.

My baby girl can't have black lipstick however, gotta draw the line somewhere. :D

Rock on all you old dudes. :)

No uniforms I hope, that would take away from the race gas money. :eek: