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Did I ever mention I love my wife!


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I heart Boost and DRs...
Dec 2, 2009
So I got some new tools and some parts for my 454 turbo build! The other present was that she found some old pictures of me and my dad from when he was alive and racing, and made a album out of it. There is a few that has been blown up and put up on the wall and there is one of me sitting in his Grand national with him in the passenger side (the one I have now) I was learning how to drive.

I didnt know these were even around cause my step mom hated the cars and wanted him to have nothing to do with racing and destroyed alot of stuff and pictures by the trunk load! I was also digging around last night in the shop and found titles to everything my dad had and that includes his part cars.

Out of everything I got the photo album and pictures to hang up on the wall means the most!
That is AWESOME!!! What an excellent gift. Forever to be treasured. :)
Sure is man! I got all the home movies and stuff. Just enjoying it.
Your wife is a pure sweetheart.....that is sure nice to read.....give her a kiss for me (on the cheek, mind you, I'm married, too:rolleyes:) You've got a one in a million girl there that did that for you. Wow. That's great. Glad to see that you were close to your Dad. Looks like he raised you right!

Bruce '87 Grand National
Well considering I been with her since I was 13 and now 24 with one kid and twins coming.. She was raised around my dad too and loves cars.
Your one lucky man! I lost my wife back in Sept. After only 3 years of marrage O well! she hated my cars and my guns anyway! One day i might get lucky NOT! i have bad luck!:frown: devorce sux
Your one lucky man! I lost my wife back in Sept. After only 3 years of marrage O well! she hated my cars and my guns anyway! One day i might get lucky NOT! i have bad luck!:frown: devorce sux

Ask ME about divorce: TWICE!

Look at it this way, you just made "necessary adjustments" as we used to say in engineering modifications. So, don't call it bad luck, call it a new start towards your happiness. Take it from me, I was where you were once and I felt the world coming down on my shoulders, nothing could make me happy....real bad in the love department. So, one day, I was out cleaning my Corvette, hating all females that walked the earth...and BAMMMMMM!!!!! My young neighbor walked over this cute little blonde named Shirley and introduced us......the moment I looked at her eyes....that was it, it was an instant attraction of the soul mate kind! I felt like I was struck by a lightning bolt!!!! And to top it off, SHE was very unhappy, too, going through a very bad relationship due to constant alcohol by the other guy.

That was over 15 years ago. I still love everyday with my Shirley, every darn day! I tell her I love her countless times everyday of my life, no kidding. I tuck her in at night to make sure she's warm and kiss her goodnight and tell her I love her. I thank God daily for bringing her into my life.....and lucky me....everybody who has met her loves her, too. We do everything together, even get sick! She likes all of my cars, guns, trains, hours of guitar playing and the crazy things I do. Not one complaint about the recent flight in a B25 (a longtime dream), she was so happy for me.

She even talked me into buying the most expensive guitar I've ever bought....and I had to be talked into it as that meant no GN parts for almost a year....but she loves my guitar playing so much and felt I really deserved it. I'm glad she did it, as I love that guitar, too. I would have never bought it if it weren't for my Shirley.

I was helping her do the clothes today and working out in the garage, trying to get over this damn big cold I have....real, I came in, changed the washing machine load, and went into the next room and did a long drum solo on my drums, kind of to work out my frustrations of being sick.....Shirley gave me the biggest compliment on my playing....which gave me confidence and made me feel so good. No bitching at all about the pounding of the drums reverbrating through the house!!:eek:

Get my drift here? Me, I don't deserve a wife like Shirley, but I'm so thankful I have her....and I thought I'd be a single, stupid, unhappy, lonely man the rest of my wrong I was.....I wasn't even looking for a relationship.

So, beware, it'll hit you when you LEAST expect it.....just relax now, take your time, enjoy life the way you want, be a good guy, stay out of trouble, play with your GN or TB, work on it, keep busy.....because somewhere out there, there's a wonderful girl, just right for you, prowling waiting to get her "hooks" into you. (my wife's cute little term when she met me)

So, enjoy your holidays, buddy, and the New'll never know what's around the corner.


Bruce '87 Grand National
ya i try to keep my head up. But i being 37 i just dont know at this point. i having a he!! of a time. bills bills and no money. getting close to loseing the house agin. this is the fist marrage and i will not do it agin. my regals and my guns are my girls. but i will keep all u have said in mind at all times thanks
ya i try to keep my head up. But i being 37 i just dont know at this point. i having a he!! of a time. bills bills and no money. getting close to loseing the house agin. this is the fist marrage and i will not do it agin. my regals and my guns are my girls. but i will keep all u have said in mind at all times thanks

Buddy, I feel for you, nothing I can do about that, but just tell you to hang in there, have faith, keep trying anything to save your house....there are people out there who can help you consolidate your bills so you can pay them in a timely fashion. Most of all, don't start drinking, don't smoke pot or do any type of drugs....that crap will ALWAYS magnify your problems/worries. They will ALWAYS be there after you sober up. Trust me. Just keep your head on straight, keep it clear and be cautious. I know it can be very scary on the verge of losing your home. That's so damn stressful.

