Here are a couple of quick blips on the p'logger I did tonite while my ol lady watched the Grammy's. I just added a DIY alky kit using a Shurflo pump (Steve Monroe setup) with an M10 nozzle and 50/50 denatured. Pump comes on @7psi. As I worked my way thru this list of knock problems I came across a cracked DS manifold that needs to be fixed. I just replaced the coil pack, ig mod, AC43 plugs gapped at a tight .035, cleaned air filter, plug wires, new FPR, and set FP @ 43 psi line off. TT Street 19/17. For some reason the PL is logging on 10psi but actual boost on these runs is only 15psi. Ive tried two boost gauges and got the same reading. this real knock or false? Because, somtimes this thing will knock in 3rd WOT and sometimes it wont. I did notice that my upper control arm has some scuffing on it like the dp is making contact. I pushed down on the fender to try and see if it would make contact but it didnt. Maybe with engine load twisting the motor its making contact ticklin the knock sensors willy. BTW set your PLogger to 2 bar like mine when you view it.