Do You Tithe 10% at your Church???


let me see, it's not that you have to give 10% if you don't have it give what you can with a cheerful heart, it's if you can afford it and don't give then you are basically robbing him of what is owed. The church helps the community with soup kitchens, youth activities,helps the elderly,opens its doors during an emergency, helps spread the gospel the list goes on and on but it can't sustain this with out contributions and or your 10%. I can't quite remember the scripture when they were collecting the tithes CHRIST witnessed a very poor lady giving what she had which was very! little he then turned and told all that she had given more than anyone there because she gave with a cheerful and willing heart while everyone else gave only from their surplus. Now those who are giving their 10% and are still struggling, he only knows whats going on in their lives and in their head, also there will be trials and tribulations to see where the heart is at aswell as your faith. I've seen how he really opens the doors and blesses the faithful in our church, he's blessed me with alot of things. I'm not trying to convert anyone here but if this topic on christ and the bible angers you then there is spiritual conflict with in you and i hope you seek gods help and love, don't be prideful talk to a pastor in a bible based church, do not let money be your god god bless you all :D
Why does one have to pay to get married in a church, why is there a fee?

Are you married? Was it in a church? If so, why? Can you get married at the courthouse for free? There are costs involved in a church, ie. electricity, morgage, pastors salary. I think it should be looked at as a small donation.

The bible, I have never read it.

I guess that qualifies you to speak on the matter. You should read it. I promise you will get something positive out of it.

asking me for money is no different then the bum on the corner asking me for a handout.

I don't think bums feed any homeless except themselves, They don't help the older shut ins with their needs, and they don't participate in mission trips to rebuild homes in Louisiana, or help in third world countries.

The bible is open to interpretation. The message is a good one. Obviously there are believers that take everything extremely literally. I don't subscribe to that belief myself. Just as I don't think non-believers should use the worst examples of religious leaders as their reason to not believe.

Titheing is a personal choice. Many people attend church and don't. I know of no one (in any church I have ever attended) being asked to leave and don't come back because they didn't.

Dont need to be married to know the costs involved. The price at the court is a lot less then in the church. Why do you think certain folks go that route. Might be different in your church but where I come from its a few grand.

The bible, in regards to never reading it I mean from cover to cover. I have read enough to shake my head at it.

In regards to being asked to leave well guess what I'm talking from personal expeirence. I was asked to not return becuase my parents did not have enough money to pay for afterschool sessions. How is that fair? Whats more important the money or allowing folks to follow the faith? I'll go with money.

Once again, I think it is because where I come from. We never had mission's or it was never offered like down here. The church and catholic school were all about who has more money. Who drives the benz or bmw to school. Money is what makes this world go around, not religon. Sorry to say it like that but its the truth.

I think there is something I just dont know what. I sure as hell hope there is something because if this is it then whats the point.
Very nicely said, and I can tell you meant it below. So many Christians are quick to judge and come off condemning and talk down to others in condescening ways, while all forgetting that it's not how much of an example YOU are, or how much YOU do or give, but having an understanding that most people are going through personal struggles, or have seen many flaws in the recent Christian scandals, or leaders who are supposed to have morals, and are basically living under a lie with sin like everyone else.

So, many people are angry with religion in general - Christians in general- and ultimately GOD in general. If you have a problem with God, then my advice to you is, just to let him know. Yeah, I said that.

Have it out with God then! Tell him why you're upset and that you're pissed off!! Ask him why there's so much unrest in the world! Suffering. Unanswered answers to questions you may have. Many questions which are valid to you. There's nothing wrong with anguishing you hurt, emotions, and your sincere questions directly to God. If you do this, then God will answer you. Challenge me on this.

God has answered me many times, when I have simply cried it out to him alone. I've anguished my hurts, fears, doubts, and inadequecies to him. Pick up the Good Ole Bible and dust it off a little bit. Read a few Psalms, Proverbs. Start off with the basics... You'll see how God shows up! Don't think he's so far away- He's not.

And ulitmately He's answered me everytime via other ways. Not with signs or with a Christhead in a Pancake or in some Glass Mirror. No, not talking about that stuff. But even so, if God speaks to you somehow by an image in a Pancake, or on some building's glass, then so be it. You had a personal revelation, and I wouldn't doubt that either.

