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Crappy gas mileage?


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Apr 12, 2011
Is there any logical reason why i went 55 miles on 15 gallons of fuel? I'm hoping it evaporated but my odometer is right, car runs good no black smoke no significant signs of flooding or leaking but this sucks!! Any ideas?
Man I don't see or smell any leaks at all, there's gas cans a mustang and a ford truck I don't see why or how Anyone is doing that! Crazy I thought my odometer was not working but it is!

check for leak thats 5 miles per gallon also get a locking gas cap someone was hitting my el camino up here and there so i got a locking cap
Is there any logical reason why i went 55 miles on 15 gallons of fuel? I'm hoping it evaporated but my odometer is right, car runs good no black smoke no significant signs of flooding or leaking but this sucks!! Any ideas?

Was that 55 miles, ¼ mile at a time? :tongue:
it will really kill your gas mileage if you have the car running in the garage/driveway while tuning it or whatever.. anytime the engine is running and the odometer isn't moving, you are getting 0 miles per gallon.