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Electrical fault with Alky kit ?(Razors)


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I ran into an odd issue with my Alky system too. One day I noticed the red power light was not illuminated. It just mysteriously went out and the Alky system was not working. I went under the dash and found one of the CAT5 plugs had come out of the coupler. I really didn't think much of it so, I plugged it in. I turned the ignition on and the red "power on" light was lit on the controller. I then turned the ignition off and tucked the wires back under the dash and replaced the lower dash panel so I could take the car out. I put all my tools away jumped in the car, turned the key and the light was out on the controller again. I got the tools out and removed the lower dash panel to find the CAT5 wire had come out again. I plugged it in and listened for the "click" to confirm proper plug engagement. With ever-so-slight twisting of the wire, the plug will come out. It would come out during the "tucking away" of the wiring. I noticed both ends of the plug would come out, even after the reassuring "click" during plug engagement. I'm not twisting the wires firmly at all to make them come out. Just the slightest angled pressure on the plug and out they come.
To fix it I loosely wrapped a wire tie around the base of each plug. Then joined the base ties with two more ties going across the coupler.
After the wire ties going across have been run through the base ties, pull the base ties tight. Then, pull the ties going across tight. This pulls the plugs toward each other preventing them from coming out of the coupler.
Change the coupler. Any part that ever gives you an issue.. nuke it.

If you want to zip tie over the new coupler fine. The thing is its given you trouble for whatever reason. They are available through me or any computer store.


Thanks Julio. I may pick up another coupler just to see, but now that I have it all tied up there's no way it will come unplugged. I wanted to share this with the OP to be sure he has a proper connection at the coupler at all times. I would have never thought it could have come unplugged because it clicked during engagement. If you pull straight out on the plugs they don't come out. Add a slight angle and they fall out.

By the way, I just took the GN up the road in 98 degree heat and did a sustained 27psi top end bomb using your Alky kit. This is with a 249" engine, Cotton's front mount and a 72mm billet wheel turbo. Cheers!
Thanks Julio. I may pick up another coupler just to see, but now that I have it all tied up there's no way it will come unplugged. I wanted to share this with the OP to be sure he has a proper connection at the coupler at all times. I would have never thought it could have come unplugged because it clicked during engagement. If you pull straight out on the plugs they don't come out. Add a slight angle and they fall out.

By the way, I just took the GN up the road in 98 degree heat and did a sustained 27psi top end bomb using your Alky kit. This is with a 249" engine, Cotton's front mount and a 72mm billet wheel turbo. Cheers!
Nothing like getting hooked up some boost.

My concern is that if the plastic on the coupler has shifted.. since it doesnt lock properly... it may create a mis-alignment on the pins within the coupler. Thats why I say.. if its given you any issue.. change it out. These things unfortunately are not built in the US. I dont make couplers.. I pull and tug on them.. but the slightest inkling of an issue.. put a new one in there. The risk vs cost is astronimical.

My first controllers many years ago.. pre 2008 had no couplers and everything was hard wired. Then customers wanted flexibilty on installations.. there came the coupler and here we are o_O
My first controllers many years ago.. pre 2008 had no couplers and everything was hard wired... there came the coupler and here we are o_O

This is so true, with electronics the most unreliable item are the connectors . Very difficult to design them in with 100% reliability. It is a real tradeoff between convenience, cost, and being reliable.
