Do You Tithe 10% at your Church???

I've never tithed, I have given to offering though. I know it's not the same thing.

But it really does make me mad when you have preachers that want you to give give give.....if I were a betting man I'd say that money pays for the nice Cadillac/Lincoln that pastor drives....or the mink coat his wife wears...or that big house they live wonder they want more.....yet after judging me in the next sentence he says "praise God" if he's anymore in touch than I. Can we say "Jerry and Tammy Faye Baker?" Or is it "Praise the Lord and Pass The Loot"?

When you think about it, God blessed you with the money you do have. He doesn't need it. I agree with the "give what you can". Don't let Satan er the preacher cast condemnation on you for doing the best you could.
I've never tithed, I have given to offering though. I know it's not the same thing.

But it really does make me mad when you have preachers that want you to give give give.....if I were a betting man I'd say that money pays for the nice Cadillac/Lincoln that pastor drives....or the mink coat his wife wears...or that big house they live wonder they want more.....yet after judging me in the next sentence he says "praise God" if he's anymore in touch than I. Can we say "Jerry and Tammy Faye Baker?" Or is it "Praise the Lord and Pass The Loot"?

When you think about it, God blessed you with the money you do have. He doesn't need it. I agree with the "give what you can". Don't let Satan er the preacher cast condemnation on you for doing the best you could.[/QUOTE

I have seen first hand why churches stress the 10%. It takes money to run the church, and organize services and fellowship meetings. There is a lot of behind the scenes things that goes on that you are not aware of. Youth services, day care, maintaince, activities for the kids, supplies for the kids, pastors and residing ministers. There is a lot of money that has to be paid in order to keep the building and its members going. Nothing wrong with having a nice car or house. The thing you have to keep in mind is, not everybody that calls God's name is going to heaven. That goes for false preachers thats in it for the dollar bill. If you are at a church like that, you have options. look around for something that makes you happy. My wife was on the board of commity at our church and the amount of bills and expenses is unbelieveable. Books, literature, food etc etc. All I can say is WOW running a church is no easy task. You and I just show up, sit, listen and leave. But it took a week of organizing of about 10 to 25 people to have your service on Sunday seem like a tv show with no hick ups. Its a full time job if you are truely a pastor that cares.
buddy of mine was never confirmed. when he got married it only cost him a $500 donation to the priests parish for this little mishape to be taken "care" of. in the eye of god i guess the almighty buck can pay the lord off to.
Giving money away

If money is the root of all evil why do churches want it so bad:confused:
I went to a catholic school for 8 years and I cant believe how much money my parents waisted sending me there. My neighbors kids go to the same school is the thing I dont understand. everything they teach them in church has changed:confused: If it is the same god it should be the same stuff i learned 35 years ago.It is not. songs are differant and in spanish also.The school was nice then families started sending their kids to public schools and finding that their kids were way behind in reading and math skills.They knew everything about god though.If you think your going to be saved by god if you give your money to the churches so be it.Trust me. That money that you gave to the church is not going to save you when it is your time to go. God does not want your money.I do send it to me :biggrin:

As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small coins.

I tell you the truth ..he said.. "this poor widow has put in more then all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had. Luke 21:1-4

Sowing Generously

" Remember this: Whoever sows spaeringly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

This should be between you God no one needs to know what you give or don't give it is between you and God. Not to pat myself in the back but there are many ways to give not just titheing. My family and I have been blessed by having the oppurtunity thru Compassion Int. to help a boy a young man now get thru school for the last 10 years. His name is Thomas Onyango he lives in Kenya where the average monthly pay for an adult is 34 dollars a month that comes out to just over $300/year. He lives in a house with dirt floors grass roof. His primary ethnic group is Kikuyu. His diet is maize beans, bananas and fish. Common health problems is malaria ,fevers, pneumonia,typhoid,and HIV/AIDs. He was able to get thru school abd now is in Vocational school to be come a mechanic.

