Just a little update.
Got the cheap tester tube and put it to work.
When to two different stations and got a gallon from each place on the same day.
One tested as e70 ( Thorntons ) and the other tested as e80 ( Kroger )
I retested each one a 2nd time, and go the same results.
Worked out nicely and well worth it. I can now quickly test right there at the pump basically.. if i see a low reading i can say screw this and
goto the other place and try again and hope for a better result before buying 10 gallons of it for the track.
Just an FYI ... you really wont see a big difference if any between E85 and E80 as far as performance goes ...
I've used E70 that has out performed ( at the track) E85 ...
Its like looking at boost numbers or AFR numbers... its relative
Whats important to realize is that regardless of what you put in the tank.. E70, E80, E85 you need to watch how the car reacts to it and fine tune to get 100% out of it.