Cash for clunkers, blowing up perfectly good running cars.

They need to do the following to make programs in this country revolving around cars work. One would be to tariff all imports (all other continental countries tariff our products) with a minimum of $3k and secondly whenever they do a program like this they need to only give up to $4500 credit and it should be an income tax credit. If you didnt contribute $4500 then you shouldnt be able to get the $4500. If you only paid $1800 then thats all the credit you should be able to get. Maybe the program wouldnt run out of $ in 2 days:rolleyes: Whats fair is fair. Some POS probably did not even pay a cent in tax last year but will still be able to get a $4500 credit. Nice how they are cancelling a lot of federal grants but then they come up with a BS program like this burning tax $ at an amazing rate. Nothing about the recent socialist movement in this country is fair.
The salvage yards were pissed because the cars have to be crushed, you're not suppose to take parts of 'em. :rolleyes: If you start to remove parts of 'em, :rolleyes: then it kinda defeats the purpose of getting the other clunkers off the road.

Billy T.

the cars don't have to be crushed- only the engine is rendered inoperable, and the rest of the car can be parted out like any other car in the junkyard.
it says so right in the bill.

from the faq page on the official site:

CARS website faq said:
Scrap value

What happens to the vehicle I trade in?
The CARS Act requires that the trade-in vehicle be crushed or shredded so that it will not be resold for use in the United States or elsewhere as an automobile. The entity crushing or shredding the vehicles in this manner will be allowed to sell some parts of the vehicle prior to crushing or shredding it, but these parts cannot include the engine or the drive train.

notice that it says nothing about any kind of a timeline for when the car has to be "crushed or shredded".

i saw the actual wording somewhere, and the "drivetrain" really only included the engine ant trans- the "rear end" was specifically excluded. yes, they used the words "rear end" in the actual bill. but since nothing is done to the trans, it would be easy to pull one out of a "clunker" car.

From that article:

The Top Ten Cash for Clunkers New Cars:

1. Ford Focus

2. Honda Civic

3. Toyota Corolla

4. Toyota Prius

5. Ford Escape

6. Toyota Camry

7. Dodge Caliber

8. Hyundai Elantra

9. Honda Fit

10. Chevy Cobalt

Wouldn't it work better if they were only for domestic vehicles? Why help out Korea and Japan's car companies? What a dumb@ss program and waste of our money. Most of the junk on the road is from lower income people who still would not be able to buy a brand new car even with a $4500 discount.
F It Im Taking In My Buick Gn For 4500.00 Causes Me To Many Headaches Spending To Much Money On Beer And Advil.
I traded my 1997 Dodge ram in under the cash for clunkers. Got the gas hog off the road{12 mpg} and got me a new Chevy pickup for 50% of sticker price. I wasn't planning on buying a new vehicle but I couldn't pass it up.
23k sticker for 11.6k great program in my opinion.

Go back & ask the dealer what they will give you for the new truck you got.
It will be worth less even if you added $4500 to its value in 3 years:rolleyes:
I traded a truck that was worth about $2500. The govt. has spent about a billion dollars on this program. And from what I have seen it is having a more impact on the economy than the billions flushed down Wallstreet. How much have we spent on the war in Iraq? That our grand chldren will be paying for?
You are agreeing to let the government track you though your computer when you agree to this program. Read the fine print.

Consumers are able to buy cars that they could not afford before. Reminds me of the housing market when anyone could get a loan even know they don't make nearly enough money.

This will blow up in the consumers face. More defaults in the future:mad:
And from what I have seen it is having a more impact on the economy than the billions flushed down Wallstreet.

It is having as much impact on the economy as Section 8 housing vouchers. The people in that program think its a good one, too. :rolleyes:
I traded a truck that was worth about $2500. The govt. has spent about a billion dollars on this program. And from what I have seen it is having a more impact on the economy than the billions flushed down Wallstreet. How much have we spent on the war in Iraq? That our grand chldren will be paying for?

