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Cleaning the rims. What do you use?


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Staff member
Aug 24, 2003
I put some GTA's on my GN and it's a !#@#@#$ getting all that brake dust out of all the little diamonds! Anyone find a good brush that can get in the smallest ones? Clean them without scratching or hurting the paint on them. I just ordered some custom fit dust Shields for the rims to keep down the brake dust but I'd like to get a brush or something that works well with these rims! :cool:
try the refridgerator coil brush .they are great for getting in the small holes and they ramp bigger so they also work great for the larger holes . you can get them at your local hardware store. hope that helps
thanks dale in arizona
Check out griotsgarage, they have the biggest line of car care stuff I have ever seen. They would probably have something that would work.
I use Rim Juice (I think it's a Meguiar's product). The 'turbine' wheels on my Cadillac were tough to clean. This stuff dissolves brake dust immediately without hurting the finish. I use a long, soft bristled brush to get in the nooks and crannies. The wheels look like the day I put them on.

Do NOT use Rim Juice on uncoated aluminum. I sprayed some on my Draglites and then had to spend half the day polishing them back up to a shine.

I use Rim Juice (I think it's a Meguiar's product). The 'turbine' wheels on my Cadillac were tough to clean. This stuff dissolves brake dust immediately without hurting the finish. I use a long, soft bristled brush to get in the nooks and crannies. The wheels look like the day I put them on.

Jim, Is there anywhere to get this locally? I have a show this weekend so no time for a web order.

I checked their web page, they are independent...not Meguiars :(


Maybe it's me.. but for some reason I find it hard to use a product called "rim juice" on anything I own! lol :D

I walked into Pep Boys and asked for rim juice and they pointed across the street to one of those little white houses that has a big sign on the roof that says "Adult Videos" :eek: :D
Well I managed to find it, took about 2 lunch hours ;) alot of "never heard of it", or "we're out of it" and one "we got it" followed by "whoops, I thought we had it" when I got there. :mad:

None of the chains seem to have it yet, just the mom & pops.

Hope this stuff is worth the aggravation! :)
Well I managed to find it, took about 2 lunch hours ;) alot of "never heard of it", or "we're out of it" and one "we got it" followed by "whoops, I thought we had it" when I got there. :mad:

None of the chains seem to have it yet, just the mom & pops.

Hope this stuff is worth the aggravation! :)

I found it by accident. Just walked into the local PartsPlus store and there it was. The manufacturer's (Maveric's) logo is similar to Meguiars which I'm sure it not an accident. It seemed to work well for me. It doesn't seem to be as harsh as the other stuff (doesn't have that acid burn if the wind catches it and you wind up inhaling it) but still works well.

It definitely works. It required agitation with a brush, which is fine...and they no longer have that brownish tint. :smile:

The real test will be my other car that has wheels similar to the T-Type turbine's. :(

It definitely works. It required agitation with a brush, which is fine...and they no longer have that brownish tint. :smile:
The real test will be my other car that has wheels similar to the T-Type turbine's. :(

Tried it yesterday on the daily drivers, while it works well it doesn't outperform my current favorite Eagle One "A2Z" (which I think they renamed to "All Wheel") that was rated #1 by guru reports. I used them side by side...both require brushing (even though they say not) and the Eagle got the wheels cleaner.

I would still buy the Rim Juice if I couldn't find the Eagle though.
I put some GTA's on my GN and it's a !#@#@#$ getting all that brake dust out of all the little diamonds! Anyone find a good brush that can get in the smallest ones? Clean them without scratching or hurting the paint on them. I just ordered some custom fit dust Shields for the rims to keep down the brake dust but I'd like to get a brush or something that works well with these rims! :cool:

there is an easier way to keep them clean, take the wheels off, store them, put BBS RKIIs on the vehicle. No brake dust!!
