Cost to Paint our cars?

stripping the paint panel by panel then shooting 3 nice coats of SPI epoxy. not sure if iam painting it myself,if not its going in the shop in pieces shot with 3 coats of 2k the blocked and putty. my friend owns a shop so i may just have him do the BC/CC for a decent price since the most part of work will be done. i would imagine a job like this in NYC is in the 8-10k range.


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Id say it would be more. Probably a lot more. Time wasted on panel alignment and wet sanding would drive the price through the roof. Id be afraid to do anything with it a so to me it woudl be a useless toy sucking up space and insurance $.
For true perfection, you are right. My number was actually too low. And I totally agree, I would be afraid to even go into the garage and occasionally dust the thing off. LOL!

I bought my 1 owner 86 GN a year ago. It had the original paint which was cracking. I took it to Maaco,and talked to the owner. He stripped the hood,top,and trunk,took off the mirrors. I removed the rear spoiler. It was painted a Dupont base/clear Chromabase,and wet sanded and polished by the owner. He also removed some minor dents in the rigt quarter panel. He then reinstalled the mirrors and spoiler. It was also painted under the deck lid.
ALL THIS FOR $2152. Not perfect ,BUT a very nice paint job!!!
I've looked over your car more than a few times and from front to back, top to bottom, it looks VERY good. Kinda looks like you just drove in from 1986, only with more shiny paint. :D
Mine was done this Jan/Feb. I used the collison center at my auto group. I have a buddy in there. $6800 retail with me stripping it and pulling it apart. I get a discount so it was about $5k total. Very nice repaint,way better than factory but still not perfect! I can see over $10 easy for a show finish for a garage queen.
For true perfection, you are right. My number was actually too low. And I totally agree, I would be afraid to even go into the garage and occasionally dust the thing off. LOL!

I've looked over your car more than a few times and from front to back, top to bottom, it looks VERY good. Kinda looks like you just drove in from 1986, only with more shiny paint. :D

where did you get those awesome wheels on that ride??
Gotta love this thread...

My 87 is original paint except the doors.... which were repaired due to rust sometime in the car's life...

Be ready to spend on weatherstripping, dew-wipes, emblems, etc to make the car look new. the detail stuff goes a LONG way to making it look right.
Agree 100%

id say it would be more. Probably a lot more. Time wasted on panel alignment and wet sanding would drive the price through the roof. Id be afraid to do anything with it a so to me it woudl be a useless toy sucking up space and insurance $.

if i may add, find a shop to tech that "likes" these cars. Just the fact that working on a car i like gives me encouragement.i worked on 4 gn this past summer, i enjoyed myself. My son committed a mortal sin and purchased a 04 mustng(clobbered).i've been like a bear with a sore azz working on this piece of chit..he is 16 and thinks all the girls will like the mustang,(a skin ride)oh well,what do i know...can't wait till it done...
paint job

I bin doing resto work about 30 year.I love doing black cars' a lot of you guys seen my work. I painted tony gomes car a job like tony car would be around 15 pus:eek:;)....
For true perfection, you are right. My number was actually too low. And I totally agree, I would be afraid to even go into the garage and occasionally dust the thing off. LOL!

I've looked over your car more than a few times and from front to back, top to bottom, it looks VERY good. Kinda looks like you just drove in from 1986, only with more shiny paint. :D

Not as good as yours Barron,but it fits my needs!!!!!!
There are so many small parts that lots of paint goes into the air. Bumpers, fillers, mirrors, and spoiler adds up fast as the two bumpers have four bumperettes. The mirrors separate into four parts, and five pieces for the spoiler - we are up to 15 individual parts + four filler panels, header panel for an even 20 small parts...oh yeah, the turn signal bezels in the front bumper. Also need to get the doors off to get the jambs and bottom of the A-Pillar

A gallon of Epoxy (2 sprayable 1:1), one gallon of primer (1.25 sprayable 4:1), one gallon of base (1.5 sprayable 2:1), and one gallon of high solids clear (2 gallons sprayable at 1:1) is easily enough to do an all over on our cars. Add in the sand paper, W&G remover and other cleaning materials - gonna use a gallon of thinner just on cleaning the gun and $1,000 just gets most of the materials to your door step.

