Dead Stage 2


If meanchicken doesn't race him I will.:biggrin:
Damn sounds like mean chicken is fixing to get gang banged. Hes a marked man & his bravado has come home to roost. The good news is that this is a multicultural endeavor & in harmony with the times. But I would like to see an Asian thrown in for a little more balance. change is working lol
Damn sounds like mean chicken is fixing to get gang banged. Hes a marked man & his bravado has come home to roost. The good news is that this is a multicultural endeavor & in harmony with the times. But I would like to see an Asian thrown in for a little more balance. change is working lol
I won't have any part in the gang banging of a chicken!!!
If meanchicken doesn't race him I will.:biggrin:

I told him where I am every weekday between 5:00-5:30
If he'd stop dodging me, it'd be all over already.:biggrin: ...and as long as his head gaskets and tranny hold out, I'd be at Pappa Lou's paying for some upgrades and planning my rematch.:biggrin:

Damn sounds like mean chicken is fixing to get gang banged. Hes a marked man & his bravado has come home to roost. The good news is that this is a multicultural endeavor & in harmony with the times. But I would like to see an Asian thrown in for a little more balance. change is working lol

Er but cheeks just clenched up real tight. :eek:

I'm an outy...not an inny, and when I fight I believe in pulling hair and bighting ears, so nobody best be getting any funny ideas. :mad:

...besides....when you said Asian...the name that popped into my head was Donny Wang and something about his surname made me barf a little...:frown:

Now if his first name was Dawny and last name was "Boob" and he was a she. That'd be different.

and when I say "she"....I of course mean the real kind...NOT the kind with aftermarket bolt on equipment, big hair, and plumbing re-reouted. Urf....barf'd again...

I won't have any part in the gang banging of a chicken!!!

Thank you, friend.:biggrin:
I am sure that Donnie Wang is proud of his surname as we would all be if we had it. I am hoping that Don takes light of the remarks about his surname. Don's one of us, it's not like he's an outsider.
I am sure that Donnie Wang is proud of his surname as we would all be if we had it. I am hoping that Don takes light of the remarks about his surname. Don's one of us, it's not like he's an outsider.
Gary please! I'm tired of all this sensitivity about race, You can joke about me being a Pollock all day long, I don't care, We are all friends here & no need to apologize for anything. By injecting the possibility that I would discriminate any one with my light hearted humor only enables it. Beside Asians aren't considered members of the alleged down trodden persecuted minority.Us whites now hold that position. We are now a minority. So as such I give anyone here permission to call me what ever they want.No problem. Honky Lou
Gary please! I'm tired of all this sensitivity about race, You can joke about me being a Pollock all day long, I don't care, We are all friends here & no need to apologize for anything. By injecting the possibility that I would discriminate any one with my light hearted humor only enables it. Beside Asians aren't considered members of the alleged down trodden persecuted minority.Us whites now hold that position. We are now a minority. So as such I give anyone here permission to call me what ever they want.No problem. Honky Lou
People of all races read these forums. And it's not about you, nor is it about me, nor is it about any one of us but about everybody of all ethnic backgrounds that make up this forum. And I never injected any possibility that you or anyone else would discriminate against anybody. I personally don't care if you discriminate against anybody. But I do care if you discriminate against any race, creed, religion, skin color, or ethnic background on the southwestern section.

My stab at humor was aimed at the phallic connotation in Donnies last name and I assure you...all in fun. He is welcome to take a jab at me as part of the family here....and if he doesn't like my humor, I'm sure he'll let me know....he's a big boy.

for the last name is...wait for it....PidCOCK.

I went through boot camp and 6 years of active duty service with that name. I've earned the right to poke fun at others last names....especiall those that have a pahllic connotation.

...and now you know wher my screne name was derived from.
Pidcock = vicious rooster = mean chicken = :biggrin:

People of all races read these forums. And it's not about you, nor is it about me, nor is it about any one of us but about everybody of all ethnic backgrounds that make up this forum. And I never injected any possibility that you or anyone else would discriminate against anybody. I personally don't care if you discriminate against anybody. But I do care if you discriminate against any race, creed, religion, skin color, or ethnic background on the southwestern section.
Huh what ? let me get this straight. you don't care if I discriminate against any body as long as its doesn't include race,color,religion,or ethnic background. Damn that sure limits my choices. All that leaves me is gays or mustang owners. slim pickings if you ask me. Doesn't leave me with much to work with. Gary can't be a little more flexible than that. Grand Dragon Lou

My stab at humor was aimed at the phallic connotation in Donnies last name and I assure you...all in fun. He is welcome to take a jab at me as part of the family here....and if he doesn't like my humor, I'm sure he'll let me know....he's a big boy.

for the last name is...wait for it....PidCOCK.

I went through boot camp and 6 years of active duty service with that name. I've earned the right to poke fun at others last names....especiall those that have a pahllic connotation.

...and now you know wher my screne name was derived from.
Pidcock = vicious rooster = mean chicken = :biggrin:

OK, thanks, Tim, appreciate the explanation.
Huh what ? let me get this straight. you don't care if I discriminate against any body as long as its doesn't include race,color,religion,or ethnic background. Damn that sure limits my choices. All that leaves me is gays or mustang owners. slim pickings if you ask me. Doesn't leave me with much to work with. Gary can't be a little more flexible than that. Grand Dragon Lou
Sure, Lou, knock yourself out. We want you to have a good time. You're our #1 Southwestern Section supplier, (well, other than Nick Micale in Arizona. We really appreciate everything that you do for the SouthWestern Section.

Sure, Lou, knock yourself out. We want you to have a good time. You're our #1 Southwestern Section supplier, (well, other than Nick Micale in Arizona. We really appreciate everything that you do for the SouthWestern Section.

Gary, Perhaps I should watch what I say a little more carefully & thanks for reminding me. I realize that your the moderator & just doing your job. These things do have a way of getting out of hand. So I am giving myself a public shut up stupid. Lou

LOL are you rehearsing the silence of the lambs again ?
Gary it was good seeing you at Fontana.That was probably the only good thing about that day. the rest was a disaster, Car wouldn't run & driver sucked.
Gary it was good seeing you at Fontana.That was probably the only good thing about that day. the rest was a disaster, Car wouldn't run & driver sucked.
like wise I wish I could have seen the car run. I'm sure you will get it sorted out.

like wise I wish I could have seen the car run. I'm sure you will get it sorted out.

I will do my best, Mean while I want meanchicken & yourself, two brothers by different mothers, to stop getting me into trouble here. You guys are the reason I got scolded by the moderator. Now I have a smudge on my otherwise clean
All's well, Lou. Mike and I were just talking this last weekend about how fortunate we are to have you in the TB.COM SouthWestern Section. I only try to keep & enforce what I think is best for both TB.COM and the SouthWestern Section. I have had over the years a lot of help and advice from you, TB.COM forum and especially the SouthWestern Section. And I do know that my car would probalby not even be running if it weren't for you and the others help, advice, & peer pressure. Life's good, no doubt.