But, when he does, sometimes it's very clear and evident. Sometimes too, it's with a beautiful sunset or natural beauty. Other times it's with people or good fortune.

let me see, it's not that you have to give 10% if you don't have it give what you can with a cheerful heart, it's if you can afford it and don't give then you are basically robbing him of what is owed. The church helps the community with soup kitchens, youth activities,helps the elderly,opens its doors during an emergency, helps spread the gospel the list goes on and on but it can't sustain this with out contributions and or your 10%. I can't quite remember the scripture when they were collecting the tithes CHRIST witnessed a very poor lady giving what she had which was very! little he then turned and told all that she had given more than anyone there because she gave with a cheerful and willing heart while everyone else gave only from their surplus. Now those who are giving their 10% and are still struggling, he only knows whats going on in their lives and in their head, also there will be trials and tribulations to see where the heart is at aswell as your faith. I've seen how he really opens the doors and blesses the faithful in our church, he's blessed me with alot of things. I'm not trying to convert anyone here but if this topic on christ and the bible angers you then there is spiritual conflict with in you and i hope you seek gods help and love, don't be prideful talk to a pastor in a bible based church, do not let money be your god god bless you all :D
Tithing is really not about money, it is about a sovereignty of God issue. Do you feel that God will supply your needs? Do you feel He can?

Tithing is without a doubt an Old Testament condition. Although some people still believe that it isn't. We are not obligated to give 10% anymore. We are obligated to give Jesus everything (Luke 18:22) and to give our bodies as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1). Mark 8:34-35 states that we are to give our very lives to him. God is not interested in our money, He sure doesn't need it. He is interested in our obedience and love for Him. Giving a reasonable amount of your income to further God's Kingdom is a very humbling thing to do. It is saying that, Lord we trust you to meet all of our NEEDS (not wants) before we trust in our money. We will put other people before ourselves (Galatians 6:2) because that is what you did for us. Giving a reasonable portion of our income to a 'church' was a very lengthy process for us. It took many years for the Lord to soften my heart. I really believed that money would give me happiness and security. Then you look at Hurricane Katrina and Enron or any other of the 1000's of instances where you life savings and your possessions are taken in an instant. Your security is only in the Lord.
If the Lord is putting this on your heart, as well as anyone who is reading about this, then you should immediately pray to Him and ask to reveal His will to you. Our conscience is the Holy Spirit working in our lives to convict us. But be careful because we could quiet and turn our conscience off by constantly trying to ignore it. Malachi is the ONLY passage in the Bible that the Lord says 'try me'. No where else do I remember the Lord saying that.
Pray and talk to God, and talk to some people in your church or others who you believe that have a good Christian background and be guided by that.
We are not to lean on our own understanding, but rather we should acknowledge Him and He will make all of our paths straight(Proverbs 3:5). The fact that 'I don't think' or 'I don't believe' really doesn't mean anything. You can really believe that gravity doesn't exist and then you step off of a plane and find out the truth. Your belief system does NOT establish truth, God establishes truth. That is why Adam and Eve were not allowed to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is not our business. That is God's business making right and wrong. We don't have a nickel in that quarter.
Also I know that there was a comment that people feel sorry for believers or non-believers. I do not feel sorry for non-believers and I don't think any Christian should. I was in that place in my life and I know that I was missing something and I tried various things that got me in the wrong place. My life, and most other Christian's lives, are infinitely better since we committed to the Lord. I know that my salvation can not be taken from me and that my God will never forsake me. That is very comforting.
I do realize that the Catholic church had and has a lot of practices and traditions that really piss a lot of people off, and rightfully so. They do not go by the Bible fully. They add stuff like telling a priest your sins, the Immaculate Conception, they added a commandment and negated another one, pray to statues and on and on. There are also Biblical based people or preachers that have either fallen or blatantly sinned that have set a bad example. No one is perfect, not even pastors/elders/deacons. The stock market had let us down many times, but we still have our money in it. Our cars and houses break down and we still live in one. Loved ones let us down but we still have a relationship with them. But when a false preacher or Christian fails or falls, all of a sudden non-christians are critical now, when it reality what do you care, you rarely go to church, don't give money to a church and don't read the Bible, but now you are a critic.
Many people who have issues with churches or God without Biblical backing are angry for some reason, and usually it is justified. But God doesn't want us to be angry. He wants us to prosper. He wants our heart and our love. If anyone hear feels that they are lost or searching or looking for more purpose in their life and also believe in their heart that Jesus is God and confess with your mouth that He was raised from the dead, then I would urge you to pray to Him and ask Him to come into your life and be your Lord so that you could have an eternal relationship with Him. If you earnestly pray that prayer, you will be amazed at how He answers you.
Many people attend church and don't. I know of no one (in any church I have ever attended) being asked to leave and don't come back because they didn't.

