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Here is my Baby, don't know what I would do without her!:p You guys have some beautiful babies as well. If you can't spoil them, you don't need them!


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i'm not sure what my parents feed him, but he's got a beautiful coat and is hyper hyper hyper these days... 3 years old, mini schnauzer named Sammy
as a puppy at 14 weeks i think, football's almost bigger than him

with his favorite toy, a tennis ball



1 year old



i think this is when he;s 2 years old

I really should get newer pics....
BARF is an excellent diet and is probably the best things for the dog to eat and mimics what they would naturally be eating in the wild. If I had the time to dedicate to the prep I would do it.
Some really good looking dogs in this thread.:cool: My 2 brats are mutts but they are still my babies.:smile: Red who I can't keep in her pen, and baby girl. Red was dropped of by one of my land lords friends and Baby Girl was found out in a field, starved and beaten.:mad: My former boss brought her to the shop and kicked her out.:mad: She adopted me and doesn't like to let me out of here sight.:cool: Red's a sweet dog but I can't trust her at all. I spent an hour tonight looking for her because she got out. She'll eat cats if she gets a chance and my neighbors aren't happy about it.:frown:


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BARF is an excellent diet and is probably the best things for the dog to eat and mimics what they would naturally be eating in the wild. If I had the time to dedicate to the prep I would do it.

My vet says that the "Barf" diet is extremely dangerous to the health of your pet!!! Uncooked/raw meat can carry all kinds of bacteria that can kill your dog!!! Dogs are domesticated and as such have a weakened immune system unlike a wolf or coyote!!

Take good care of your dogs, dont give them raw meat!!!
I feed my dogs raw meat and veggies on a fairly regular basis. Have done so for many years. We have never had any ill effects, quite the contrary.
Weester, about 10 years ago the vets I knew were 80% against BARF and 20% for. In the last few years most (not all) have decided it is ok and some of them feed Raw now.

My wife is a vet, her 3 best friends are vets....we all feed raw. Ask another vet and you will get a different opinion...ask another still and you will get another opinion :-)

I have been feeding raw for about 16 years without a single ill effect and that is over 23 dogs.

Weester, about 10 years ago the vets I knew were 80% against BARF and 20% for. In the last few years most (not all) have decided it is ok and some of them feed Raw now.

My wife is a vet, her 3 best friends are vets....we all feed raw. Ask another vet and you will get a different opinion...ask another still and you will get another opinion :-)

I have been feeding raw for about 16 years without a single ill effect and that is over 23 dogs.



I was just trying to "educate" people as to the risks of raw food!! My vet has told me of several dogs brought into him with fatal bacterial infections from owners who fed them "raw" food!!! I'm not saying you shouldnt give them raw food, I'm just pointing out the risks involved!

Anyone interested in these risks, read this:

You're feeding me what?: BARF - The Dark Side
Dammm... sounds like guys have some mean dogs in here :eek: Ok this doesn't relate to food BUT does your homeowners insurance co cover you ??? Up here they have a BIG problem with BIG/MEAN dogs . I had to sign a waiver to get insurance and Hunter would only lick you to death :biggrin: They are even starting to get tuff on dogs and other things in NH (Live FREE or Die state!!) .
That's cool. I'm just pointing out that between the 4 vets I know personally who feed raw, plus the 3 breeders (not vets) that adds up to about 80 dogs eating raw...none of which have gotten sick from it.

There are greater risks to be had eating dry kibble but that seems to be what the majority of pet owners feed these days.

I've never personally heard of a raw food I feed my dogs being recalled but there sure were a lot of dry foods that were.

We used to feed kibble and some of our dogs during that time died of cancer. Since feeding cancer so it is raw for me :-)
We used to feed kibble and some of our dogs during that time died of cancer. Since feeding cancer so it is raw for me :-)

Well this is why I was wondering about what guys fed their dogs. I have had a lot of German Shepherds.. All lived on reg old dog food from the grocery store. Life span was usually 6/7 years. My last dog "Willie" lasted to 13 1/2 BUT I tried feeding him Science Diet dog food. So I "think" a little MAY have been better food BUT then a little voice said "maybe it was a better breeder". Now guys are in here saying all the food is junk. SOOO I asked the vet again (different Dr. for Hunters final shots). She also said keep it a good brand of food. So my decision is stay with what maybe kept Willie goin for so long. Puppy loves it !! Ya he loves people food to :cool: Poor bugger has a tuff life :rolleyes:


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Keep in mind vets also get to mark up the kibble they sell so it is in their best interest to keep you away from raw.

Another point is when vets go to school they are usually given free Science Diet for their own pets and the only 'nutrition' class they get is sponsored and presented by Hills.

Not all kibble is junk but 95% of what you find on the shelf is.

I'm not advocating running out to the store and buying a turkey to drop in front of your dog.

The stuff we feed is ground up and comes in large tubes which are kept frozen until fed. Personally the tripe is my favorite...bleh....

Hare Today, Gone Tommorow
Raw meat & veggies.Its fine.But the best way I think is to grow your own veggies & raise your own critters or do like I do.Shoot wild game.That way there you know what was sprayed or injected into the meatThink about that nice juicy steak you just bought at the store.You dont think that they injected some crap in it to preserve it so as to make it last longer.Hamburger nice and red on the outside and brown on the inside.DDT powder banned in the USA.Shipped to other countries to spray their veggies so as they can ship their produce back to us With DDT on it.Its a no win either way.Pets that die young are sometimes due to much in breeding or one of the parents had a history of ailments in its blood line.Just like humans.Cancer runs in the family you can bet your a$$ that you will end up with something.Sooner or later.Just my thoughts.
IMHO feeding raw in not the best of ideas. Dogs have been domesticated for over 10,000 years and as such aren't the same animal as their free roaming wolf cousins.
Their systems have evolved just like ours have. We also can no longer tolerate raw meat in regular diet. Nor should we expect the same from our dogs.
just out of curiosity....has anyone asked a dog what they feel like after eating raw meat? I mean come do we know they have lost the ability to eat like the wolves do?

My Siberians sure do 'wolf' down their beef hearts like it might be their last meal. Seems to me their personalities may be domesticated but their tummies sure are not.
well Hunter gets a hamburger every day at lunch with me :p so thats his fresh meat for the day . He does enjoy it !!
Grumpy.... I love my Bull Mastiff but your German Sheppard is freaking beautiful!


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Thanks .. We had Hunter up to the beach so he could interact with other people and dogs. This guy comes around the corner with a Bull Mastiff an Hunter is lookin at him like WTH is that. He was huge and friendly !! Dogs are like kids.. Pretty and great when they are puppy's !! Then they grow up :p