Do You Tithe 10% at your Church???


"Would You Believe..."
Jul 29, 2007
I recently was confronted again with the question of Tithing 10%. I know these are tough times for many with Gas/Food Prices, and everything else, but this seems to constantly come up with family get togethers. Tithing.

I would love to tithe 10% of my gross income if I could really afford it- but I honestly don't. I sometimes wonder I'm not following God's word, and when I hear the Evangelistic Pastors/Preachers talk about "Not bring the Tithe into the Storehouse" I tend to feel bad about it- but honestly, that's quite a bit of money, considering I make a decent salary. For example, if you make 40k a year, then it's $4,000 flat you have to give to the church. If you make 80k a year, it's $8,000. This is before everything! Including the 401k I guess as well!

Anyways, besides that I have a legitimate question. Does the IRS consider all the 10% of your Gross as Charitabe non-taxable monies? Another words, do you file for an exemption for that, and get a receipt from the Church for that?

I'm having a hard time with this. I got to admit. It's quite a bit of money. I hear different things from different people regarding the 10% tithing Christian instruction. I usually throw a $10.00 bill in the offering plate and feel good about it. And I don't go to Church, every Sunday sometimes, and sometimes take a break from Church to enjoy the day doing something different with the Family.

I guess I'd love to hear other peoples thoughts about this. Can some of you guys pipe in your thoughts and opinions regarding Tithing, Giving, and whether you believe in the absolute 10% rule or Not??Thanks so much in advance... Really. :)
That is the point where I would leave and find a new church. Give what you feel you can afford and they should be happy with that.
What a business it is dont ya think! :cool:

I never get involved with Religous or Politcal debates but this just pisses me off as the "Church" is just a money making business. I was affected by this as a young child where parents couldn't afford a certain class so they kicked me and my sister out. Yeah, thanks and may god bless you too!!!
As a person who doesn't attend church as much as I should, I live buy " Give what you can!" If your giving $10.00 everytime you do attend trust me! Your giving more than some of the others there!

Taxing on that money is a good question! People like you put $10 in every visit and that adds up to several thousand dollars and the church doesn't make out any reciepts! So that is a very good question Can we claim that as "charitable contributions"?
Seeing that there is no reciept and if I remember correctly at tax time you can only claim up to $500 in charitable contributions WITHOUT reciepts. Thats quite a loss...

Scot W.
First let me answer your question about the IRS. If you file a schedule A, itemized deductions, there is a place for charitable donations. Check out this link, it will explain things

Charity Donations are Tax Deductible

as far as record keeping, the easiest way is to simply make checks to the church office and they will provide you a report at the end of the year for the irs.

Next, let me thank you for bringing up a subject which has been weighing heavily on my heart. My wife and I were having this conversation yesterday as we left church. We are guility of not giving our full tithes. What kills me is I know I should give enthusiastically given the blessings in my life. My neighbor put it very simply, the Lord allows some of us to have more so that we may do more. What we aquire and have in this life is given to us by Him that we may manage for his purposes.

The question then becomes, to me at least, how is management performing? I gotta admit if God was a stockholder in my company right now he may be considering firing my sorry self.

I don't in any way believe anyone can buy their way into heaven, but it is our job to continue the works of the church and to keep the doors open.

You really got me thinking on this one. Found these..

100 Bible verses that encourage generosity Bible verses on generosity scripture tithing tithe

Bible Topics: Tithe

I suppose I have answered my own questions. Tithing is between you and God and only he knows what you can do.
First off I think that the spirit of that rule is give what you can with a willing heart not just because you have to. That's what God looks at. If the church you attend makes you feel guilty about not giving that 10% than you should really go find another place to attend.

Secondly, it's also good to know what they do with that money. Does it go back into the church for different activities, sponsorships, staff, shelters, food/clothing banks etc. or does it go into the pastors/priests "Cadillac Fund"?

Thirdly, that money is tax exempt. We get a statement at the end of the year from our church of what we gave. You just need to fill out those little envelopes that are there so they can keep track.
I think its time I made up my own religion/church. I could come up with one that's better than all the others ones that have been made up over the last 5000 years. Knowing that Galileo was under house arrest because he wouldn't go along with the churches and was ordered to stand trial for heresy, because he believed the earth was not the center of the universe gives me problems with most religions.
Wow, it's interesting how many people are so negative regarding tithing! I know that some people tithe religiously and incorporate it into their finances, but I was feeling kind of guilty since I don't do that. I know tithing was something in the Old Testament (see below)

Malachi 3:8: ""Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings."
Malachi 3:9: "You are under a curse--the whole nation of you--because you are robbing me."
Malachi 3:10: "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

When a Christian doesn't tithe a full 10%, in my case I sometimes feel somewhat convicted about it. Like I said, I throw a $10 bill in most times I'm in Church, (usally almost 3 out of 4 weeks in a month). Sometimes I throw some extra money in for "Missions Sunday", and also guest speakers. Some of the missions monies, and extra money for local foodbank shelters, really are needed funds, and we see a lot of the end results of the work of the donations. So, ultimately, with faith and giving, you end up feeling quite blessed, and it's all good.

