Direct scan with 2 computers


Active Member
May 25, 2001
Direct Scan loaded on 2 texas instruments travelmate computers. both had new batteries installed in 2007. Includes only 1 charger unless I can find the second. Direct scan interface is still mounted in my GN so I wont pull that out until sold. $200 Can deliver to BPG



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I prefer a package deal. Laptops of this age can fail at anytime. 1 already did for me.(I started with 3) This way there is no downtime Can deliver to BPG
direct scan

Is that the program on the labtop "DirectSCan" if so what else do you need to tune your car.
I just purchased this set up from Russ. In order for the program that's on the computer to be of any use you have to have the Interface module, ribbon, and cable. These componets all work together and the ribbon from the module hooks directly to the service port of the ECM. HTH