Doing my car as we speak and there is NO WAY I would do all that work even on new metal for less then $5K
I payed 5k for my paint job a few years back, they did all the stripping and prepping at the shop. To the naked eye when there are no other black cars around it looks good but when I take my car to the shop where I get my work done (a lot of GN's there) it looks kind of milky black when its next to a good low mile stock paint job. If you look close at certain spots you can tell they didn't wet sand it good, one of the rear quarter panels has what I was told are fish eyes (little circular air bubble looking spots), they didn't paint the sides of the hood right, and you can find run spots in the paint:mad:

The paint shop that I went to painted a few of my friends cars (candy paint) I don't think they paint a lot of black cars and I don't think they paint cars to last since I saw numerous of cars back there after being crashed, keyed, or shot up (bay area ****). I don't plan on selling my car ever so if your in the same boat as me I would suggest to do it the correct way the first time and find a painter that paints a lot of old classic cars and takes pride in their work because I got a quote from another painter when I looking to get sprayed that does all the work by himself and takes his time (6-8 months 8-10k) and I passed him up for the quick job which took 4-6 weeks and know i need a new paint job.
Sounds like a clear coat failure - cold and humid, flash time rushed, too much clear piled up at one time/solvent problems???
if you dont want to media blast, then use Aircraft stripper. it works great, my brother uses it at his shop, i have used it, ill be painting my car after i move into my house, i will be stripping my car down.
I will be looking to repaint my GN in the next couple years. Luckily I have a good friend who is experienced in body and paint and will be helping me out. I do have some questions about stripping options though.

Is media blasting the ONLY way to go to get the car to bare metal? Would I be completely insane to try and tackle the car with a DA?

I know it is best practice to remove the opera windows, bumpers, and fillers. Is it really necessary to remove the doors too?
I don't think that there are very many people that can actually do a paint job worth 10k even if the can get away with charging it. There are plenty of guys that will be happy to sell you a 10k job but I've seen some hell of a nice paint jobs for under 5k and I've seen some 10k+ paint jobs that aren't worth 5k. There aren't very many people that can do true show car body/paint work.
if you dont want to media blast, then use Aircraft stripper. it works great, my brother uses it at his shop, i have used it, ill be painting my car after i move into my house, i will be stripping my car down.

I used aircraft stripper on my car. I started sanding it all with the orbital but that took for ever to go through the paint then the primer.

I don't think that there are very many people that can actually do a paint job worth 10k even if the can get away with charging it. There are plenty of guys that will be happy to sell you a 10k job but I've seen some hell of a nice paint jobs for under 5k and I've seen some 10k+ paint jobs that aren't worth 5k. There aren't very many people that can do true show car body/paint work.

I'll agree with you! It is very time consuming but I've seen paint jobs that guy's have spent $8k on and my old T-Type looked way better. I had to laugh because after I had my car painted I was at my cousin's place and he was saying how her brother in law is a painter. She stepped out side and saw my car and said, but not like that!:biggrin:
So how does aircraft stripper work? Sounds like you'd want to be careful with that shizit? Also if I were to want to strip it myself, where would I find the resources to know how to take everthing off correctly? I'm thinking of the opera windows, window trim, mirrors, badges etc.
I don't think that there are very many people that can actually do a paint job worth 10k even if the can get away with charging it. There are plenty of guys that will be happy to sell you a 10k job but I've seen some hell of a nice paint jobs for under 5k and I've seen some 10k+ paint jobs that aren't worth 5k. There aren't very many people that can do true show car body/paint work.
your right on piont ....lot of shop they sale you a dream all they want is your money is call cash!!!!:biggrin::eek::biggrin:
So how does aircraft stripper work? Sounds like you'd want to be careful with that shizit? Also if I were to want to strip it myself, where would I find the resources to know how to take everthing off correctly? I'm thinking of the opera windows, window trim, mirrors, badges etc.

Aircraft stripper works good.If your car has been painted many times it may take a few times of putting it on with a brush and scraping it off with a putty knife to get to bare metal.I also use steel wool dipped in it when you have gotten all the paint off you can with the scraper.Then i wash it done with some laquar thinner.It can be bought at any autoparts store.You will want chemical proof gloves(burns when you get it on your hands) and a resperator because it stinks.I like the fact you dont have to worry about deep scratches or any warping.My last gn i had still had the orignal paint and it took me no time to get it to bare metal.Dont be affraid to use it,just respect what your using and you will be fine.
Heres a pic of my old gn hood when i was stripping it.As you can see half is done and the other half i just started.


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So how does aircraft stripper work? Sounds like you'd want to be careful with that shizit? Also if I were to want to strip it myself, where would I find the resources to know how to take everthing off correctly? I'm thinking of the opera windows, window trim, mirrors, badges etc.

It works best on a warm surface or in the sun. Put it on let it start to bubble the paint and then scrape it off, repeat process if needed.

Also, if your painting the car black use a black primer. Nothing worse then having a paint chip on a black car with yellow primer. My buddy that painted my car always uses the same color primer as the car is being painted.