Do you think this was excessive force?

I don't think grabbing his arm justifies punching a woman in the face. WTF is this world coming to where everyone thinks it's ok for a woman to be punched in the face and she had it coming and all that garbage. For a woman to be punched in the face she should really have it coming, and not this petty chit. I personally think that was completely unnecessary.


With that being said, I don't believe in hitting a woman (those there's been a few times I wanted too), but I know I am not the only one who SAW THE GIRL IN THE PINK SHIRT GRAB THE COPS ARM FIRST! So what if he was busting them for jaywalking, just because Obama is in office doesn't give them the right to break the law. Like theCATman said, Jesse, Al, Oprah, and Farrahkahn will be onboard with the media whores who aired this story.

Ironically, when I watched this clip I was laughing so hard I shot the grape kool-aid I was drinking out of my nose :biggrin:
I had two like the one in the first picture OUCH

See theraf8100 more garbage

WTF does shiphead being in Office have to do with anything?????


With that being said, I don't believe in hitting a woman (those there's been a few times I wanted too), but I know I am not the only one who SAW THE GIRL IN THE PINK SHIRT GRAB THE COPS ARM FIRST! So what if he was busting them for jaywalking, just because Obama is in office doesn't give them the right to break the law. Like theCATman said, Jesse, Al, Oprah, and Farrahkahn will be onboard with the media whores who aired this story.

Ironically, when I watched this clip I was laughing so hard I shot the grape kool-aid I was drinking out of my nose :biggrin:
Well if a woman wants to act like a man...lets treat her like one. Sickening isnt it?

i dont have to respect officers if he dont respect me but i do have to respect the badge... i dont care if a crippled old lady was fighting the officer.. the LAW is the LAW.. assulting an officer is a crime. Pittsburgh had 3 of its finest gunned down last year so if you assult an officer you get whats coming and it has nothing to do with a man hitting a woman...but it does have a lot to do with the Black attitude towards officers.. they were two mouthy law breaking N's and yes they were N's and dont act like ur offended because everyone knows the difference... CHRIS ROCK explained the difference.. you wanna act like that ur an N....if not ur an american like everyone else. you think all those people who got sprayed with fire hoses, lynched, etc... did it so blacks could go around acting like these women.. thats the ultimate disrespect to those people who fought hard against real oppression, not media contrived garbage, not the crap that so called preachers speak...
but it does have a lot to do with the Black attitude towards officers.. they were two mouthy law breaking N's and yes they were N's and dont act like ur offended because everyone knows the difference... CHRIS ROCK explained the difference.. you wanna act like that ur an N....if not ur an american like everyone else. you think all those people who got sprayed with fire hoses, lynched, etc... did it so blacks could go around acting like these women.. thats the ultimate disrespect to those people who fought hard against real oppression, not media contrived garbage, not the crap that so called preachers speak...

How many times have you been pulled over and asked where are you going or why are you in this neighborhood? Have you seen one of your siblings get his front teeth kicked in by LAPD? How many times have you had guns pulled on you in front of your own house?

These are some of the things I have experienced myself and that is nothing when compared to what my older relatives experienced back in the 40s,50s, and 60s. The black attitude towards the police is a direct result of negative experiences, mediums and conditioning. It's the same attitude that most apple pie Americans have against Muslims right now. Terrorism in our streets have led to a nation of people hating an entire group because of their religous affiliation.
How many times have you been pulled over and asked where are you going or why are you in this neighborhood? Have you seen one of your siblings get his front teeth kicked in by LAPD? How many times have you had guns pulled on you in front of your own house?

These are some of the things I have experienced myself and that is nothing when compared to what my older relatives experienced back in the 40s,50s, and 60s. The black attitude towards the police is a direct result of negative experiences, mediums and conditioning. It's the same attitude that most apple pie Americans have against Muslims right now. Terrorism in our streets have led to a nation of people hating an entire group because of their religous affiliation.
i drive a gbody so i got profiled many times. my best friend is a black male from an all black neighborhood and i got questioned for being there... Is it an inconvience, YES! do i agree with it, YES... strong stereotypes exist because they are the rule, not the exception... your anger is pointed at the wrong people.. the anger should be pointed at ur own community. they give you the bad name by their actions.

i can't not speak for what goes on in california cause personally i think its the cess pool of the world. BUT i also dont believe "innocent" people get guns pulled on them by the police very often anymore.

