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Converter advice please


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Signal 1 J-12
May 22, 2002
I've been out of the TR loop for a while, and am in need of some up to date opinions for a replacement converter for my dad's car. His GN is a heavy full weight car with a built roller motor spinning a Turbonetics 67mm ball bearing turbo and a 3.42 gear. He wants another non-locking 9" that's not too loose or expensive, as he does not drag race the car anymore. What converter will keep the car spunky on the street, but not overheat the tranny on the Power Tour?

No doubt that Dusty's converters are great units...however, his funds are tight at around $600, and that's where he needs to be for a new one if possible???? Anyone have any "confirmed good" used converters that meet the criteria aforementioned?
Honestly, unless the next buyer drags the car, the new converter is not likely too see over 23 psi and that's for just a few seconds while he's wasting a vette or something. Most importantly is that the converter must run cool enough in 4th gear for the Power Tour.
I might have a PTC nlu if post office can find it. Was lost about 3 weeks ago. Ordered new one so lost one will be sold if found.
Honestly, unless the next buyer drags the car, the new converter is not likely too see over 23 psi and that's for just a few seconds while he's wasting a vette or something. Most importantly is that the converter must run cool enough in 4th gear for the Power Tour.

Considering he wants a non lock. As long as he has a good trans cooling system any non lock will be fine. A 9" would be the worst possible converter for 4th gear cruise. They will make the most heat in this order. 9", 10", 9.5". The 10" fits his budget and will make less heat than a 9".