My wife's parents (when she was a child of about 8) attended a very large church in the wealthy end of town and her dad was the choir director, they told him he needed to wear nicer clothes and the girl (my wife) should be in dresses. I believe the quote was "People who can't dress nicely for God just aren't welcome here". They weren't well off and buying expensive clothes just for church wasn't really in the budget.

That was the last time he attended a church, a formerly fairly religious man. After being condemned to hell by a priest of the Catholic church for marrying a non Catholic (my wife's mother) and being told that his children were also doomed to hell, he quit attending Catholic church and attended Methodist church with his wife. Then they moved to south Huntsville near the money part of town and attended the church there who told him to dress better. So after all that, he lost his faith.
My wife's parents (when she was a child of about 8) attended a very large church in the wealthy end of town and her dad was the choir director, they told him he needed to wear nicer clothes and the girl (my wife) should be in dresses. I believe the quote was "People who can't dress nicely for God just aren't welcome here". They weren't well off and buying expensive clothes just for church wasn't really in the budget.

That was the last time he attended a church, a formerly fairly religious man. After being condemned to hell by a priest of the Catholic church for marrying a non Catholic (my wife's mother) and being told that his children were also doomed to hell, he quit attending Catholic church and attended Methodist church with his wife. Then they moved to south Huntsville near the money part of town and attended the church there who told him to dress better. So after all that, he lost his faith.
thats a shame on those church's who wont let people "come as they are" . some people cant afford to wear all that all that name brand sh!t , church's shouldnt have dress codes, JESUS CHRIST only wore a sheet. people wear what they can. i wouldnt lose faith but i'd would never go to a fashion show church like those again.
I think everything you said is very true. However, the only thing that kind of rings my ear was your comment regarding -

"Also I know that there was a comment that people feel sorry for believers or non-believers. I do not feel sorry for non-believers and I don't think any Christian should. I was in that place in my life and I know that I was missing something and I tried various things that got me in the wrong place. My life, and most other Christian's lives, are infinitely better since we committed to the Lord. I know that my salvation can not be taken from me and that my God will never forsake me. That is very comforting."

Many Christians are converted from being unbelievers TO believers. Who can be a perfect example to them are those who believe then? Didn't Jesus say the the rain comes down both on the believers and unbelievers? God Himself will deal with the unbelievers during the Awesome Day of Judgement. At the gathering around the Great Throne, everyone will be accountable. Everyone. Every knee Shall Bow.... you know the rest.

I think we have the religous freedom in this good ole USA to choose whatever religion, denomination, belief, or even end up being an aetheist. I think people don't believe sometimes because of all the failure, corruption, killing, molestation, done in the name of religion itself. And it is truly pretty sad and evil.

God will one day explain it all to us and we'll know and be made whole. In spirit form or whatever exact form we take when we die and go to live in Heaven.

I have a lot of simple, good questions for God. 1 of them is, why if he knows the future, did and does he allow such great suffering and pain to occur in our human lives? Is everything a test??? Is everything supposed to have happened for a reason? I guess for now I can accept the fact that He's God, and really he's got it all under control. This world has had some pretty darn evil stuff happen, (just turn on the news), and everytime I see some absolutely sick stuff happen, I shudder. I always think, one day God will set it all straight.

Tithing is really not about money, it is about a sovereignty of God issue. Do you feel that God will supply your needs? Do you feel He can?

