Does Meth Get Old and Go Bad?


May 26, 2001
I'm guessing the answer to this is no but why not ask.

Does meth go bad like gas can? I know it can pull in moisture. I've got 5 gallons I bought in August stored in a 5 gal. race fuel jug. The jug sits in the front of my garage and it can get pretty cold in there. Also wondering about the meth that is sitting in my underhood tank because the car is stored and just starting it up once a month won't use the meth.

So whaddaya think:D
Meth will pull enough moisture over time to give it a yellowish tint, you should get more and dump the yellowish at that point. I've always stored meth in a metal sealable can, off the floor, and not in direct sunlight. You'd be surprised at how much more moisture is wicked into it when it's on the floor.
I dont know but i bought some year before last (mar 07) in a 5gal sealed bucket actually a 5 gal & another 1/2 bucket (10gal. total) of another that i set in a storage building (wooden floor) (dark/cool)but then again warm in summer but not hot) after i spunned a bearing. Got my rebuild back together (Feb 08)and used the last of it , all 7 gal. in a 5month period, i finished the last of it earlier this month (Dec 08).

When i poured it into the alky container it was the same color as yr before last. now i dont recommend you or anyone else to do it, but i wasnt gonna pour it out unless it had a different color, besides i didnt know how long the vender had it in his drum sooo:confused: I used it anyway & i was fine.
just a random thought... when i raced dirt track i never stored alcohol in plastic, we ordered some high dollar stuff and they told us not to put it in plastic because the plastic absorbed the alcohol and cut down on how strong it was
buickrob,run the meth through the season junk the rest.inmo it's not worth the risk of moisture contamination.fresh drum is alot cheaper than motor parts or the time chasing knock.