Anyway I can't believe how much I've spoiled my own kids. For Christmas the wanted Guitar Hero, a new laptop a new bike etc etc..sometimes it don't even seem like they are thankful, I'm probably just as bad got have this and that for my car. Heck we go out to eat dinner and for a Family of 5 it cost well over 40 bucks plus tip to eat. One meal out costs more then they make in a month. Well around Christmas they let us send a little more cash $20.00 max. So we send him 20 bucks for Christmas. He writes us back and is so thankful /grateful he says he was able to buy a goat for his family so they could have milk and a dress for his mom and shoes and sock for his brother . My kids are bitchin cause they didn't get the 100 dollar tennis shoes they wanted also and I'm just as bad I had to settle for 009's instead of 60's. So later he writes that someone stole their goat. He's a great kid (young man now)and is part of our Family we are blessed by the lessons he has taught us all way more then we've given. I've never seen a more thankful gracious kid then Thomas. There's so many ways to give back and help others we actually have more then we think. I don't think I could support my Family on $34 a month.

Anyway give as you can it is between you and God it's nobody elses business.
im not selfish, stingy, cheap or tight-wad but im not going to give my hard earned money for some preacher/pimp/pastor/con-man to live a lavish life style wearing ARMANI SUITS and ALLIGATOR SHOES while i pay bills when i get paid. in the past i donated money to church to help it feed the poor/ homeless/ hungry not for the pastor to live like a "gentleman of leisure". i prefer to read the bible by my bed instead of going to church. i believe you'll receive blessings from "giving from your heart" more than what you have in your pocket.
Very well said & written.... Thank You for sharing. :) I liked what you said.

Nice of you to support an African kid too. I'm sure your own kids will be a lot more mindful of how much they really do have compared with a much less fortunate family. We should also teach our own kids to give back to the less fortunate in some way. It's so important.

As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small coins.

I tell you the truth ..he said.. "this poor widow has put in more then all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had. Luke 21:1-4

Sowing Generously

" Remember this: Whoever sows spaeringly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

This should be between you God no one needs to know what you give or don't give it is between you and God. Not to pat myself in the back but there are many ways to give not just titheing. My family and I have been blessed by having the oppurtunity thru Compassion Int. to help a boy a young man now get thru school for the last 10 years. His name is Thomas Onyango he lives in Kenya where the average monthly pay for an adult is 34 dollars a month that comes out to just over $300/year. He lives in a house with dirt floors grass roof. His primary ethnic group is Kikuyu. His diet is maize beans, bananas and fish. Common health problems is malaria ,fevers, pneumonia,typhoid,and HIV/AIDs. He was able to get thru school abd now is in Vocational school to be come a mechanic.

Anyway I can't believe how much I've spoiled my own kids. For Christmas the wanted Guitar Hero, a new laptop a new bike etc etc..sometimes it don't even seem like they are thankful, I'm probably just as bad got have this and that for my car. Heck we go out to eat dinner and for a Family of 5 it cost well over 40 bucks plus tip to eat. One meal out costs more then they make in a month. Well around Christmas they let us send a little more cash $20.00 max. So we send him 20 bucks for Christmas. He writes us back and is so thankful /grateful he says he was able to buy a goat for his family so they could have milk and a dress for his mom and shoes and sock for his brother . My kids are bitchin cause they didn't get the 100 dollar tennis shoes they wanted also and I'm just as bad I had to settle for 009's instead of 60's. So later he writes that someone stole their goat. He's a great kid (young man now)and is part of our Family we are blessed by the lessons he has taught us all way more then we've given. I've never seen a more thankful gracious kid then Thomas. There's so many ways to give back and help others we actually have more then we think. I don't think I could support my Family on $34 a month.

Anyway give as you can it is between you and God it's nobody elses business.
I have seen first hand why churches stress the 10%. It takes money to run the church, and organize services and fellowship meetings. There is a lot of behind the scenes things that goes on that you are not aware of. Youth services, day care, maintaince, activities for the kids, supplies for the kids, pastors and residing ministers. There is a lot of money that has to be paid in order to keep the building and its members going. Nothing wrong with having a nice car or house. The thing you have to keep in mind is, not everybody that calls God's name is going to heaven. That goes for false preachers thats in it for the dollar bill. If you are at a church like that, you have options. look around for something that makes you happy. My wife was on the board of commity at our church and the amount of bills and expenses is unbelieveable. Books, literature, food etc etc. All I can say is WOW running a church is no easy task. You and I just show up, sit, listen and leave. But it took a week of organizing of about 10 to 25 people to have your service on Sunday seem like a tv show with no hick ups. Its a full time job if you are truely a pastor that cares.

