Dad gets his Bronze Star

A moment in time

Your family should be very proud of your dad . Those men did more for our country then most people understand .and had to do it with no comforts of home . Not like today.. God bless the corp!! Tell you dad i salute him proudly ..
Fantastic! Congrats to your father! My dad was 101st airborn and a paratrooper on D-Day. I miss him every day
Even though I'm a vet who served in Desert Storm, I have the utmost gratitude for the men and women who fought in WW1, WW2 and Vietnam. While any war and the toll it takes is never good, they didn't have the goodies that are at our disposal today. It's great to hear stories like this, because they deserve to be honored like that!
I have had the honor of spending time with folks who were tail gunner, waiste gunners and pilots, ect. during WWII, one of which was shot down attempting to supply materials to guys like your Dad during the "Bulge". The pilot that was "forced down" by a bf-109 spent the remainder of the war in a German prison camp. He was flying a glider with supplies on it for the stranded troops. Never made it. He crash landed 100yrds from an 88mm anti aircraft gun.:eek: They came and got him and tried their best to starve him to death (not intentionally, but they didn't have food to feed their own troops, so they couldn't feed our guys in captivity.) I got to hear thier stories. I am thankful to have known them. Most have all passed on.:frown: Their stories long lost now. Write your dads story for him. Let others know what he accomplished so they don;t have to. (though I am afraid it's comming soon again because we have forgotten.:mad:)

Tell your dad, THANKS!!! for me. Congrats!
Thanks for posting..

He looks great!!!

(did he bring home any Lugers?? :biggrin: )


Everything was stolen in 1948 when they stole his medals also. He had a complete Gernam uniform, money and other misc stuff all stolen. The US Government just finally got arounfd to replacing the medals at this ceremony.

I am thankful to have known them. Most have all passed on.:frown: Their stories long lost now. Write your dads story for him. Let others know what he accomplished so they don;t have to. (though I am afraid it's comming soon again because we have forgotten.:mad:)

Tell your dad, THANKS!!! for me. Congrats!

There is a program here at the university of florida that records WWII vets stories. It is called the Samuel Proctor History Program. Hundreds and hundreds of DVD's containing thousands of hours of stories from WWII vets. I'm getting a phone number where they can be purchased from Anne the lady who records their stories. She has been doing this for four-five years now.
All dad's stories from boot camp to discharge are on the DVD and I have a few copies.