Lawyers cost money, ask me how I know, but if you don't have money for a lawyer, see Legal Aid Society, they can help you from loosing everything.

If it gets too bad for you, yap at me here, or the other guys on this board...all of us, of course, are pulling for you and don't want to see you get the shaft. Most of all, keep the should talk to the Lord tonight and really get serious with'd be amazed at what could happen. I'll start the ball rolling tonight by saying a prayer for you, buddy, it can't hurt.

You can talk to a clergyman or minister if it gets too bad for you, they are always there to help you.

Stop any unecessary spending of your money treats, nights out, bullets for your "girls" or your treats for your Regals...DO NOT SPEND ANYTHING AT THIS TIME....stand back, take stock, then act, but act're a grown man, you can do it. Just have confidence in yourself and say, "I can get myself out of this horrible jam because I have to and will do it!"

Keep in mind, my friend, my life was falling apart at age 48, after two bad marriages, big child support, numerous failed relationships, but my job kept me partly sane....but still, it was bad for me....very bad....then you know the rest when my Shirley came into my life....from there I still can't believe my good fortune having, you'll never know what's around that corner. And, I've heard it so many times, and have seen it so many times in my life: no matter how bad you/I think we have it, there's always some other poor soul who has it worse, pause for thought, and then I look at my problems in a more positive light. So many, many others here in this world are not as fortunate as you, or I, or a lot of guys I know. Count your blessings. As therapy for me feeling bad about those who have it worse than I have at times, I HELP them anyway I doing things that make THEM happy. The Lord HImself told me to do this, so I do it. It makes me very happy inside when I know I've helped someone down on thier luck and made them smile, lots of times, they have cried. Everyone has this ability, so don't single me out. I just hate seeing anyone sad.

You've got to pick yourself up by the bootstraps, start over with a clean slate, worry about YOU, take it slowly one day at a time, and most of all, again have faith in God and have faith in yourself. JUST DON'T EVER GIVE UP. I'm sure a lot of guys on this board have had a real bad time in their lives sometimes or another, very bad probably, but they are still plugging along.

The only direction for you now, you lucky guy, is FORWARD....forget the past, it's useless to you.

Yap at me anytime you want, I'll try my best to pep talk you, only don't ask about Turbo Buicks from me....I've been put to shame by all the incredible, knowledgeable guys here on this board....another reason why I'm lucky, I've got so many friends here who are just walking "Technical Manuals" on these cars. So much intelligence all together that it could run the whole world.

Glad you'll keep everything in's for deep thought. I'm pulling for you, don't forget that. Even from behind a keyboard.

I see that you live in Ohio....I love that state, it's real nice, almost started a job out there in the '70s at Timken Roller Bearing Company, but didn't as I didn't want to leave my fiance' future wife in I wish I had, she left me for another man. AND.....GET THIS: my second ex- wife is from Lima, Ohio!! Can you beat that? At least when I was out there several times her grandfather showed me the old Lima Locomotive Works where they made all their steamengines back then....even got to stand on the old round house, stood over a locomotive mechanic's pit, and saw all of the neat tracks....the locomotive building is still there, only then it was being used to manufacture school buses. It was cool being able to stop in Wapakeneta, Ohio, to see Neil Armstrong's parent's house and the museum down the road. His parents where home at that time, but I didn't have it in me to bust in with a case of beer.!!!! I really liked Ohio, still do, only I avoid Lima like the plague (though the plague is now in Houston, Texas!!!) :)))))))))

Bruce '87 Grand National
So I got some new tools and some parts for my 454 turbo build! The other present was that she found some old pictures of me and my dad from when he was alive and racing, and made a album out of it. There is a few that has been blown up and put up on the wall and there is one of me sitting in his Grand national with him in the passenger side (the one I have now) I was learning how to drive.

I didnt know these were even around cause my step mom hated the cars and wanted him to have nothing to do with racing and destroyed alot of stuff and pictures by the trunk load! I was also digging around last night in the shop and found titles to everything my dad had and that includes his part cars.

Out of everything I got the photo album and pictures to hang up on the wall means the most!

Dude that's a pretty cool lady you got there.

sent from my couch