Do you think this was excessive force?

situations like that , that end up in the national light are the ones that reaffirm stereotypes and create more racism... if black leaders are serious about their causes they will stop sticking up for scumbags and pick stuff that is LEGIT! These two NB's got exactly what they deserved.
Excessive force? Are you kidding me? That bitch is bigger then him. Ever see black girls throw down? I have, many times and they can fight as good as men can.

Not to mention she put her hands on him first while he was fighting with the other girl.

Teenage girl or not she got just what she deserved. She was the aggressor not him.
Excessive force? Are you kidding me? That bitch is bigger then him. Ever see black girls throw down? I have, many times and they can fight as good as men can.

Not to mention she put her hands on him first while he was fighting with the other girl.

Teenage girl or not she got just what she deserved. She was the aggressor not him.

I will agree to that...:rolleyes:
If a cop has a hard time taking down a chick then the academy is doing something drastically wrong. Maybe he needs to hit the gym and few more Krav Maga classes. People are making it sound like black chicks are super human or something. Its not like he was fighting Serena Williams or Lisa Leslie. Taser or pepper would of been my weapon of choice IF and I mean a big IF I couldnt hold a WOMAN at bay. Striking an unarmed woman is some p***y sh*t. Now if the girl resisting would have been some little Brittany Spears looking young lady and not some "NB" then a lot of you would be saying the force was excessive. As far as staring down the barrel of loaded weapons....ask the 4 cops in Oakland what years of terrorizing communities leads to....we can't because they are dead. So instead of being taken peacefully he'd rather fight till the death. We are at such a sad place right now as Americans and sadly...the end is near.
situations like that , that end up in the national light are the ones that reaffirm stereotypes and create more racism... if black leaders are serious about their causes they will stop sticking up for scumbags and pick stuff that is LEGIT! These two NB's got exactly what they deserved.
NB's huh? wonder what that stands for.... :rolleyes: cmon man have a some class and comment without bringin "racially motivated" remarks into it were all supposed to be bros here..
if a cop has a hard time taking down a chick then the academy is doing something drastically wrong. Maybe he needs to hit the gym and few more krav maga classes. People are making it sound like black chicks are super human or something. Its not like he was fighting serena williams or lisa leslie. Taser or pepper would of been my weapon of choice if and i mean a big if i couldnt hold a woman at bay. Striking an unarmed woman is some p***y sh*t. Now if the girl resisting would have been some little brittany spears looking young lady and not some "nb" then a lot of you would be saying the force was excessive. As far as staring down the barrel of loaded weapons....ask the 4 cops in oakland what years of terrorizing communities leads to....we can't because they are dead. So instead of being taken peacefully he'd rather fight till the death. We are at such a sad place right now as americans and sadly...the end is near.
situations like that , that end up in the national light are the ones that reaffirm stereotypes and create more racism... if black leaders are serious about their causes they will stop sticking up for scumbags and pick stuff that is LEGIT! These two NB's got exactly what they deserved.


Enough of the whining, crying, bitching, racisim this, racism that. I don't give to fukcing $hits whether or not she is black, white, orential, blue, green, or a GodDamned monkey.... this retarded kunt imposed battery to a police officer.

They (police) don't take kindly to that crap, & the officer had every right to coldcock the stupid bitch. I think she got off lightly.

But, ohhhh, NOW the NAACP, Jesse Jackson & his Kool-Aide drinking followers will make sure this officer pays dearly for what happened. Poor guy will probably wind up another statistic in the unemployment line.:mad:

I don't want to hear any garbage outa "83turbo" like his nonsense from his other thread, saying how "nice" of a girl she is.

She physically fought with a police officer. If it were the Pope taking a swing at a cop, I'd expect to see his Pontiffness get lit up!!
Funny ship

a COP goes after a teenager for J walking. Now look at the Cop and look at the teenagers What is the FIRST thing that comes to mind ???????????????

The Cop had nothing better to do?????????? :confused:

Typical hard on cop, J walking! cmon man thats just BS and lack of self respect on the cops end, BE a man you have a gun a badge go after equally equipped criminals. NOT GIRLS crossing the street this guy gives cops a bad rep. this is some real funny stuff.

I have no problem with the punch.
^ Is this the whole story though?? Or is the wonderful media leaving out some important details?:confused:
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will be on this real quick to get justice! Better get the popcorn, this is gonna get good.
I didn't work as a LEO for very long, but I will say that there is ALWAYS more to the story. I can't tell you how many times a "routine" traffic stop or even just stopping someone on the street to ask them what they're doing escalated into a pair of free matching bracelets. Just sayin....

yay me! 100 posts...finally.
If a cop has a hard time taking down a chick then the academy is doing something drastically wrong. Maybe he needs to hit the gym and few more Krav Maga classes. People are making it sound like black chicks are super human or something. Its not like he was fighting Serena Williams or Lisa Leslie. Taser or pepper would of been my weapon of choice IF and I mean a big IF I couldnt hold a WOMAN at bay. Striking an unarmed woman is some p***y sh*t. Now if the girl resisting would have been some little Brittany Spears looking young lady and not some "NB" then a lot of you would be saying the force was excessive. As far as staring down the barrel of loaded weapons....ask the 4 cops in Oakland what years of terrorizing communities leads to....we can't because they are dead. So instead of being taken peacefully he'd rather fight till the death. We are at such a sad place right now as Americans and sadly...the end is near.

I don't think grabbing his arm justifies punching a woman in the face. WTF is this world coming to where everyone thinks it's ok for a woman to be punched in the face and she had it coming and all that garbage. For a woman to be punched in the face she should really have it coming, and not this petty chit. I personally think that was completely unnecessary.
I don't think grabbing his arm justifies punching a woman in the face. WTF is this world coming to where everyone thinks it's ok for a woman to be punched in the face and she had it coming and all that garbage. For a woman to be punched in the face she should really have it coming, and not this petty chit. I personally think that was completely unnecessary.

i am FAR FROM A COP DEFENDER but she did push the little guy back one or two steps and he was dealing with two bodies at the same time SO in this specific situation i really don't have a problem with it.

i am far more interested on how it all started (J walking) which is likely to be the real problem.

BTW all that talk you mention is just that, garbage.