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ESP cnc ported heads


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May 22, 2003
Esp cnc ported heads $680 shipped


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Head Q's

What size valves?
What is the spring pressure?
How many miles are on them?
Were there any cracks in castings at any time?
Will stock valve covers fit?
Will they fit an 87 GN?
What type of valve job was done?
My Apologies

I'm sorry for trying to make an informative purchase, God forbid. :confused:

I won’t waste your time buy making the purchase.:eek:
Which I was going to do today until I saw your BS response.

People like you almost make me sorry I risked my life going to Iraq to defend the freedom of the stupid. :mad:
I am just saying....if you don't know anything about heads you should be looking into the tech section.....I could have told you anything and you wouldn't have known any better. For the record it wasn't just you.
Maybe you should be a better salesman and less of an aZZ? Be informative and people will buy....
Not a either know what you are looking for and you buy it or you don't.
And NOBODY was in Iraq for our freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must be a filthy liberal draft dodger.

Hmm I wouldn’t know what you said. I find that interesting since I was a tech for 5 years and spent another 5 as a mechanical claims adjuster. I have 2 college degrees and am 1 class away from a 3rd degree.

O yeah wait that’s right my Dad and Uncle both weren’t retired techs with over 70 years experience. No you’re right my questions show I have absolutely no technical aptitude at all.

Yeah sure I’ll buy them alright you can have $1 and a punch in the face for saying our soldiers in Iraq aren’t for the freedom of America. Tell that to the troops I served with that lost their lives. Better yet tell it to the face of the family’s you coward. Don’t even bother responding your obtuse “Look it up rocket scientist.
Well not to point out the obvious but anyone who knows turbo buick engines can tell from the photos they are 86-87 turbobuick heads and if you still can't tell by just glancing at them the first photo shows the 8445 casting number on the bottom of each head which means 86-87 stock turbo buick castings and also answered your other question as to will stock valve covers fit. I didn't say you didn't know anything but you don't know anything about buick heads. I didn't say nothing about you family so leave them out of this.
They break you in basic and the first thing they teach you is do what they say when they tell you and don't question it. They tell you that you are fighting over there for our freedom and you believe it period. I would bet that the families of the fallen are pissed because they were lied to and should have never been over there and I feel for them. As far as your threat goes...bring it. I can't be held responsible for your brainwashing. It was all politics.

And by the way thanks to you and justin84 for chiming in tonight you sold the heads for me.
No threat just an offer, besides I'm afraid you would hit me with your purse Sally. Tell your husband to keep you off the computer.

I'm sorry the military rejected you, I bet it was the don't ask don't tell right.

Wow your just a wealth of knowledge. Why don't you taxi in to the a local VFW and tell those boys they were brain washed and they didn't fight for fredom and report back to me if you make it out alive. Better yet grow some balls and put the uniform on for a visit to the sandbox. They like boys like you and I'm sure you will find a great guy for yourself or sheep donkey etc.

I'm done you provide no challange in a battle of wits.
I don't really have a dog in this fight. I just thought it was rude to respond to interest parties that way. Also, good luck to whoever bought the a search for ESP on here and educate yourself on what kind of peices of trash that vendor is and hope that the heads you bought are the exception ;)
Shawns been around along time and I'm very sure he knows alot more about ESP than you do and NOT from reading back post, from actually dealing with him in the past. So I don't think you have to wise him up about John.
Shawns been around along time and I'm very sure he knows alot more about ESP than you do and NOT from reading back post, from actually dealing with him in the past. So I don't think you have to wise him up about John.
My father spent over 8k there having a motor built and put in a car once upon a time but you are probably right.... I don't know much. I am done with this thread.
Hmm I wouldn’t know what you said. I find that interesting since I was a tech for 5 years and spent another 5 as a mechanical claims adjuster. I have 2 college degrees and am 1 class away from a 3rd degree.

O yeah wait that’s right my Dad and Uncle both weren’t retired techs with over 70 years experience. No you’re right my questions show I have absolutely no technical aptitude at all.

Yeah sure I’ll buy them alright you can have $1 and a punch in the face for saying our soldiers in Iraq aren’t for the freedom of America. Tell that to the troops I served with that lost their lives. Better yet tell it to the face of the family’s you coward. Don’t even bother responding your obtuse “Look it up rocket scientist.

What collage was that? I want to make sure my kids don't go there. :rolleyes:
@ TurboBuRick Kids, are you serious? I don't think inbreeding will constitute a level of intelligence that would afford them the ability to qualify for college. Obviously the apple didn't fall far from the tree. I doubt any women unless she was date raped would have lied down for douche-bag like yourself. So keep your pipe dream of getting a women pregnant to yourself and stick to what you know best and try not to get caught banging those animals. There seems to be a lot of homos on her you can hook up with try wickedsix or red regal t.

@ Red Regal T just because you also like to take it in the rear end with wickedsix, and he is your boyfriend don't hate on the good men and women that provide the very freedom your cowardly ass hides behind. Pull up your pants tell you man to get off you and pick up your rifle and and maybe you will have place to talk someday. Till that day comes shut your suck. The only thing you know about truth is you like to be donkey punched. Yeah it must be for the drugs that you are on right no I'm sure.