Tithing is without a doubt an Old Testament condition. Although some people still believe that it isn't. We are not obligated to give 10% anymore. We are obligated to give Jesus everything (Luke 18:22) and to give our bodies as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1). Mark 8:34-35 states that we are to give our very lives to him. God is not interested in our money, He sure doesn't need it. He is interested in our obedience and love for Him. Giving a reasonable amount of your income to further God's Kingdom is a very humbling thing to do. It is saying that, Lord we trust you to meet all of our NEEDS (not wants) before we trust in our money. We will put other people before ourselves (Galatians 6:2) because that is what you did for us. Giving a reasonable portion of our income to a 'church' was a very lengthy process for us. It took many years for the Lord to soften my heart. I really believed that money would give me happiness and security. Then you look at Hurricane Katrina and Enron or any other of the 1000's of instances where you life savings and your possessions are taken in an instant. Your security is only in the Lord.
If the Lord is putting this on your heart, as well as anyone who is reading about this, then you should immediately pray to Him and ask to reveal His will to you. Our conscience is the Holy Spirit working in our lives to convict us. But be careful because we could quiet and turn our conscience off by constantly trying to ignore it. Malachi is the ONLY passage in the Bible that the Lord says 'try me'. No where else do I remember the Lord saying that.
Pray and talk to God, and talk to some people in your church or others who you believe that have a good Christian background and be guided by that.
We are not to lean on our own understanding, but rather we should acknowledge Him and He will make all of our paths straight(Proverbs 3:5). The fact that 'I don't think' or 'I don't believe' really doesn't mean anything. You can really believe that gravity doesn't exist and then you step off of a plane and find out the truth. Your belief system does NOT establish truth, God establishes truth. That is why Adam and Eve were not allowed to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That is not our business. That is God's business making right and wrong. We don't have a nickel in that quarter.
Also I know that there was a comment that people feel sorry for believers or non-believers. I do not feel sorry for non-believers and I don't think any Christian should. I was in that place in my life and I know that I was missing something and I tried various things that got me in the wrong place. My life, and most other Christian's lives, are infinitely better since we committed to the Lord. I know that my salvation can not be taken from me and that my God will never forsake me. That is very comforting.
I do realize that the Catholic church had and has a lot of practices and traditions that really piss a lot of people off, and rightfully so. They do not go by the Bible fully. They add stuff like telling a priest your sins, the Immaculate Conception, they added a commandment and negated another one, pray to statues and on and on. There are also Biblical based people or preachers that have either fallen or blatantly sinned that have set a bad example. No one is perfect, not even pastors/elders/deacons. The stock market had let us down many times, but we still have our money in it. Our cars and houses break down and we still live in one. Loved ones let us down but we still have a relationship with them. But when a false preacher or Christian fails or falls, all of a sudden non-christians are critical now, when it reality what do you care, you rarely go to church, don't give money to a church and don't read the Bible, but now you are a critic.
Many people who have issues with churches or God without Biblical backing are angry for some reason, and usually it is justified. But God doesn't want us to be angry. He wants us to prosper. He wants our heart and our love. If anyone hear feels that they are lost or searching or looking for more purpose in their life and also believe in their heart that Jesus is God and confess with your mouth that He was raised from the dead, then I would urge you to pray to Him and ask Him to come into your life and be your Lord so that you could have an eternal relationship with Him. If you earnestly pray that prayer, you will be amazed at how He answers you.
There's nothing wrong with anguishing your hurt, emotions, and your sincere questions directly to God. If you do this, then God will answer you. Challenge me on this.

God has answered me many times, when I have simply cried it out to him alone. I've anguished my hurts, fears, doubts, and inadequecies to him. Pick up the Good Ole Bible and dust it off a little bit. Read a few Psalms, Proverbs. Start off with the basics... You'll see how God shows up! Don't think he's so far away- He's not.

:confused: i'm puzzled ........ if you realize this, why look for the answer to your titheing question on an automotive forum? i could give you my opinion, but in the end, all you'd have is my opioion. clearly, the answer to a Biblical question is to be found within the context of the Bible. best wishes as you sort things out.

