Originally posted by UNGN
They don't "quit all together Even if they are on polished glass you are still getting more braking force to the ground than non ABS.
Not on the few I've driven.
Anything really slick, and they were signing off.
I'll stick to having control of what's going on.
I like the shows/ads/commercials, where they show the drivers slamming on the brakes with two tires in water, to get the dramatic effect to impress the herd and the ohhs, and wows.
BTW, have you looked at the new *standards* of what detroit is using for brakes on these new and improved ABS'd cars?. Often they now use the absolute min in rotor capacity since they can limit how much thermal loading it has to deal with. 4 Whl discs with .5" rotors doesn't impress me, when my old dumb truck has 12x3 (approx) shoes, and 30 lb drums. I can use the brakes for a long time, and to date havn't come even close to having them fade, so I fail to see where using the mini rear discs (my opinion, abouth there thermal absorbsion limits) have any real advantage.
In closing, I'll just say if they really did work as advertised, then the indurance co.s would be giving signifigant breaks in rates to foster their use, and while they originally did, as a whole that's stopped now.
ABS, and DOHCs are in large just eye candy to be able to hype the new and improved, to members of the buyer market.
I will gualify things with that there are some ABS systems that live up to their name, but they are few and far between.