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CTSV Spank


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Gray Beard Member
TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Sep 24, 2010
So I'm driving my freshly "spring cleaned" (by Lou Czarnota) TR to work this morning.

It's 6:45 AM on a Tuesday and I'm a still little hazy from the nice dinner and cocktails I enjoyed with a lady friend the night before.... I'm also working on feeling the car out, as I have only driven her about 30 miles since I got her home.

I'm watching all the gauges, seeing what's different, what's the same... the usual stuff....driving to work on auto-pilot, paying attention to the car, and not so much the trip or my fellow commuters.

I'm at 56th St and Mayo Blvd, Eastbound on Mayo, center lane, pole position.

I pull up to the intersection and a familiar blue CTS pulls up next to me in the lane to my right. At least I THOUGHT it was a familiar CTS... Thinking he was a co-worker who drives a blue CTS I gave him a wave.....

The guy in the car is eyeballing my car hard through dark tinted windows and then gives me the stinkeye like just told him I'm sleeping with his daughter....and that she's REALLY lousy in bed.

This guy just keeps staring at me, and as the light turns yellow for cross traffic, he changes his stare to the light that is about to change.

Right about now I realize this Caddy has a vent in the fender and it's NOT a CTS, but a CTSV... Additionally I realize this guy isn't who I thought he was......

The light changes as I am coming to my senses and this guy rolls out about 20 ft and then stands on it...

We have about 1/8th mile of straight flat street and then the dang road curves and narrows to 1 lane with bumpy pavement for about a mile.

Well, Now I'm awake and aware...

I've also decided I'm not gonna be this beansack's Tuesday morning laugh, so I gave my car about half throttle, pulled along side of him by the time we reached the far side of the intersection, checked the surprised look on his face, and then stood on it........Now I'm smokin' the tires and just tryin' to keep her straight.......

When I reached the curve Mr. CTSV was more than 5 car lengths behind me and losing ground fast.

I coasted the next mile and he stayed at least ten car lengths behind me the whole way.....When we came to the next light, where I was turning right, he wouldn't even make eye contact.

It was a good ride to work today.... yes it was.:cool:
ahhh, putting the spanking on Mr. CSTV. Of course your car is a bit of a sleeper isn't it? You got the white one?
Sounds like Mr. Lou's spring cleaning worked just fine!
Good if i can just get some of those "radiused tire valve stems" car should run like yours! :D
My son, you have made your father proud. I hope Gary Wells doesn't read this cause you will be on his chit list. ( grin ) :D
Was it the 6.2s/c or the all motor?? Ither way nice kill one more the tb team..

It screamed like a supercharger and this on the door.

ctsv emblem.jpg

Or perhaps that was the driver screaming.........:eek:
I don't think that is a CTS-V1 (2004-2007) or V2 (2009-present), but maybe a STS-V, which was about 100 crank HP & TQ less. I don't believe that either CTS-V1 or V2 carried the word "supercharged" but I believe that the STS-V did. The STS-V's had a blower on the Northstar motor, I believe., that's why the crank shaft HP & TQ #'s are different.
Everybody has a place in life, Guy, and yours is on that list.
Naw, J/K Guy.
Arizona does have some modded CTS-V1's & CTS-V2's & maybe even a modded STS-V or 2, & if you are lucky, you might accidentally come across 1 of them.
I don't think that is a CTS-V1 (2004-2007) or V2 (2009-present), but maybe a STS-V, which was about 100 crank HP & TQ less. I don't believe that either CTS-V1 or V2 carried the word "supercharged" but I believe that the STS-V did. The STS-V's had a blower on the Northstar motor, I believe., that's why the crank shaft HP & TQ #'s are different.
Everybody has a place in life, Guy, and yours is on that list.
Naw, J/K Guy.
Arizona does have some modded CTS-V1's & CTS-V2's & maybe even a modded STS-V or 2, & if you are lucky, you might accidentally come across 1 of them.

Like I said, I wasn't paying all that much attention, the vent in the fender is what caught my eye, might have been another emblem type on the door.

And Gary, I'm forever on someone or another's list, so I've got that going for me.......:confused:

Perhaps I shall run into one of those " modded CTS-V1's & CTS-V2's & maybe even a modded STS-V or 2" some day. I'm certainly looking forward to it.:cool:
Standard CTS's also have the fender vents, but IIRC, only the STS-V's have the word "Supercharged". You might have laid away a 14 sec car.
Standard CTS's also have the fender vents, but IIRC, only the STS-V's have the word "Supercharged". You might have laid away a 14 sec car.

Perhaps, Gary, perhaps. Then again, it was his 10 second attitude that got my attention anyway, and that attitude needed an adjustment, so I gave it to him, end of story.;)
What, CTS-V owners have a tude?
I have a tude whether I am in the Caddy or the turbo Buick.
Regardless, I know that your car is very fast, and I am only envious.
CTS-V's do not have the work supercharged anywhere on the car. None of the 09+ V's are N/A. My 2012 V sedan with an auto runs 12.0 at 120 with stock tires on a very well prepped track (and you still need to nurse it in 1st gear). It's guys like you that made me mod the thing to 630 h.p. but when I'm done with the my GN, it will clean the Cad's clock. Nice kill btw. I think it is funny that someone buys a new 500+ hp car and then gets put into place by a car 25+ years older and with 2 fewer cylinders.
What, CTS-V owners have a tude?
I have a tude whether I am in the Caddy or the turbo Buick.
Regardless, I know that your car is very fast, and I am only envious.

Well, I can tell you with absolute conviction that I NEVER front or display a 'tude.........NEVER....EVER.

Ok, I'm jus' flat out lyin'....... Lord forgive me fer that there.......:)
The best kills, are the worthy opponents. Cad-Vs arn't just worthy opponents, their delicious too.:D
Congrats on a great kill. Hope to see more. Keep it safe.

Mike B.
The quickest '09 & up Cad CTS-V just broke into the 9's a couple of weeks ago.
....and you don't wanna be around when Gary gets so tuded up that he shows his teeth....cuz when his grill is on.....then it's about to get ugly...:mad:
I have to admit that it looks like I am losing the race to the death between my custom grill work & your receding hairline. I hear that you're no longer sponsoring Brylcream, & somebody named Bosley is looking for you?