go write jesse jasckon a love letter if you wanna cry about it.. if not grow up and be a man and stop blaming other people. If you live a clean life you shouldnt have much to worry about.
I'm not angry, I'm conscious. I really don't like Jesse Jackson, he is a farse coke head whore chaser but that's just my opinion. And is Chris Rock the spokesperson for everything black? Get outta heeeeeyah. The people who CHOOSE to act ignorant deserve what comes to them however if someone is given power they should do it in a responsible manner. There are too many loose cannon black folks running around, there are an equal amount of law enforcement who abuse the badge, just like there are too many white folks running around outta control. Oh and I don't mind the Cali bashing...we're used to it...we do have the best looking women, the best weather, and everyone wants a car from here. :D
I'm not angry, I'm conscious. I really don't like Jesse Jackson, he is a farse coke head whore chaser but that's just my opinion. And is Chris Rock the spokesperson for everything black? Get outta heeeeeyah. The people who CHOOSE to act ignorant deserve what comes to them however if someone is given power they should do it in a responsible manner. There are too many loose cannon black folks running around, there are an equal amount of law enforcement who abuse the badge, just like there are too many white folks running around outta control. Oh and I don't mind the Cali bashing...we're used to it...we do have the best looking women, the best weather, and everyone wants a car from here. :D
trust me, blacks arent enough of the population to create all the problems of this country. White trash is just as bad...i just dont see the same problems with police in whites (well atleast not in major cities) Chris rock isnt a spokesman but he tells the truth a lot!

as far as best looking women, texas, florida, midwest...i'll take anyday over fake cali chicks, weather is good but i'll pass on earth quakes.... i also pass on illegal immagrants, liberals, tree huggin hippies, big mouth celebs, people who push their sexual preference down everyones throat...etc

California is the biggest set back to our hobby! keep ur emissions standards!

but hey you like buicks so we can agree there...keep it 'tween the ditches!:cool:
Its cool!!! I actually like your style man...we cant bury the hatchet until you sell me your Plymouth. :cool:
I'm not angry, I'm conscious. I really don't like Jesse Jackson, he is a farse coke head whore chaser but that's just my opinion. And is Chris Rock the spokesperson for everything black? Get outta heeeeeyah. The people who CHOOSE to act ignorant deserve what comes to them however if someone is given power they should do it in a responsible manner. There are too many loose cannon black folks running around, there are an equal amount of law enforcement who abuse the badge, just like there are too many white folks running around outta control. Oh and I don't mind the Cali bashing...we're used to it...we do have the best looking women, the best weather, and everyone wants a car from here. :D

I agree. I drive a black regal in a black neighborhood that is not known to like the law very much. I am frustrated at how the officer Punched the girl... it just kinda hurt I guess, but people ARE ignorant within the situation. There are other ways the officer could have handeled the situation. The girl plead not guilty to the charges, and the officer is getting HAILED in Seattle right now for his "JUST" actions. Do you know why black people carry guns, because there are too many people with badges these days cracking and kicking in doors over Bulls*it and I for one and TIRED of it.
How many times have you been pulled over and asked where are you going or why are you in this neighborhood? Have you seen one of your siblings get his front teeth kicked in by LAPD? How many times have you had guns pulled on you in front of your own house?

These are some of the things I have experienced myself and that is nothing when compared to what my older relatives experienced back in the 40s,50s, and 60s. The black attitude towards the police is a direct result of negative experiences, mediums and conditioning. It's the same attitude that most apple pie Americans have against Muslims right now. Terrorism in our streets have led to a nation of people hating an entire group because of their religous affiliation.

been tailed and followed, never pulled over though.:eek:
Heres the thing theres a lot of things in our society that lead to controversy..Ive benn asked what i was doing in this nieghborhood when i was sitting in front of my dads house in my car..To which i replied i live here..The cop was like you live here oh ok and pulled off..Ive been profiled ,unjustly thrown in the back of cop car and then let go pulled over and told i was pulled over cause my tire was low and then asked could they search my vehicle etc etc..It dosent make me hate cops it just makes me stay on my ps and qs..I just wish that cops wouldnt be petty, if you pull me over and my plates are good i got my insurance no warrants,its apparent im not drunk,there wasnt a cloud of weed smoke coming out of my car and everything is cool let me go instead of tryin to make up bs cause you happen to pull over the guy that really want doin anything wrong...

