Cash for clunkers, blowing up perfectly good running cars.

Yeah so they say when you turn in a car for CFC they're ordered to destroy the engine to render it useless so it can never be operated ever again.
We pay for this too. Our tax $ are being used to fund this stupid program. Nice fageral program that gets us to pay even more when the new car owners default on their car loan:rolleyes:
I traded my 1997 Dodge ram in under the cash for clunkers. Got the gas hog off the road{12 mpg} and got me a new Chevy pickup for 50% of sticker price. I wasn't planning on buying a new vehicle but I couldn't pass it up.
23k sticker for 11.6k great program in my opinion.
I traded my 1997 Dodge ram in under the cash for clunkers. Got the gas hog off the road{12 mpg} and got me a new Chevy pickup for 50% of sticker price. I wasn't planning on buying a new vehicle but I couldn't pass it up.
23k sticker for 11.6k great program in my opinion.

Having our grand children subsidize us buying cars is not a "great program".

If the idiots in congress added the line "rebate is then multiplied by the % american content in the car", then it wouldn't have run out of money in 4 days and $450 million of our tax dollars would have gone to foreign car manufacturers.

If Congress gave out free Icecream on weekends lots of people would think that was a "great program", too.

Our Deficit is going to be nearly $2,000 Billion dollars this year. When it was $450B under Bush, the sky was falling. Now money grows on trees. :rolleyes:
I traded my 1997 Dodge ram in under the cash for clunkers. Got the gas hog off the road{12 mpg} and got me a new Chevy pickup for 50% of sticker price. I wasn't planning on buying a new vehicle but I couldn't pass it up.
23k sticker for 11.6k great program in my opinion.

When can I come by and drive my truck? :biggrin:

My tax payer dollars at work :mad: :mad:
I'd like a new TV.

I wish they would start a program where I can turn in my old, energy wasting TV and have the taxpayers subsidize my purchase of a new, energy efficient one.

It's beyond amazing when our idiotic government creates a program to give sh*t away and thinks it is a stimulus.
I'd like a new TV.

I wish they would start a program where I can turn in my old, energy wasting TV and have the taxpayers subsidize my purchase of a new, energy efficient one.

It's beyond amazing when our idiotic government creates a program to give sh*t away and thinks it is a stimulus.
Stimulus that is dwarfed by spending that puts us further in the hole.
I traded my 1997 Dodge ram in under the cash for clunkers. Got the gas hog off the road{12 mpg} and got me a new Chevy pickup for 50% of sticker price. I wasn't planning on buying a new vehicle but I couldn't pass it up.
23k sticker for 11.6k great program in my opinion.

You think its great because you were able to capitalize in it but not be an ass what was your total federal tax the last year? In 3 years your truck will still be worth less than 11k if you drive it regularly.
'bout time people start bitching about this program. Waste of taxpayer dollars. 90% of the people who can afford a new car under this program could afford to do it without it.

Blowing them up is fun though. :) did 3 last week and got a couple more this week. the liquid glass stuff kills them pretty damn quick.
'bout time people start bitching about this program. Waste of taxpayer dollars. 90% of the people who can afford a new car under this program could afford to do it without it.

Blowing them up is fun though. :) did 3 last week and got a couple more this week. the liquid glass stuff kills them pretty damn quick.

My dad is 70 and would be considered "top 5%" wealthy, but since he's retired his "income" is low. He paid cash for all his cars and his 5000 square foot house he built.

He was all fired up by this program and wanted to trade in an old Jeep Cherokee with 200K miles that I paid $800 for 5 years ago and bought as a winter beater.

I told him there was no way he'd qualify for the money and he said there wasn't any income restrictions on the money.

That's fair, I thought because he's paid more income tax in his lifetime than a 100 "poor" people will, but I'm still surprised the government didn't cap rebates for "millionaires".

He couldn't find a new car that he liked, so he didn't buy one... but his plan was every time he got in argument with a Democrat over something, he was going to thank them for the $4500 check the Democrat stupes in Congress gave him.
Typical govenment estimators...believing the money for this program would last until November, now they want to throw more of OUR money at it. Then they want us to hand over our health care (freedom) and believe their estimates on what that will cost.
When are people going to wake up and realize NOTHING is ever free. Probably never.....because all they care about is if they get something at someone else's expense.
You think its great because you were able to capitalize in it but not be an ass what was your total federal tax the last year? In 3 years your truck will still be worth less than 11k if you drive it regularly.
I don't have to file income tax. I severed my little toe and get social security disabilty pension. Thanks for the heads up on my truck being worth less than I paid for it 3 years I didn't realize it would deppreciate that fast. :rolleyes:
Why would you destroy the cars that are being traded in? Why not mark them salvage and sell them for parts? That would create even more income for the dealers.
Why would you destroy the cars that are being traded in? Why not mark them salvage and sell them for parts? That would create even more income for the dealers.

The salvage yards were pissed because the cars have to be crushed, you're not suppose to take parts of 'em. :rolleyes: If you start to remove parts of 'em, :rolleyes: then it kinda defeats the purpose of getting the other clunkers off the road.

Billy T.
I think it's a great program! I've always wanted to trade in a running car that was paid for so I could acquire more debt. :tongue: Debt is the new wealth right? I hope we are crushing them and sending them to China so they can make something from them and sell it back to us.
I don't have to file income tax. I severed my little toe and get social security disabilty pension. Thanks for the heads up on my truck being worth less than I paid for it 3 years I didn't realize it would deppreciate that fast. :rolleyes:
It will be worth less even if you added $4500 to its value in 3 years:rolleyes:
Why would you destroy the cars that are being traded in? Why not mark them salvage and sell them for parts? That would create even more income for the dealers.

The dealers dont actully make anything off your clunker in this program. Only the profit on the new car they sold which isnt that much. They pay you the scrap value and you get the $4500 credit.