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Dead Stage 2


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dam my car looks cool,
I think the car broke beacuse i dident wash it before i went racing,
im stiking to that.............................
Stage II = 14 bolt heads. The broken starter sounds bad to me. I hope things work out OK Ralph.


I thought stage II had 20 bolts, :tongue: broken started happen from trying to force the engine to turn when its hydrolocked , "(coolant the cylinders)" better a broken started than a bent rod. ;)
When you said broken starter I envisioned a V6 a buddy of mine blew up where it knocked the starter off the block. Check out the rods really closely when you have the engine apart. It's possible that at least one will be bent just because of what you described. Water doesn't compress very well. ;)

Stage II = 14 bolt heads. The broken starter sounds bad to me. I hope things work out OK Ralph.


Duh, forgot we were talking stg2. My 8bolt champions used to lift and leak near the front cylinders until I had them drilled for 14bolt. Never had them crack though, even with 30+psi. :eek:

BTW, what cars do you have now Neal?

scott wile

I Buickless for the time being unless my Roadmaster wagon counts. ;) I have me '04 GTO which I took out to the last Street Legal drags. It runs like a pooch so I'll have to work on that. BTW, I saw your Dad there but was in the staging lanes and didn't get to say Hi.

BTW, what cars do you have now Neal?
ralph if you need help give me a can bring i to my shop so we can fix the natural disaster.katrina got inside your cylinders.

me and pete work for pizzas:cool:
Some JB weld, Cadillac tablets and duct tape should fix you right up. :tongue:

ralph if you need help give me a can bring i to my shop so we can fix the natural disaster.katrina got inside your cylinders.

me and pete work for pizzas:cool:

Finnish your tran$ before you take another project :D

If you need space to work on Ralph's car.. Bring the Notch to my house ;)
Well Ralph and I worked on his T this morning.

Blown gasket on #6
"Pulled plugs and cranked the motor by hand #6 had coolant poor out"

#5,#6 Blistered white insulator, Ground Electrode gone on plugs :eek:

#3,#4, Blistered white insulator from heat

#1 Blistered white insulator, Ground Electrode half gone

#2 Blistered white insulator

Radiator was empty

Oil had less than 1quart of coolant in it.

I think starter just happen to fail at the track because I was able to turn the motor over with a socket on the crank.