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He weighed 12.5 pounds at 7 weeks, 11 pounds at 9 weeks (Parvo), now he is 28 pounds at 12 weeks!


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We feed our German Shepherds TASTE OF THE WILD. It was rated 6 stars, $55.00 for 50lbs bag. Their coats are shiny and Max our male (the one on the right) has a sensitive stomach (a.k.a. exploding butt trick) and no longer any problems. Sorry about the blury picture.


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Hills science diet here.

She still does this at age 7!



Don't worry, she isn't over worked...


Mr. Yoshi was on science diet when I left on deployment 8 months ago, now he is staying with my parents and eats tons of table scraps and won't hardly touch dog food anymore.... The good thing is my parents have trained him to baby sit and answer emails.... that Sheba has become spoiled rotten.


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ok back home here. Guess I have some reading to do. I did just get some Science Diet large puppy food for Hunter to try.. From glancing at some of the posts your dogs eat better than me :eek::p
Growing up in the 40s on a farm,I never saw dry dog food.What they got is what we had left for scraps.Didnt hurt them none.When they had problems with the food awhile back,My vet had me get healthy choice.$50 for 35 lbs.Been on it for 3yrs & he looks & feels good.I also give him some boiled deer burger with his meal.Sometimes deer steak.He eats the whole deer.Well not all at once.Takes about 8 months.Makes me happy to see that there still people out there who care and spoil their pets:smile:
ok back home here. Guess I have some reading to do. I did just get some Science Diet large puppy food for Hunter to try.. From glancing at some of the posts your dogs eat better than me :eek::p

Dan, I spent the last few nights reading up on dog foods.......:eek:

I am amazed at all the junk sh8t foods that are out there that I thought were good. I will be changing my babies food ASAP.
Dan, I spent the last few nights reading up on dog foods.......:eek:

I am amazed at all the junk sh8t foods that are out there that I thought were good. I will be changing my babies food ASAP.

To What?
Actually we (wife):biggrin: is going to start making her own. (the dogs)food that is. If I must buy again it will be Orijen/Innova or Wellness.

Cool, that sounds interesting :eek::biggrin:
I LOVE FILAS!!! I've owned two and will definately own another. The best dog and best friend I've ever had was my male Fila name Apollo. He passed away at age 7 from bloat and I've shed tears for him ever since. My wife and I got a little tired of having to lock him up like Hannibal Lechtor. We got a Great Dane and we love our Dane who is now 10 months old but he can't replace my Pollo. I also own a Neo Mastiff. He's 5 and is a HORSE and is 200lbs. I've also owned a Presa Canario who we had to put down because she had a rare blood disease. How do you love your Fila? Aren't they most loyal LOVING PROTECTIVE DOGS IN THE WORLD!!!! The only bad part is they are basically a loaded weapon with strangers.

We have been feeding our dogs the cheap Kroger brand Purina Dog Chow as long as I can remember, I just looked what it said in the ingredients and the very first one is: Whole grain corn, poultry by-product meal.... I think this may be another fable/old wives tales because we have dogs that are growing up right along side our 11 & 13 yr old kids since they were as young as 2mo old!! ;)
Sure the feed places food might be better but the million dollar question is "Just how much"? When I see how well our dogs are doing, I will stick to the cheap Kroger food store Purina Dog Chow 20lb bags for $9.00.

* Brazillian Mastiff- 6yrs old weighs 178lbs (Our ADT system!) :biggrin:

* Yellow Lab - 14-15yrs old FAT! Still see's, still plays a little, still hears!

* Boxer Puppy - 9mo old and completely all muscle.

* Cat - 10yrs old & FAT! Perfect health!

We also feed our dogs table food/scraps NOT MUCH but they all get some left overs after we eat..

NOTE: Look at the Mastiff taking up 3/4 of the Love seat! lol All our animals are SPOILED ROTTEN!!
Here's pics of my breed types they aren't my exact dogs because I don't have any pics downloaded on this PC but imagine how much pooper scooping goes on!! We feed Grain Free and right now am feed Innova Evo.


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OMG If I had a quarter for every time I heard that there would be a GNX in the driveway. LOL:):)
My Bull Terrier had a real problem with gas!!!!

Switched to Natural Balance and I can now breathe without gagging!!!:biggrin:

He's still a pup, 10 mo.


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If you guys haven't heard of a Fila look them up. They are the ULTIMATE in home protection and far more effective then any weapon or gun.
bigcap Fila's are great dogs and ultimate protectors. I'm a Bull Mastiff fan because they are extremely lazy yet vigilant protectors. Nothing I hate more that coming home from work and dealing with a hyper dog. When I come home my BM looks at me and says, "What's up bro", then goes back to sleep. What are Fila's energy levels like?
Filas just want to be near you at all times and don't ever want you out of their sight. They will literally spoon with you in bed and the closer they can get to you the better. The love that comes from a Fila is UNCOMPARABLE. That breed is the ultimate lover and the ultimate protector. As they get older hey become very lazy like every other mastiff but still are like a loaded Glock.:mad:
as they get older hey become very lazy like every other mastiff but still are like a loaded Glock

The more I hear the more I like. I dig unique dogs (Filas). BM are really affectionate too but I've always read they are more like scarecrows. THey will confront intruders and take them down... but not attack.
I LOVE FILAS!!! I've owned two and will definately own another. The best dog and best friend I've ever had was my male Fila name Apollo. He passed away at age 7 from bloat and I've shed tears for him ever since. My wife and I got a little tired of having to lock him up like Hannibal Lechtor. We got a Great Dane and we love our Dane who is now 10 months old but he can't replace my Pollo. I also own a Neo Mastiff. He's 5 and is a HORSE and is 200lbs. I've also owned a Presa Canario who we had to put down because she had a rare blood disease. How do you love your Fila? Aren't they most loyal LOVING PROTECTIVE DOGS IN THE WORLD!!!! The only bad part is they are basically a loaded weapon with strangers.
Your dogs are beautiful!! Yes we love our fila and he is our home security. He is fine when I bring someone in but when we are not home people who come over quite regularly can't get past the door! ;) Our new boxer comes in a close second to our fila in terms of loyalty and an awesome dog. I would have never thought that of boxers but he is only 9mo old now and solid muscle and he stands right next to our fila when he's barking at someone, It's like he's his dad or something...really cute!

A Home security salesman came by the house just 3 day's ago trying to sell me an alarm system and my Brazillian Mastiff (fila) was literally pushing me aside and trying to shove his nose past me to get at this guy and he looked at him and said "is that a dog"? My reply "No, That's my security system"!! LOL Then I said, "So I don't think I will need that Alarm"...

The filas temper and anger comes on like a light switch and it will literally scare the S**t out of ya when they explode! One time we were laying in the living room with the lights out resting and in the pitch dark someone came up the stairs and the fila was sitting at the door waiting real quietly then "BAM" he just exploded and I almost fell off the couch. He will always Push past me to smell/check out the person we are letting in the house... Very cool dogs..