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Converted to Vacuum - brake lights stay on?


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Oct 10, 2004
I just converted to vacuum brakes today. But I noticed as I was leaving for the night that the brake lights where staying on in the car. I switched pedals and everything, is there a switch somewhere that I missed? Also, the brake light on the dash is permanently on as well.
The dash light that's on in the car is due to the usual awesome GM lightbulb behind the dash. You may need to remove it, clean the contacts and replace/reinstall the bulb.
The brake lights that are on, may be due to the release/presure brake switch not properly set. It's usually located behind the brake pedal, been awhile since I've looked under there, but set it, have a friend check that it's energized when the brake pedal is depressed, and off when it's not. Not bad for a run-on sentence, huh?
GL...if I'm off, someone correct me.
Actually, it's immediately in front of the pedal. The button on the switch is suppressed when the brake pedal is in normal position. When you press down the pedal, the button is released and the brake lights activated. Just get under there and push the switch toward the pedal until the pedal shaft pushes the button in, and you'll be all set.
Thanks for the correction sir. I knew it was either foward/aft and was too lazy to run down to the car to recheck.
Hey Robbie, not meant as a correction. Just wanted to make your info more accurate so cuda6pak could address the problem more quickly. ;)
Ahh, thanks guys. Fixed it real quick this morning. I was just tired from working all day on the car and not thinking straight.

Is the brake light inside the car supposed to be on all the time after converting? It worked before and came on/off as the powercrapper was always messing up. Or is there some plug or switch I can take care of to eliminate it from being on all the time.

I still haven't bled the brakes yet, pedal is somewhat squishy but still not bad. I was able to build 5psi before the tires spun sittin in my parking spot, hehe. :biggrin:
Ha, I've done the same thing. Checking the brakes in my parking stall. If you're gonna do brakes, do 'em right, man. Bleed it, ensure it's at 100%.
Not sure if it's the wiring from the PM or could be the bulb or connectors are bad in the dash. When I did my last TR, it was the connector that needed cleaning. GL man.

Red, thanks for the tip.:D
I still haven't bled the brakes yet, pedal is somewhat squishy but still not bad. I was able to build 5psi before the tires spun sittin in my parking spot, hehe. :biggrin:

That's your problem. System has air in it. ;)
make sure the parking brake isn't pushed in a little bit. of it is, the brake light in the dash will come on. it's not unheard of to bump it when you are all twisted up under the dash doing something.
Well guys I bled the brakes today. It still doesn't want to brake that good. Plus now every time I hit the brake pedal I get a loud "hissing" noise. I tried popping the hood to listen to the booster when I hit the pedal but I couldn't hear it. But from the inside it's very loud.

I couldn't even build boost off the line after bleeding the brakes, what gives?
Vacuum Brake Booster Test Procedure

From:Car Vacuum Leak Problems
Question: 2001 Ford Escort, mileage: 111,000. I have a vacuum leak coming from under my dashboard. Where my brake goes thru the firewall into the booster. What could be causing the loss in pressure when I apply my brakes?
Answer: The problem you described is probably caused by a power brake booster diaphragm that has ruptured. Your power brake booster needs to be replaced to repair problem.

GN and T-Type Performance Enthusiasts (GNTTYPE) Forums - vacuum brakes

I'm thinking it's the booster. BTW.
Did you recheck to make sure it was the booster that was bad? Since you're running vacuum, get one from an auto-parts store with a lifetime warranty. If anything contact Red here on the board, he'll hook you up with a booster that works!
Did you recheck to make sure it was the booster that was bad? Since you're running vacuum, get one from an auto-parts store with a lifetime warranty. If anything contact Red here on the board, he'll hook you up with a booster that works!

Well going by the links it's very indicative that it's a torn diaphragm. As it only hisses when I press the pedal, plus I have a loss in pressure when I depress the pedal which the engine tries to compensate for. Guess I'll have to price out a booster from NAPA and see if I can get in on my friend's employee discount.
Haven't switched boosters yet...but here's another question for you vacuum brake guys.

How low does your brake pedal sit? Mine sits very low, lower than the gas pedal :confused: