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SignUp Now!I heard BUICKS won.
That was score 5 years ago. I think tonight was a little worse. My best guess is we have set upf or 92 races and we won 57 or 58 of those. I think we won 31 or 32 of the first 35 races.
Mike, you and Pat missed a great time. Sorry you didn't make it.
Phil Engle
Congratulations to the Buick camp. Heard you won your race Phil. (11.48)?
Wish I coulda been there. Had the car loaded on the trailer Wednesday. Thursday morning found driver's side slick was flat leaking from the bead area where the rims crews had damaged the bead. No problem, borrowed Pat's M/T drag radials. However, by that afternoon I could barely walk. Heck, I couldn't walk. Excrutiating pain in right upper thigh muscle(quadricep?) Pain pills no help. Actually waited till after midnight today to call the trip off. Could have made to Noble by 7:00 a.m. Gonna put swingouts on the rollbar for next year so I can get in and out of the car even if I'm in a wheelchair.
We''l make it next time, Phil.
Later, Mike H.
Mike, I hated hearing that you where not going to make it this year, you are always a valuable part and supporter to team Buick. Hope to see you next year and that you get to feeling better. If you need anything please don't hessitate to ask. Get well brother...Congratulations to the Buick camp. Heard you won your race Phil. (11.48)?
Wish I coulda been there. Had the car loaded on the trailer Wednesday. Thursday morning found driver's side slick was flat leaking from the bead area where the rims crews had damaged the bead. No problem, borrowed Pat's M/T drag radials. However, by that afternoon I could barely walk. Heck, I couldn't walk. Excrutiating pain in right upper thigh muscle(quadricep?) Pain pills no help. Actually waited till after midnight today to call the trip off. Could have made to Noble by 7:00 a.m. Gonna put swingouts on the rollbar for next year so I can get in and out of the car even if I'm in a wheelchair.
We''l make it next time, Phil.
Later, Mike H.
I heard BUICKS won.
Mike: I look forward to you being here next year. I've got to do something about my sidebar, too. Not getting any younger or more flexible.
Give my regards to Pat.
Phil Engle
I had a blast! I was the half primer, half flat black skylark. Fastest A-body there! 11.17 @ 119.3mph
On my last qualifying pass my radiator broke loose from where it was mounted, and fell into the fan. I wasn't able to race in the actual competition.
Pretty crazy how my winter project can change so quickly. I was planning on getting a nitrous set up for the car and some other suspension pieces, but now I am going to completly redo the cooling system with a new aluminum radiator, dual electric fans, and an electric water pump.
I will be ready to show them fords how its done next year!
I saw you pushing your car when they started announcing that you needed to show up or you would be DQd. That sucks man, but your car runs great!
I am sorry that it did not work out. Trying the the JB Weld was at least worth a shot. It was great meeting so many of you from this forum.Thanks!
Right when I pulled up into the staging lanes the radiator started dumping out water.
We thought that we had it sealed good enough for one pass, but guess not. At least it didn't do it in the middle of the track!I will make sure that it does not happen next year tho!
Congratulations to the Buick camp. Heard you won your race Phil. (11.48)?
Wish I coulda been there. Had the car loaded on the trailer Wednesday. Thursday morning found driver's side slick was flat leaking from the bead area where the rims crews had damaged the bead. No problem, borrowed Pat's M/T drag radials. However, by that afternoon I could barely walk. Heck, I couldn't walk. Excrutiating pain in right upper thigh muscle(quadricep?) Pain pills no help. Actually waited till after midnight today to call the trip off. Could have made to Noble by 7:00 a.m. Gonna put swingouts on the rollbar for next year so I can get in and out of the car even if I'm in a wheelchair.
We''l make it next time, Phil.
Later, Mike H.