Check out my new Lightning - pic

Originally posted by turbosam6
Hey Spoolin86, have we met? You talking about Rick Pickowsky? Is he trying to buy every turbo car in existence or what? It would be cool to have one of those things running around town. I saw one sitting in a nice neighborhood one time and then it was gone.

I dunno if Rick would race me or not, he's not much into that.

Sam- I can't buy EVERY turbo car because yours is not for sale. I'll show you my new TTA when I pick it up this week. I don't think I will be racing it much- its bone stock except for the adjustible wastegate and K&N. It only has 38,000 miles and about as mint as one can be with that many miles and age on it. Even the power antenna works! Now, if Hedricks will give me a warranty, a race with my GN could be in the works:D . Talk to you soon. Oh, by the way, Spoolin86 is Bob Cooper. It's his fault I got into this turbo buick thing to begin with. :D