Yes I know it takes money to run the church and such that's usually where the offering comes in at. It also takes money to buy the pastors new shiny Caddy or his wife's fur coat. The giving of tithes was the way you showed God how much you trusted him, and back then it wasn't with money it was with lambs and such. You are right there is nothing wrong with owning a nice car or a nice house....until it becomes the basis of your life, and why you live. If you look at the bible, Jesus told his followers to "watch for false prophets" and he also mentioned to "not store your treasures here on earth where they rust and thieves can steal, but store them up in heaven where thieves and rust cant steal/decay". I think the basis of that message was that once you start getting into the finer things it takes you away from God himself because now you're blinded by your worldly possessions. Now I'm not saying it's a crime to own a nice house or car but I have more respect for the preacher that drives an old pick up truck to church and wears bib overalls. I see too many preachers that scream "give me your money here's my home address" and "you're going to burn in hell if you don't tithe"....and that in itself makes me wonder where the money reaaallly mind you I have no problem tithing as long as I know the money is going to a good cause, not to fund the pastors luxurious lifestyle.
Hmmm religion....

Well I don't go to church and I don't read the bible, I'm not even sure if I believe in a god. However I do believe in treating others how I would hope to be treated.
If you ask anyone who knows me they will tell you I am very generous to anyone in need. I believe in giving directly to those in need and cutting out the middle man I guess.
Nothing against those of you that need religion, my wife is catholic and even works for the catholic school board. We don't see eye to eye on many religious topics but that hasn't changed how we feel about each other.

One thing that burned my ass about the catholic religion. When we first got married they told her that it wasn't a good thing for her career unless I joined there faith and got married in their church:rolleyes:. That didn't happen and I'm pretty sure it never will. 15 years later her career is still going strong and I still get the odd cold shoulder at the few work fuctions I attend with her from the very people who preach to forgive :confused:.
If there is a heaven and I don't get to go because I didn't support any of the churchs or religious beliefs that the government recognize, I'm not sure I want to be there.
Its easy IMO, you fall into one of 2 categories....

1. You dont fully believe the Bible, and manage your own life based on your own guilt, and create an outlook toward religion based on what you see, and feel, and experience. You give when you see the needy and you have extra, or to not be the only one on the pue not dropping something in the plate.

2. You believe the Bible to be the infallable truth, word on paper by ordained men of God, and 100% truth applicable to daily living. You tithe, even when it's difficult financially, and believe it's all Gods anyway and 10%+/- is proof of His love, He could ask for 90%!

The Bible clearly states its all His, and the first portions belong to the "store house" or local church body. When you do not repay a tithe of His money to Him, it's theft. It's like me not paying you a loan payment, and never repaying it either. I see things very blk and white. I do not say any of this to be condescending, but the Bible leaves no gray area, it comes down to do you believe the Bible wholly or not?!!
buddy of mine was never confirmed. when he got married it only cost him a $500 donation to the priests parish for this little mishape to be taken "care" of. in the eye of god i guess the almighty buck can pay the lord off to.

As I was raised catholic I can relate to some of this, especially with certain church's greed. However, later on in life I realized that there is a huge difference between Faith and religion and in cases like the one above it's easy to be sidetracked by people who present themselves as God's representatives when their motives might not all be that pure. You can't help but to think a church like that is run like a common business and you're just a customer to them.

I attend a Bible based Evegalical Church now and the difference is night and day. When you read the bible for yourself and have it taught to you by some very smart people you start to learn the differences between what God wants for you and from you vs. what people demand. I could go on about the theological differences between catholicism and Christianity but that's for another day.

Something that I carry with me is this saying I heard once...

"Be responsible to God and sensitive to people"

Not the other way around.
Condemnation & Giving...