bw jones
Angry may be a pretty strong term but Religion at times does make me angry. Situations I mentioned before and the programs on TV that prey on the old and sickly. When the sick can watch Anal Roberts tell the viewers God told him last night he would give Anal the cure for Cancer if his viewers would send him around $600.00 each. I don't remember the exact amount but I did watch the show when channel surfing. Imagine all of the old sick people who scraped together their last dollar to send it too him.
Programs like B. Hinn? where he touches all the people and they faint away and are healed.
When a knock at the door has two young men trying to convert me to their Religion while they don't have a clue about it themselves or Religion in general. They are obviously brainwashed. I welcome them into my home ,Welcome said the Spider to the Fly.
Religion does have a place in this world. It gives the poor and sickly a reason to get up the next day. They hope the tale is true and the next life will be a better place for them.
But it still doesn't make up for all the sorrow it has caused.
Would someone please explain why churches are needed to believe or worship? I know why but will a Christian give a less cynical reason
I've given bums who weren't begging, money to go buy some beer on a hot Texas day. You woulda thought I was freakin Santa Claus in July! Giving doesn't mean just give to the church. I'd like to think I made this world a little bit better by my actions.:D
Hi- In regard to:
Many Christians are converted from being unbelievers TO believers. Who can be a perfect example to them are those who believe then? Didn't Jesus say the the rain comes down both on the believers and unbelievers? God Himself will deal with the unbelievers during the Awesome Day of Judgment. At the gathering around the Great Throne, everyone will be accountable. Everyone. Every knee Shall Bow.... you know the rest.

I believe that you mean many people are converted to believers. A true Christian is a believer. No one can be a perfect example of believers except Jesus. No person can be blameless. 1John makes this VERY clear.

You then state:
I have a lot of simple, good questions for God. 1 of them is, why if he knows the future, did and does he allow such great suffering and pain to occur in our human lives? Is everything a test??? Is everything supposed to have happened for a reason?

God most definitely knows the future. Why does he allow such suffering and pain is due to the fact that we have a somewhat free will. People are free to make their own decisions (most of the time). If The Lord micromanaged everything and everyone we would not be able to fully love him. We would be robots programed to do His will. It is because people choose to do what they want. I know that taking from someone is wrong, but I will do it anyway. I know that sleeping with someone's wife is wrong, but she looks good and my wife is mean so it is OK. That is how people get hurt and suffering is created, from interpreting or making up our own code of right and wrong. This goes back to Adam and Eve and their decision to eat from the the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Without an absolute, everything becomes subjective. We must stand on Romans 8:28 and believe it. There has been much bad in my life that the Lord has used for good.

Would someone please explain why churches are needed to believe or worship? I know why but will a Christian give a less cynical reason

-The church in the Bible is never a building. The church is the believers of Christ. You do not need a church (building) to worship, nor to believe. You also do not need a car to go to work. You can walk. You don't need electricity either. But with a car and electricity life so much easier. Same thing with a church family. It is easier to go to someone and explain the hardships you are having and get Biblical answers, and not just opinions. It is helpful if you are being convicted of tithing and you can go to another Christian and get an answer. We are to build up one another, not tear each other down. In the world we are to look out for #1-ourselves. In the Bible we are to put others before ourselves. Very different.

Religion does have a place in this world. It gives the poor and sickly a reason to get up the next day. They hope the tale is true and the next life will be a better place for them.
But it still doesn't make up for all the sorrow it has caused.

-According to most people in this world I would not be considered poor or sickly. Jesus is my main reason that I get up everyday though. I also know (through my belief) that it IS true and the next life WILL be better. I don't have a conditional love for my God. I take the good with the bad, and love Him regardless, not only if He blesses me.
If you don't mind me asking, what is the reason you get up everyday? If you wish please PM me because this is getting off topic. _Doug
"Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis."

"The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life."

-Sigmund Freud
I always had a reason to get up since birth. My parents woke me up for their reasons when young. I had to get up to go to school. Then I had a job I had to get up for. Now semi retired I get up to live the balance of my life in the manner I see fit. Not many days left so live them I will.
You did mention free will to do as we choose. Doesnt that conflict with the murder of those who chose a different path then Moses had in mind for them when he came down from the Mt.
I often wonder how the church can pick and choose what parts of the Old Testament it adopts and what it ignores. There are many passages on diet, punishment etc. that seem to be barbaric and old fashioned by todays standards. Funny how the money part gets first billing and is always relevent. To me, tithes were an ancient welfare system when non existed. The government does much of that now. Having said that I believe without tithes the church machine of today would have major struggles. Especially the churches I see that are worth many millions. I have always considered myself a spiritual person and am certainly not against them. As a matter of fact I give what I can. I am just curious how we drifted away from the rest of the word, but so adamantly profess that tithes must be adhered to. Are not all the rest of the scriptures just as important? What would religion look like if we followed every word as directed by the scriptures? Just interesting to me.
What I want to know is,does god have a sick sense of humor?