But again, I don't tithe 10% still. I just hope I'm not alone in my thinking. If I truly tithed a full 10% of my gross income, I would have to cut a lot of things out of my life. Then as most Christian say, "We trust God for everything, including all our finances..." I find that a little cumbersome, actually.

I see Christians that struggle, yet they tithe a full 10%. My Mother is a prime example. They tithe 10% faithfully. My Stepfather makes 50k a year, and they tithe $5k. Now, when I went over my Mothers, she was showing me things they want to sell on ebay, along with her high grocery/medical bills, and I asked what other money they had going out. She said they still tithe a little over $400.00 per month to the Church. I told her that maybe she should take care of herself, house and home 1st before giving that large sum of money to their evangelistic Church. She told me, "We're going to always tithe. We have to trust God. He always comes through and will provide." How can that be when she bounced a few checks recently, and told me that they have to do something, cause she's going broke...????
I explained to her, that tithing should be done, "If you can afford to tithe" It's not a Bill.

Am I right or wrong? I feel down about this. I don't want to ask her not do something that's part of her inner, personal, spiritual convictions. But personally speaking, if I was in her situation, one of the 1st things to go would be my tithes, if my finances were not inline....

I feel that Tithing 10% could possibly be an Old Testament law taken out of context. Many Christians disagree though. They find much fullfillment. Tithing is also a form of "Worship" to many Chrisitians. I guess I'm a logical Christian, with some common sense. I'm also scarred by much of the bad stuff (both on TV and in the News) I've seen Churches do with the congregation's money.

Not all Churches are bad though...

Can anyone add their thoughts about this? Any faithful people here who who Tithe 10%??? You don't have to get all super religious regarding this subject. Just say if it works for you, and you've seen extraordinary results. I'd like to know who here enjoys tithing 10%, and it hasn't affected any of their finances, and they are real tithers and Christians who find joy in it.

I hope I'm not stirring the pot.

I'm with you exactly V8Assassin. I know exactly how you're feeling. My wife and I are in the same situation. I do agree though, that no one can buy their way into Heaven, and it doens't make me anymore special than the next person, if I donated, 10% or 20% to the Church. If your heart isn't right with God, then you need to get straight, regardless!

ROBG- I like your comments too...
"First off I think that the spirit of that rule is give what you can with a willing heart not just because you have to. That's what God looks at. If the church you attend makes you feel guilty about not giving that 10% than you should really go find another place to attend.

Secondly, it's also good to know what they do with that money. Does it go back into the church for different activities, sponsorships, staff, shelters, food/clothing banks etc. or does it go into the pastors/priests "Cadillac Fund"?
Thirdly, that money is tax exempt. We get a statement at the end of the year from our church of what we gave. You just need to fill out those little envelopes that are there so they can keep track.

My whole thing is, that truly I feel that 10% is quite a lot. However, I also feel that I almost am willing to try it. I'm still on the fence though. I also found this really good reading regarding Tithing, on the web. It basically says that the tithing was an Old Testament Law, and it was basically regarding bringing food. Have a look at the link below:

Must Christians Tithe Ten Percent?

First let me answer your question about the IRS. If you file a schedule A, itemized deductions, there is a place for charitable donations. Check out this link, it will explain things

Charity Donations are Tax Deductible

as far as record keeping, the easiest way is to simply make checks to the church office and they will provide you a report at the end of the year for the irs.

Next, let me thank you for bringing up a subject which has been weighing heavily on my heart. My wife and I were having this conversation yesterday as we left church. We are guility of not giving our full tithes. What kills me is I know I should give enthusiastically given the blessings in my life. My neighbor put it very simply, the Lord allows some of us to have more so that we may do more. What we aquire and have in this life is given to us by Him that we may manage for his purposes.

The question then becomes, to me at least, how is management performing? I gotta admit if God was a stockholder in my company right now he may be considering firing my sorry self.

I don't in any way believe anyone can buy their way into heaven, but it is our job to continue the works of the church and to keep the doors open.

You really got me thinking on this one. Found these..

100 Bible verses that encourage generosity Bible verses on generosity scripture tithing tithe

Bible Topics: Tithe

I suppose I have answered my own questions. Tithing is between you and God and only he knows what you can do.
Wow, it's interesting how many people are so negative regarding tithing!

I told her that maybe she should take care of herself, house and home 1st before giving that large sum of money to their evangelistic Church. She told me, "We're going to always tithe. We have to trust God. He always comes through and will provide." How can that be when she bounced a few checks recently, and told me that they have to do something, cause she's going broke...????[/B]
I explained to her, that tithing should be done, "If you can afford to tithe" It's not a Bill.

