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9sec 17MPG Street Car
Staff member
Sep 24, 2001
I do:)
This is a man with respect and honor and i could tell the first time i meet him. This was taken at the GS Nationals:) The hair cut gives him away LOL
You are absolutly correct! Those that know me, know how upset I get when I see someone not showing proper respect when the National Anthem is played. With that being said, the GS Nationals was way better than the NMCA and NMRA races I attended throughout the year
Looks like Dave England to me!!! Mike
You are right and win nothing LOL
I saw this picture my buddy took of Dave and it all made sense. Just another reason i respect him.It didnt matter that i was in the motorhome , i heard it and removed my hat. If for no other reason out of respect for people like my father that went to war. I have my fathers purple heart and it means alot to me....
I like dave and also respect him greatly. He had to be a marine!! Cause he just cant give up the haircut LOL Mike
I just wish their were more people like this:cool:It pisses me off when people are talking and joking especially at Rememberance day services:mad::(

I just wish their were more people like this:cool:It pisses me off when people are talking and joking especially at Rememberance day services:mad::(

Love your sig...
I alway say i like dogs better than i like people LOL
I was standing at the Rib Eye sadwich shack with my hat removed and turning toward the flag when I saw him.......... I was like WOW you never see that anymore. I took my camera from my pocket and snapped this picture. I talked to Dave a little while later when he came over to see Gene. I asked him if he was a Marine because of the haircut. He said he was in the Air Force I believe. I thanked him for his service and for honoring our country and those who have left us fighting for FREEDOM....
havent been there since 94. doesnt look like much has changed. im thinking those stands look exactly the same as they did back then.
Dave is a good guy . Good to see someone respect the flag and what it stands for .
You can tell he has integrity when you shake his hand and meet him. Nothing worse than ignorance and or arrogant people that dont really know what it means when they disrespect that flag.
geno said:
You can tell he has integrity when you shake his hand and meet him. Nothing worse than ignorance and or arrogant people that dont really know what it means when they disrespect that flag.

Thanks Gene it was great to see you again after 10 years.

I decided a while back I would honor the flag the way the veterans from WW2 did since there are so few left I decided to carry on the tradition on their behalf.
Now get out and vote today and help return this great country to the level of GREATNESS it once was.
Honored to serve this great country and reminders from people like you guys make it worth while.

I'm impressed with your show of patriotism. It seems to have gone by the wayside these days especially in the part of the country I live in. I made sure to take my hat off and face the flag myself but stood at parade rest since I'm not in the military anymore. If I knew you had done this I would have had to meet you and shake your hand.


I made sure to take my hat off and face the flag myself but stood at parade rest since I'm not in the military anymore.


I think a lot of veterans don't realize that, via an act of Congress, even veterans that are no longer on active duty are now allowed to render a full salute to the flag while in civilian cloths, etc.

If one is serving OR once served, a full hand salute in civilian cloths is perfectly acceptable!!
Great pic, nice to see respect.
Maybe we should send this pic to the White House for learning