Any parts store can oreder the roller trust bumper from Sealed Power. It is spring loaded and usually around $10. Good to hear that Nick has had that kind of success with the spring loaded thrust bumper on an austemper roller cam. I have done it once with success and have been afraid to try it anymore. Now I will. Also........Make sure the oil transfere hole on the cam thrust face is deburred. I find them with big burs all the time. It will grind a groove in the front of the block if not de-burred. Also make sure the screw in pipe plugs in the front oil galleries are flush or below the surface of the cam thrust surface of the block. (you DID tap the oil holes for pipe plugs, right? You didn't use the factory press in plugs, RIGHT?)
(TA sells the special screw in plugs)[/QUOTE
Sorry to bring up this old thread but I am currently setting the thrust on my roller cam. Just curious why do you want to have the oil holes tapped with pipe plugs vs the factory press in plugs?
By the way i think these comp thrust bumpers are a huge PITA. Next time im just going to use the spring thrust bumper.