Things to keep in mind about some Aeromotive pump failures is that a lot of guys run a fuel cell in the trunk and put the pump in the trunk, that's going to cause the pump itself to run hotter and reduce it's life. Most likely you are going to mount the pump under the trunk area and get air at it while cruising. But E85 or E100 is a cooler fuel but the lubricity might offset that and cause the pump to run hotter, haven't seen back to back test on that yet.
1st thing is if you plan on using the stock tank and hanger setup, you will want to redo the systems fuel lines. Run -8 feed ( minimum IMO ) and a -6 return. For the return you can do a few things to get the -6 back to the tank, Turbofabricator came up with a nice way to run an external fuel reg. You can also do a true dual -6 out the top of the pump hanger and then Y those lines into one -10 etc if you wanted.
Now that you have a -6 return you can run both Walbro pumps at the same time and not choke up the reg to lower the pressure to say 38psi base.
A2000 is a drag pump for carbs, won't work on an EFI street car.