Trials and tribulations all your life avoiding what HE put here,the tools HE gave the devil to trick us and tempt us.

Just to what,go sit in a garden or some hokey crap for eternity?

What I really want to know is this...

If I actually do things right and get to heaven,will I be able to do all the things I enjoyed on earth?

If there's a dragstrip in heaven,am I always going to win? Doesn't sound like much fun.

What about getting laid? Can I get laid in heaven? Because if I can't I don't really care if I go or not.

I was raised catholic and told that married people should only have sex to procreate and if you don't want more more sex.

So what? I have to put up with all this broads nagging for the rest of my life and she doesn't have to put out?

F that sh@t!

Heaven sounds like a boring ass church function to me.
Religions are all the same .... except when it comes to the doctrine of heaven, hell and salvation, other than that it's the same stuff :rolleyes:
Do your homework and you can weed out the false from the true pretty fast.

Dr. Bob Cornuke, the guy who had the show on finding Noah's Ark, Mt.Sinai etc. is a former crime scene investigator. The show was on the History Channel a few years ago and if you had seen it I think anyone with an open mind would at least think the findings were very compelling as to what the Bible had an account of. That's all.

Thirdly, you can rail about evolution all you want but Mr.rtviper blew off my previous point about the human cell and pointed to the growth of a human baby as proof of evolution. Well, let's start at an even smaller place, the enzyme. Time plus matter plus chance, right? The statistical probability of forming a single enzyme which is the building block of a gene which in turn is the building block of a cell is 1 in 10 to the 40,000th power. That's more than all the atoms in all the stars in the entire universe. That's from Dr. Wickramasinghe, a professor of applied mathematics at the University of Cardiff, Wales.
Then from microbiologist Michael Behe, who through his work describes irreducibly complex systems, such as the blood clotting mechanisms of the cell or the motor mechanisms of the bacterial flagellum. Nothing has ever been written on how such systems could have originated by random mutation and natural selection. There would be no reason for a pre-version of the mechanism to survive, and the probability of such an intricate, multi component mechanism simultaneously and randomly developing at once is nil. They are mechanisms for which a solely chance driven world simply can not account for.

Lastly, to those of you that think a world without God or religion would be a better place read carefully what atheist and prophet of the 19th century Friedrich Nietzsche wrote on that very topic..." The story I have to tell is the history of the next two centuries. For a long time now our civilization has been driving, with a tortured intensity growing from decade to decade, as if towards a catastrophe: restlessly, violently, tempestuosly, like a mighty river desiring the end of it's journey, without pausing to reflect, indeed fearful of reflection. " He predicted that there would be "wars such as have never been waged on the earth." Nietzsche's utter suspicion of reason calls the entire optimistic program advocated by popular atheists into question. His picture of a world without God is a very grim place filled with darkness, amorality and despair.

That's all for now.
On the finding of the ARK which would no doubt be the most important find of all time, it happened to the same degree Big Foot was found. It never happened. Read your own text on his discovery, he refused to even give the name of the lab that described the find as petrified wood or any supporting documents. Now would you please link me to the News headlines around the world when the discovery was made or was it just ignored?
Man can create a single cell from a chemical mixture and electricity but has not evolved it to a multi cell. The items you question evolved over billions of years as the changes were part of the survival of species. That's what evolution is. Yes it is complex and hard for you and I to fathom, but lets believe a supernatural being said Zap your here. Now that's real easy to imagine?? I will repeat once more there have been more wars on this earth as a result of Religion then all other causes combined. Would we be better off without all these catastrophic events? I believe yes. In fact we wouldnt be talking about the halocaust or the current wars ongoing in the world or the Crusades etc etc. Religion has not been a good thing for our world
Since this thread is an excellent opportunity for non believers to get some answers I have a question I could not get answered when I was a kid going to Sunday school. One of the Commandments said Thou shalt not kill. But when Moses came down the MT. he killed all the Non believers. Is it ok to kill non Christians but not Christians. Did the Ten Commandments not go into effect just yet until after the non Christian cleansing The standard answer I received 50 years ago was just have faith my son.
rt, maybe you should quit spending time pondering the mysteries of the Word and spend more time pondering why you own a stage 2 that is still in the 10's.