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coilpack VS distributor


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How are doing a user adjustable soft hit 2 step rev limiting control without a distributor.


Electromotive TEC3r with WinTEC4 software. Second to none ignition accuracy. Even more accurate than a distributor.
They did a nice thing with the XDI design, provided a seperate EST line for each coil pair on the DFU. Some OEM's did this as well with their waste spark modules; too bad Buick didn't. This eliminates the insufficient dwell time at high rpm limitation of the stock CCC3, which has only a single EST line that must serve all 3 coil pairs. Thus Electromotive can claim to get full coil charge time all the way up to 9600 rpm on a v6 setup, because they can command each coil pair to start charging independently.

They run a 60-2 CRS, which gives them crank reference postion information every 6 deg CAD. F*rd also has a 60-2 setup (and 30-1) for awhile now.

If the XFI for example could be configured to run 3 seperate EST outputs, then we could swap the stock Buick CCC3 ignition module for the 3 coil Electromotive DFU module and have a nice, stock type ignition power upgrade for race engines, with full coil power up to 9600 rpm. And FAST could make the 2 step and all work with it too. Seems that would be nice.

They did a nice thing with the XDI design, provided a seperate EST line for each coil pair on the DFU. Some OEM's did this as well with their waste spark modules; too bad Buick didn't. This eliminates the insufficient dwell time at high rpm limitation of the stock CCC3, which has only a single EST line that must serve all 3 coil pairs. Thus Electromotive can claim to get full coil charge time all the way up to 9600 rpm on a v6 setup, because they can command each coil pair to start charging independently.

They run a 60-2 CRS, which gives them crank reference postion information every 6 deg CAD. F*rd also has a 60-2 setup (and 30-1) for awhile now.

If the XFI for example could be configured to run 3 seperate EST outputs, then we could swap the stock Buick CCC3 ignition module for the 3 coil Electromotive DFU module and have a nice, stock type ignition power upgrade for race engines, with full coil power up to 9600 rpm. And FAST could make the 2 step and all work with it too. Seems that would be nice.

I don't understand why you would want to Frankenstein 2 systems when all you need is one. :confused: The Electromotive XDI technology is the core base of the Electromotive TEC units.
Some of us already have a FAST ;) Just some interesting ideas here for us poor Buford racer folks.

Looks like with the XFI (or other that supports a 36-1 CRS) you could maybe also (instead of the Buick CCC3) run a F*rd EDIS CRS wheel setup (36-1), EDIS ignition module and coil packs and achieve similar to the above swap to a DFU module. Looks like the F*rd EDIS module gets it's own copy of the CRS signal so it should be able to maintain sync even with a 2 step action going on. Plus it features seperate coil pack EST lines, so should also be able to achieve full coil power out to high rpm as well. Easy enough to verify that with a scope. Interesting ;)

And sheesh, you can even get the whole hardware she-bang as a kit online for like $110 bux lol.. That probably perks up some T'Buick ears, cheap b*stards that we generally are ;)

Nice site... Be interesting to see how all that would work with standard FAST.

I think XFI would work with it for sure but with out doing it...?????
