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Chit Talker/Banana Racing


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Now wait a min i no who,s building your may be 2 tenths slower then the banana lol. just kidd n. he he. 2010 SS CAMARO is that the machine bud.Hey my car ready for the dyno just need some fuel let me no when you are free and ill load the t and bring it over and we can put some numbers down if you have time.US INDIANA FELLOW,S HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER. Ronnie put that dude on got $$$$$$$$$ LOL.just kidd n DONT GET ME STARTED LOL.LOL.LOL.

Kev, I don't care who's car is faster niether does Tim. Rodney helped with our car and we helped with his.
Either way it is like beating yourself and I don't mean off either.:D
Rodney has the car to throw down some big numbers If we can get it to hook.
I thought he was calling me out wich he wasnt if were going to race together at these events its team indiana, we all just stick together, if one of us are still in and all the rest of us are out and some one needs a part of mine to keep on racing then by all means any indiana racer on our team would be welcome to use any part on my car to keep racing ronnie if i was out wich i hope thats not the case lol.That would be You Ey Rodney Kevin B Tommy Kip and and whoever eles .IF that anit being cool i dont what is dude.