The Billions given to wall street is supposed to be paid back. The $450 million we just gave to Japan and Korea won't be paid back.

The $3000 tax credit congress was giving on a 95% Foreign content Prius is bad enough, but $4500 of actual, honest to god taxpayer money (that "costs" equivalent of giving someone a $9000 tax break) is a crime.

People should be dragging democrats out of congress by their hair.

As for the "Billions" spent on Iraq, almost all of it went to the US military and its US suppliers, not to foreign governments that compete with us for jobs.

As for Impact on the economy it lasted a week. $2 Billion more will last less than 2 weeks. Then what?

People in Michigan and Ohio should be outraged the most by crap like this.
We cut the lower radiator hose, cut the belt off. Drain the oil. Put brake shavings into the "return" side of the oil filter and put one gallon of water into the crankcase. Push the car to the corner of the lot where we put them for pickup. Fire it up and withing 20 seconds or less the engine seizes. (still can be rebuilt with a crank turning more than likely). They don't even build any heat that quick. They want the engines seized...they got it. :D

...Blowing them up is fun though. :) did 3 last week and got a couple more this week. the liquid glass stuff kills them pretty damn quick.
So what about the poorer people in the country with crappy cars? They are the ones driving the crop dusters around because they can't afford anything better. You think 4500 is going to help them buy a new car? Hell, most of the cars being traded in could take some of the real "junk" off the road. I know Im sick of driving behind some of these cars, people could probably afford to junk it if the cars being turned in were sold back to people who can't afford a new car. But then the dealers *cough* government *cough* wouldn't be selling new cars... :rolleyes:

The people that really need this program aren't the ones who are going to get helped by it.

I'm sick of my tax dollars being spent to give people nicer cars than I could ever afford, and trash perfectly good cars that I would actually be able to buy. :mad:
So in what way is this helping the AMERICAN economy? Wasn't this whole program made up to help out the big 3? I'm confused. Sad part is it's the same people running out and buying these cars that got their homes foreclosed on
So in what way is this helping the AMERICAN economy? Wasn't this whole program made up to help out the big 3? I'm confused. Sad part is it's the same people running out and buying these cars that got their homes foreclosed on

This will not do **** of for the economy since probably 90% did this on an impulse and did not need a new car.
So what about the poorer people in the country with crappy cars? They are the ones driving the crop dusters around because they can't afford anything better. You think 4500 is going to help them buy a new car? Hell, most of the cars being traded in could take some of the real "junk" off the road. I know Im sick of driving behind some of these cars, people could probably afford to junk it if the cars being turned in were sold back to people who can't afford a new car. But then the dealers *cough* government *cough* wouldn't be selling new cars... :rolleyes:

The people that really need this program aren't the ones who are going to get helped by it.

I'm sick of my tax dollars being spent to give people nicer cars than I could ever afford, and trash perfectly good cars that I would actually be able to buy. :mad:


This doesn't help me one IOTA. I can't afford a NEW car but would like to move up a couple of years on a good used car. It is only our own tax money
I would rather they let me keep my money & do as I please.

Just for kicks I went to the goverment site to see if my cars qualify.
I was stunned to see the OLDS is not a clunker.

1996 OLDS LSS 88 = NO, Because it gets good gas milage.
1994 S-10 = NO, Because it gets good gas milage.

I will KEEP my clunkers anyway. I prefer NO NEW PAYMENTS or BIG REGISTRAIONS
So walking into a Toyota dealer,,what will they give me for a 96 chevy blazer maybe 3000,and the Government will prolly give me $3000,so who really makes out on this...Toyota..:(
It's really not doing what it's supposed to. The real clunkers are remaining on the road because they don't have insurance on them or they haven't owned them for a year. Our government couldn't run an ice house on the beach but they are going to take care of our health and welfare.
By the way: that Dodge van could have hauled a 22 man Mexican crew to work for the next five years. (Or until the government gave them all green cards and a new car.) :eek: