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Domestic Fly-by


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Active Member
May 24, 2001
Today had its ups and downs, that's for sure.

We went to the church this morning where my daughter was competing in the "PowderPuff Derby" (the Girl Scouts' verison of the Boy Scouts' Pinewood Derby) using a car I made for her. I've always made the cars for my kids when they compete in the PowderPuff/Pinewood Derbys and they've usually won. This time was no different. Using a car that my son used last year (but repainted by my wife suitable for a young girl), she took home the first place trophy. :D

Next up is my son's football game at 13:00. This is a 4th-5th grade team and I'm a coach. We lost the toss and had to kick off. The opposing team received and was taken down. On their first possession, TD. :mad: Extra point was good. :mad: They kick off and I don't remember if it was on our first or second down but they recovered a fumble and we're back on defense. Their first down they got another TD. :mad: This ain't lookin' good. Once again they kick off and they stopped us in four downs so we punted. Their first down and they score a TD. :mad: Well, instead of boring you with all the details, we lost 34-13. We scored a TD in the last second to bring it to 13 and the damn refs wouldn't let us go for the extra point because the clock was at 0. :mad:

On the way home, I'm on a 4-lane divided highway sitting at a red in the left lane. A see a ricer at the light going in the opposite direction. So I slip on into the left turn lane and when I got the green arrow, I make a u-turn to go the same way as the ricer.

The ricer was a green Eclipse with a big-ass aluminum wing and ubiquitous fart pipe. I believe it was a second-generation eclipse.

I drive slow enough to let him catch up and as luck would have it, I get the next red light with him. So I look over and give him this evil chit-eatin' grin and spool up the turbo a little (not enough to make a pound of boost, but enough so he could hear it and so I could get a fair launch). At the green I shoot off but he isn't going, so I let out. Then I can hear and see him going for it. So I mash the gas pedal.

Ricer Fly-by: DENIED

I figured I'd be done with this for surely he had learned his lesson. Next light, I make a right. I'm behind a pickup truck at this point and the ricer is behind me. As soon as we complete the turn, the ricer whips it into the left lane and goes buzzing past me and the pickup truck in front of me. So I move into the left and hammer it. I no time I'm a couple car lengths behind the ricer with the fart pipe blaring in my face. We're both well ahead of the pickup and the road ahead is still clear. I move into the right lane and whiz past him like he was standing still.

Domestic Fly-by: SUCCESS

I stay into it for a few more 18-wheeler lengths just so he'd know that resistance was futile. I then hit the brakes. Oh yeah, better hit the flashers, too. :rolleyes: But only for a couple seconds. ;)

Un-funking-believable. He's trying another fly-by. Oh well, no sense in wasting any more gas on him. Especially since there's traffic and a light up ahead.

Now he's ahead and we're slowing down for the traffic and a light. I roll my window down and pull beside him and yell...

Well, at least it looks fast!

Him: I ain't stupid! I know those cars are fast! Those are the baddest cars ever made!

Me: Nah. This ain't that fast. I get beat by Mustangs!

Then I made a right at the light and went home.
awesome kill

thats a great story i do that all the time except no matter what he aint gettin by lol. i am to dumb to realize it saves gas when you dont race lol. no ricer fly by complete yet hey lol same here
This reminds me of the time I raced a bright orange '70 nova on a 3 lane road at night once, raced from a light up to about 75mph, I let off, and tapped the brakes to show him I was done, and he slowed down and paced me about 2 "18 wheelers" back for a while. A minute or two later I hear him downshift and punch it to do a "domestic" flyby, I let him get about 2 cars back, and I stomped it(60-65mph roll) and he made it to my rear quarter before I started to pull him, I got about 3 lengths on him, then let off. We came up to another light(ironically) but he got into the left turnlane, whipped a U-turn and sped off. But I'll never forget the look on his face before he made the U-Turn, he looked over at me not with suprise, but with "intense" anger, like he wanted to ring my neck! I just had to smirk and throw him a little wave before he sped off. :D

Moral of the story: Some men get angry at the opponent, but it is the wise man who knows there is no opponent.
Originally posted by lyonsd
We scored a TD in the last second to bring it to 13 and the damn refs wouldn't let us go for the extra point because the clock was at 0. :mad:
I feel sorry for you, your team, and your league if you have refs like that. Any body who knows any thing about football knows the extra point attempt is an un-timed down. Therefore the time on the clock is not relevant. The only time this is not the case is in a sudden death overtime. Oh well, I guess they figured it wouldn't change the out come of the game. Hopefully it doesn't bite you in the butt in a future tie breaker (however I don't imagine it would). I'll stop now. Good luck with the rest of your season.

Re: Re: Domestic Fly-by

Originally posted by Turbo Ryan
Hopefully it doesn't bite you in the butt in a future tie breaker (however I don't imagine it would).

We play 7 games and that's it. No playoffs or anything.

We've probably got the greenest team in the league. This is the first year for most of our players. The other coach picked this team (before I became a coach) so the same players would together and with us for a couple more years.

We've lost three and won one. The ref decision POed both of us coaches. But not as much as the lack of heart our players had for this game. The team that beat us wasn't that good. But they rolled all over us in the first half. The missed tackles were in abundance. We held them to one TD in the 2nd half though. Our players showed a little more motivation in the 2nd half, and their tackling improved a little.