Theres bad apples in the pd theres bad apples in all of our communities no matter what color here the thing..Ive been around people that drop the n bomb and i havent said anything cause it wasnt directed at me..I was at a hotel party with guys from work and someones friend walked in the room he saw some blk dudes down the hall smokin weed and stared at them they said what the f$ck you lookin at? and he kept strollin.. and soon as he got in the room and the door shut he yelled F*$kin ns i hate hate f*#kin ns not knowing i was around the corner sitting on the bed..
Everyone started lookin at me expectin a fight and my friends jumped in front of me and some other guys grabbed him and pulled him out into the hall...I told them im not doin anything to him im cool he came in and apologized and i told him it wasnt necessary..He then starts tellin me what happened down the hallway and how he has blk friends and he was just pissed and all blk people arent ns etc etc.. I told him we were ok and you never know what situation you are walkin into and use your eyes and your brain before you open your mouth.. They wanted to throw him out and send him home i told them not to...The party went on and all was cool...
I say that to say everytime whites drop n bombs and they really arent racist they go tryin to explain it away..."Im not racist N means ignorant person, when you act like a N you deserve to be called /treated like one,i got black friends i grew up in a blk neighborhood etc etc" 88 cutty classic you seem like a cool cat but im gonna tell you like i tell everyone else ..

There are plenty of words in the english language you can use that one should be left out of everyones vocabulary,Why? Cause it causes controversy and everyone dont understand like i understand that just cause you say it dont mean ur the head of the KKK...There are also plenty of people that act before they think and if they hear you say it, its an instant fight/drama/guns pulled.. You wont have time to explain yourself and if theres noone there to help you or if you cant scrap/arent packin a weapon youll end up in the hospital talkin bout "chris rock said..."or worse..

Im not tellin anyone how to live thier life but why subject yourself to that or put yourself in that position unecessarilly? Its a loaded word and if you go tossin it around i hope ur ready to accept the consequences...Theres too many ways to get mangled up out in these streets that you cant control ecpecially when you drive a g body..carjacking,robery,car accidents just walkin out the front why do that to yourself when you can control it? Idk just my .02
^ You make very good points. It is unfortunate that everyone gets 'profiled' because of other members of there race. I have two, count them -2, black friends. I also live in rural Wisconsin, where 20 years ago white lutherans were the minority to the white catholics :) Our communities are changing, and I agree those with a classic state of mind need to adjust to the times.

With that being said, I make jokes to my minority friends (African Americans, Native Americans, Vietnamese, and a Saudi for good measure). They don't take any offense to them, as I don't take any offense when they call me Honkey, Cracker, or White Trash :)

To get back on topic, these girls broke the law, then obstructed an officer, physically threatened that officer to which he re-acted. This situation could've turned out a lot worse than a girl getting punched in the face.... like a trip to the morgue with a 9mm shell in her gut.
Those 2 girls have a history of assaulting leos! This isnt the first time they have been busted for it! It was on the news here in Kalifornia!
Heres the thing theres a lot of things in our society that lead to controversy..Ive benn asked what i was doing in this nieghborhood when i was sitting in front of my dads house in my car..To which i replied i live here..The cop was like you live here oh ok and pulled off..Ive been profiled ,unjustly thrown in the back of cop car and then let go pulled over and told i was pulled over cause my tire was low and then asked could they search my vehicle etc etc..It dosent make me hate cops it just makes me stay on my ps and qs..I just wish that cops wouldnt be petty, if you pull me over and my plates are good i got my insurance no warrants,its apparent im not drunk,there wasnt a cloud of weed smoke coming out of my car and everything is cool let me go instead of tryin to make up bs cause you happen to pull over the guy that really want doin anything wrong...

Theres bad apples in the pd theres bad apples in all of our communities no matter what color here the thing..Ive been around people that drop the n bomb and i havent said anything cause it wasnt directed at me..I was at a hotel party with guys from work and someones friend walked in the room he saw some blk dudes down the hall smokin weed and stared at them they said what the f$ck you lookin at? and he kept strollin.. and soon as he got in the room and the door shut he yelled F*$kin ns i hate hate f*#kin ns not knowing i was around the corner sitting on the bed..
Everyone started lookin at me expectin a fight and my friends jumped in front of me and some other guys grabbed him and pulled him out into the hall...I told them im not doin anything to him im cool he came in and apologized and i told him it wasnt necessary..He then starts tellin me what happened down the hallway and how he has blk friends and he was just pissed and all blk people arent ns etc etc.. I told him we were ok and you never know what situation you are walkin into and use your eyes and your brain before you open your mouth.. They wanted to throw him out and send him home i told them not to...The party went on and all was cool...
I say that to say everytime whites drop n bombs and they really arent racist they go tryin to explain it away..."Im not racist N means ignorant person, when you act like a N you deserve to be called /treated like one,i got black friends i grew up in a blk neighborhood etc etc" 88 cutty classic you seem like a cool cat but im gonna tell you like i tell everyone else ..