I believe the Bible. Infallable and all. However, you can't just go treat your personal finances as an obligation, rather than true needs, or experience the "joy" that comes with giving. I almost always give when I'm in Church, and like I said, I give whether it's 3 dollars, 7 dollars, or 10 dollars. Heck, even if it's $1.00 at least something is something. I'm there to both receive a message from the Pastor, and also giving is something that I truly enjoy.

Shall I give, $60.00 or $70.00 in the offering plate and really enjoy that? I think not. The Pastor of our Church drives a gorgeous Black Cadillac Escalade, and yes, he does have some pretty nifty suits, but that's not my point. We're just one of the members of our large congregation. And we're by no means, wealthy. We're middle class, happy, and we enjoy our occasional restaurant outing, going to the movies once in a while, and taking a nice "one-tank" trip to see some theme park or something. I give, but I don't believe in getting carried out. I'm certainly not going to feel condemned about anything either regaring not giving a full 10%. I do appreciate those people that do tithe 10% and they must feel pretty blessed and have their finances in order. Even like the previous poster ChavoLC2 quoted-- As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small coins.

I tell you the truth ..he said.. "this poor widow has put in more then all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had. Luke 21:1-4

Sowing Generously

" Remember this: Whoever sows spaeringly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Its easy IMO, you fall into one of 2 categories....

1. You dont fully believe the Bible, and manage your own life based on your own guilt, and create an outlook toward religion based on what you see, and feel, and experience. You give when you see the needy and you have extra, or to not be the only one on the pue not dropping something in the plate.

2. You believe the Bible to be the infallable truth, word on paper by ordained men of God, and 100% truth applicable to daily living. You tithe, even when it's difficult financially, and believe it's all Gods anyway and 10%+/- is proof of His love, He could ask for 90%!

The Bible clearly states its all His, and the first portions belong to the "store house" or local church body. When you do not repay a tithe of His money to Him, it's theft. It's like me not paying you a loan payment, and never repaying it either. I see things very blk and white. I do not say any of this to be condescending, but the Bible leaves no gray area, it comes down to do you believe the Bible wholly or not?!!

"Now I will say this - I believe some people have more faith, and give more than others. Some people are more blessed than others, that they can afford to do that. Other's struggle paying day to day bills, and still faithfully tithe 10%. They have large amounts of "Faith." What I'm afraid of, is some people that are under the impression that if you don't tithe that faithful 10%, then you're under the Malachi curse..."
Many pastors and Bible teachers are sincerely trying to teach the body of Christ how to receive God's blessings through tithing, and the main passage that they use is Malachi 3:8-10:
Malachi 3:8: ""Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings."
Malachi 3:9: "You are under a curse--the whole nation of you--because you are robbing me."
Malachi 3:10: "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

But look here below. Here comes the New Testament............... :)

2 Corinthians 8:7: "But just as you excel in everything--in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us --see that you also excel in this grace of giving."
2 Corinthians 8:8: "I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others."
2 Corinthians 8:9: "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich."
2 Corinthians 8:10: "And here is my advice about what is best for you in this matter: Last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so."
2 Corinthians 8:11: "Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means."
2 Corinthians 8:12: "For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have."
2 Corinthians 8:13: "Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality."
2 Corinthians 8:14: "At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be equality,"
2 Corinthians 8:15: "as it is written: "He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little.""

Christians are urged to excel in this grace of giving (2 Corinthians 8:7, above) by giving beyond what we think we can give, with an attitude of "eager willingness" and "overflowing joy." However, we're not meant to give foolishly to the point where it makes us "hard pressed" and unable to meet our needs (2 Corinthians 8:13, above). We're meant to give willingly, according to our means (2 Corinthians 8:11-12, above). For example, if you earn less money than another person does then you shouldn't feel bad about not giving as much as that other person because you don't have as much as that person. You should give willingly based on what you do have, not based on what you don't have (2 Corinthians 8:12, above).

I don't want a guilt trip regarding the 10% tithe rule. For those that do follow that religously, all I have to say is, My hat's Off to You. You're awesome in that you are faithful to God, your conscience, and to your Minister or Pastor..... I'm being sincere as well. But ultimately though, I don't think at this time in my life, that's something I choose to do. I'm a little cautious. Faith alone, won't cause money to physically grow in my backyard. Nor will it pay my grocery bills, house payment, etc. I'm not cheating God because I do give. I just don't give the full 10% though.

