hi guys,
well my first shootout is behind me now and i can truthfully say i had a really great time. we arrivied early friday afternoon.went to unload the car and she would not fire a lick.we had just put in brand new plugs for the event. we change them every 3 rounds.that q-16 is death on plugs.any way we pushed the car off the trailer and changed plugs and all was well.(new plugs never been down the track fouled out during starting):
we made a soft pass of 145 mph can't remember et.next pass put the power into it and almost tookout the 300 ft.cone and i lifted. put car in trailer track was not ready for that kind of power its was late and WAY to cold to get any grip.

next day saturday,we put her on the track at about 1:30 pm thinking the track temp was better and it was.how ever upon launching the car i found out while it was better it was still dangerously slick.
the car ran 8.16 @165.65 mph and SHOOK THE TIRES THE ENTIRE 1/4 MILE

i parked the car and told my crew chief we were not running it again until the shootout with the ford which happened around 7:00 pm the track again was to cold to get any real grip but being the crazy guy i am we put more boost in the car and was ready to kick some ford ass.we were goining to try and put a 7 second run up for the buick team just to make everyone happy.:biggrin:how ever that's when it all begin to go wrong

after turning on the co2 bottle we went into the water and did a nice burnout as planned. at this point my crew chief opens the passenger door and keys the trigger on the laptop to record the pass.i then turn on the nitrous bottle and flip a toggle switch that arms the boost controller.(ams 1000)

after doining all that the last thing i do is make sure the car is in FIRST GEAR
well guess what? i didn't put the car in first gear(fitst time ever)

when we started to stage against the ford that we had covered my 4 tenths of a second

everything was cool,but when i turned on the second bulb and locked down the transbrake and went FULL THROTTLE she pushed through and tuned on the RED LIGHT

race over:frown:
the transbrake only works when car is in first gear.
so my buick friends (and i met alot of you last weekend) i humbly apologize
for my in competent driving saturday night.you'all made us feel at home even though we were along way from home in southern,il. i want to thank all of you for your hospitality you affored us during our stay at your track.
the plaque for top qualifer TEAM BUICK is beautiful and will hang on my wall with honor.we will be back next year good lord willing and will try to win one for the team,until then, god bless all of you and keep you safe, between the lines and off the wall.
your buick friend forever,
bobby don & "CATEGORY6"