There are plenty of words in the english language you can use that one should be left out of everyones vocabulary,Why? Cause it causes controversy and everyone dont understand like i understand that just cause you say it dont mean ur the head of the KKK...There are also plenty of people that act before they think and if they hear you say it, its an instant fight/drama/guns pulled.. You wont have time to explain yourself and if theres noone there to help you or if you cant scrap/arent packin a weapon youll end up in the hospital talkin bout "chris rock said..."or worse..

Im not tellin anyone how to live thier life but why subject yourself to that or put yourself in that position unecessarilly? Its a loaded word and if you go tossin it around i hope ur ready to accept the consequences...Theres too many ways to get mangled up out in these streets that you cant control ecpecially when you drive a g body..carjacking,robery,car accidents just walkin out the front why do that to yourself when you can control it? Idk just my .02

i know what the word can mean to some people and i know the consequences.. i'm also a grown man and am accountible for myself. if the actions of a person warrents its use i'm not afraid to use it. those women warrented that word for acting like animals. i'm not racist, i hate all scum bags equally.. white, black, mexican...whatever... if there is a word to describe them i'll use it.. but what i dont do is refer to law abiding citizens as african american, native american, latin american, etc... there is no need. blacks insisting on being called african americans is only continuing the seperation from whites.

my hate has zero to do with color but the way people live. If you are career leach off the tax payers you can diaf for all i care.. and i'm not talking about people like handicaps etc who need welfare.. i'm talking about ghetto, trailer park, adobe hut baby machines who have created generation who never worked a day...
Those 2 girls have a history of assaulting leos! This isnt the first time they have been busted for it! It was on the news here in Kalifornia!

And NOW we are getting the rest of the story....
Heres the thing theres a lot of things in our society that lead to controversy..Ive benn asked what i was doing in this nieghborhood when i was sitting in front of my dads house in my car..To which i replied i live here..The cop was like you live here oh ok and pulled off..Ive been profiled ,unjustly thrown in the back of cop car and then let go pulled over and told i was pulled over cause my tire was low and then asked could they search my vehicle etc etc..It dosent make me hate cops it just makes me stay on my ps and qs..I just wish that cops wouldnt be petty, if you pull me over and my plates are good i got my insurance no warrants,its apparent im not drunk,there wasnt a cloud of weed smoke coming out of my car and everything is cool let me go instead of tryin to make up bs cause you happen to pull over the guy that really want doin anything wrong...

Theres bad apples in the pd theres bad apples in all of our communities no matter what color here the thing..Ive been around people that drop the n bomb and i havent said anything cause it wasnt directed at me..I was at a hotel party with guys from work and someones friend walked in the room he saw some blk dudes down the hall smokin weed and stared at them they said what the f$ck you lookin at? and he kept strollin.. and soon as he got in the room and the door shut he yelled F*$kin ns i hate hate f*#kin ns not knowing i was around the corner sitting on the bed..
Everyone started lookin at me expectin a fight and my friends jumped in front of me and some other guys grabbed him and pulled him out into the hall...I told them im not doin anything to him im cool he came in and apologized and i told him it wasnt necessary..He then starts tellin me what happened down the hallway and how he has blk friends and he was just pissed and all blk people arent ns etc etc.. I told him we were ok and you never know what situation you are walkin into and use your eyes and your brain before you open your mouth.. They wanted to throw him out and send him home i told them not to...The party went on and all was cool...
I say that to say everytime whites drop n bombs and they really arent racist they go tryin to explain it away..."Im not racist N means ignorant person, when you act like a N you deserve to be called /treated like one,i got black friends i grew up in a blk neighborhood etc etc" 88 cutty classic you seem like a cool cat but im gonna tell you like i tell everyone else ..

There are plenty of words in the english language you can use that one should be left out of everyones vocabulary,Why? Cause it causes controversy and everyone dont understand like i understand that just cause you say it dont mean ur the head of the KKK...There are also plenty of people that act before they think and if they hear you say it, its an instant fight/drama/guns pulled.. You wont have time to explain yourself and if theres noone there to help you or if you cant scrap/arent packin a weapon youll end up in the hospital talkin bout "chris rock said..."or worse..

Im not tellin anyone how to live thier life but why subject yourself to that or put yourself in that position unecessarilly? Its a loaded word and if you go tossin it around i hope ur ready to accept the consequences...Theres too many ways to get mangled up out in these streets that you cant control ecpecially when you drive a g body..carjacking,robery,car accidents just walkin out the front why do that to yourself when you can control it? Idk just my .02

you pretty much summed it all up.... appreciate it. You said the words I couldnt have said....
(not being a kiss A$$)