...But the question still boggles my mind- I'm not wrong, right? Can some prove the tithing 10% is scriptural. I'm searching I guess.
God is a jealous God. He wants to be put before all others. He wants your "first fruits" meaning the first part of what he has already blessed you with. We all too often get caught up in the "me" factor and don't dwell on how or why we actually have what we have. We should never try to "budget god in". God's tythes should come first and then budget our lives around the 90% that is left. We all have toys, be it Buicks, boats, motorcycles, vacation homes or what ever, but we should not let them rule our lives. When something rules our lives and yes our wallets too, then God said that it is an idol. He said that there should be no other gods before him and anything that we put before him becomes a god to us. I do feel that God teaches us principals of the bible and one of the most elementary principals is to give 10% to his work. I am a born again Christian and I believe he died on the cross for my sins. Rythed in pain and anguish, died, was buried and rose again for me. Why would I squable over a measly 10% of what he has freely given me. Its 100% Gods anyway, he just lets me use it while I'm here on this earth. My wife and I don't make a fortune. Between us we range around 55K per year but we give to God what is His and live like a couple making around 49K per year and yes I have a mortgage and house payments and 2 kids with braces and they like to eat on a regular basis but God still blesses. I think we leave God out of our finances too often and we get in financial trouble as a result. We often have to "rob" God of his tythes and offerings to pay for what he didn't want us to have in the first place. God Bless and I hope this helps someone.
As an Elder in my church, I think people forget that the existance of the church depends on the offering. This includes missions, providing for the needy in the community, as well as, the MORGAGE. The main body of our church has a dollar value placed on every confirmed member in our congregation to support the whole church body. This is on top of our physical church needs. In our case, if every member averaged $5.00 more per week we would meet all of our budget goals with a small surplus. This is not near titheing for most of our members. And, I can assure you that my pastor does not drive a fancy car.

I agree with the others that if my pastor had a new Caddy and $1500.00 suits, I would move on. This behavior has nothing to do with my faith and would not dissuade me from giving my tithe to a church which I felt was truly doing Gods work with the offering.

I have been to churches that have been laced with the sins of "Who looks the best in church" or "Who acts the most effected by the Word". It's all about the show.

Remember that your relationship with God is YOURS ONLY and only you know whether or not you are trying to live by the Word to the best of your ability, and only you will answer for your actions in the end and others behavior have no bearing.
WOW? Remember Religion was created by the same minds that thought the earth was the center of the universe, you healed all ills by draining a quart of blood from the sick and you burn Witches at the stake. As man became more educated these beliefs went away for obvious reasons. Religion stayed because it was profitable to perpetuate the idea.
More wars and Human suffering have occurred in the name of Religion then all other causes. Most likely all the current conflicts and resulting deaths in the world today are the result of Religion.
Just treat others like you would like them to treat you and we will all be just fine.
To each his own
My wife tithes a bit over 10%, I don't. She's a lot more spiritual than I am, it's really about all I can do to go, luckily we found a nice liberal Methodist church that I can get along with (my history with "church" is not a pleasant one and until this church I have no pleasant memories of anything related to "church").
JESUS ask for 10%. He will bless the giver much more than that. It's between you and GOD. Not you and the church. Just remember you are the church. GOD STILL LOVES YOU.

Well put making boost, the church does depend on this to continue reaching out and passing on the word to all, true some have made a money buisness out of it but if your involved with your church and are tithing you have the right to enquire about its financial practices and they shouldn't have a problem explaining or showing you where or how the money is being put to use. I wouldn't want to have to answer for abusing the tithes. The lord loves a cheerful giver if it pains you to give than keep your $ but i'll tell you the lord does bless those who tithe accordingly.It's sad that society has become so selfish but it's written that in the end times man will become lovers of themselves, which is very evident with the way the world is today :( , don't get me wrong the lord loves you regardless,sometimes... signed a fellow christian g/n lover :biggrin:

OOPS! i forgot to backspace and left sometimes up there which lookslike i'm saying that god loves you sometimes, :eek: NO! he loves you all the time SORRY :D