I wouldn't call myself negative towards tithing and give what I feel my budget will allow.

That being said, I'm sure we have all heard the saying "charity begins at home". If your home and budget isn't in order, I don't see how one could put tithing ahead of feeding, housing and clothing oneself and their family.

I would recommend reading The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason. I found it helped with my decisions on tithing and other things.
I "give", but I don't tithe 10%. Not that I don't want to, but if I did, I just wouldn't feel right about it. I don't feel bound by tradition and reading the Bible literally. Didn't Jesus say something about, ..."Going and sell all that you have, and give it all away, and you will inherit the Kingdom of God?" There's so many ways to interpret the Bible, and people take certain things out of context.

I feel Joy during the moment of giving. I love giving a reasonable amount when the offering plate comes, but I (personally)don't get carried away. My concience says support you local Church, but within reason. Too many Church scandals, Pastors falling and doing the wrong thing, and thieves, and using money for wrong things... also, too many people with sticky fingers. I stay on the side of caution, but I give in Faith and good intentions and am usually consistent.

I sometimes give to people less fortunate. Bums and Homeless, & people less fortunate, I sometimes throw a few bucks. I give to missions sometimes, and some of the African missions seem to just break my heart. But, I also like to have extra, so sometimes I can buy Sunday dinners for my whole family. C'mon over after Church, I'm buying lunch/dinner for everyone!

This is my way of "Giving Back or Tithing" I am Christian, & Proud to be an American!
I consider myself a Christian, but I take the bible with a grain of salt and approach it as more of a guide to good morals. Some people are able to follow the Sermon on the Mount but for most it would be just about impossible. Then you have to figure out which rules from the Old Testament were supposedly tossed out by the New Testament...not to mention how many different versions there are that have been translated by god knows who. As far as the tithe goes...if they're tracking what you're putting in, then there is something wrong as they should be grateful they still have a congregation in this day and age.
Well i see there is alot opinions on this, so ill give mine. To be totally truthful, i use to give 10%, and even more, but i have drifted away from the chruch, and i havent been in awhile, infact when i got this GN i havent been going alot. Seems i give it every spare dollar. I can say that its between you, and GOD, you know your to give 10%, and i can say when i did money seem to come from everywhere, when i stopped, the money stopped, and this car hasnt ran right sense i had it. When you give, when you cant afford to is the whole reason for the tithe, because you show God you have faith in him to provide, and he builds your faith by showing you he will provide. I really miss the relationship i had with him, may he forgive me. Will a man rob GOD!
I've been tithing 10% to my GN weekly for years now. Money shouldn't have anything to do with your religious faith IMO.
....Oh Jeez, TR Custom Parts Mark. I see what's important in your life---

1chance, I think your story seems a bit sad, but you seem to know what's right, and what provides true happiness to your life. And like your sig name, "1chance," we only have 1life to make that 1chance. So, you should try and find your way back, and find your purpose and what makes you tick. I'm not saying Giving, and going to Church will make everything all better quickly, but in time, I can certainly agree with you that you'll find so many things getting better! God reigns over all. I realize that everything I have is Gods, anyways, and no matter how we give it back or worship, as long and we are humble and thankful, the blessings seem to keep pouring in... in my life as well.

Getting back to you, who knows? - If you start getting back to the Lord, and giving a little here and there to the Lord, or to your fellow man in need-
Maybe your GN will run like a top so you can really enjoy it, and get it running like Blackbeauty again! :cool:
Thx for the good words, i made it a point to put a tag on the front of the GN that dedicates a message from god, everyone likes it, and i get a chance to talk about God if they want to know what the verus means (Proverds 3:5).
Tithing - Your only returning 10% of what God allowed you to have in the first place, just the air you breath ought to be worth that ?
I used to hord my money and give what I feel is nessesary. That is me thinking I can do it all on my own mentality. Since I started giving my 10% it has come back to me in more ways then financial. At the end of the year, your church should give you a T4 slip so you can claim the money you have tithed all year, and on average you will receive a healthy return on your income tax which is all yours to do what you want with.
Do what works for you until your conviction changes. Its playing on your mind right now so something is starting to penetrate. Church is not for everybody and I will not get into verbal combat on his views verses my views because its pointless. My family is heavily into church, my Grandfather has his own church and thats the way we were brought up. If I could be a 1/4 of the man he is I would have won more then any lottery could possibly give me. So I will just say, to each is own. For me, I am comfortable with tithing and I couldn't care less what the church does with it. Thats on them. I did my part and thats all that matters to me. I am not a die hard bible thumper, but I am very well adversed in the Bible. I ain't perfect and don't put on a front like I am. I make mad mistakes and fall short of God's glory daily, but he still loves me.:D